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Posts posted by missyk

  1. I've come back from vacation and started reading and thought that maybe it was a good day for this for me (and probably a few others, as well)

    1.) This "second home"

    2.) Friends who've been there

    3.) School starting again :wink:

    4.) Mom starting to feel better

    5.) My wonderful (adorable & goofy) husband and daughter

  2. Brenda....

    Don't know if anyone hit on it or not as i just glossed over the responses....

    Mom did 36 rounds or radiation and when the pain got TERRIBLE for her...it was generally a yeast infection in the esophagus. She said otherwise the "magic mouthwash/swallow" worked for exactly 7 minutes and she could eat almost anything during that time...shoved alot of protein down while it was working. Breads are still the worst, anything starchy is tough. Amazingly, saltine crackers and cheese were a staple even when it was really bad.

    Hopes and prays that your BIL get's what he needs to be able to eat again...mom was STARVING by the time she got the medicine to clear up the yeast infection!

    Maybe it's what is bothering him, too.

  3. Ry,

    Mom needs one starting Tuesday, she and my "daddy" are "taking off" for a couple days who-knows-where for a much needed little break.

    In the mean time, I am headed to Kansas City, MO to meet up with a great friend down there without husbands or children for our own little break. I've NEVER been without either my husband or daughter in over 6 years...so this is going to be so FUN (and a little scary leaving them alone together for 4 days!). Will be leaving Thursday afternoon and returning on Sunday evening.

    Will have you all kept close in thoughts and prayers while i'm off sight-seeing!

  4. Hi Amie!!!

    Yes, i'm still around...just so "blah" lately and not sure how to shake it or even what's CAUSING the blah's. I feel like this should be such a happy time...Mom's done with radiation and on a little break before we zap the remining "spot" and hopefully make her emptyheaded and before we begin the next rounds of chemo...but i'm just NOT. I've been reading the boards, just haven't had much to say that seemed to make much of a difference...and I'm not much for just talking to hear myself talk lately! :? Used to not be a problem! :wink:

    Hope Suki is gettin along better...as always, you both, as are all on here, are in my prayers.


  5. Oh how awful!!! :cry::cry:

    Dee, we will miss you so!! Library is a good idea...and you always have to love the friends that have computer access at their homes they're willing to share with you! Hoping you can find some time to come and visit with us and keep us updated on Claire and yourself!!

    I was given my "walking papers" from the job i held last year, turns out that i ended up with more pay and less drive at the one i'm at now. Blessings sometimes sneak up on us in the most amazing way!

    Prayers for you and Claire always!

  6. Bruce...

    Welcome to the family! As said before, i'm sorry you had to come, but glad to see you and glad for your post.

    My mom did 5 rounds of taxol/carbo, one a week and radiation daily...she has found herself shorter of breath than she's ever been before and the dr.'s can't quite agree about why. The rad. onc. says it's the radiation, the pulmonologist says it's cardiac, cardiologist says it's lungs...etc etc. All we know for sure is that her breathing isn't what it used to be and she still has all of both her lungs. I wish i could be of more use for information...my suggestion would be to fill your signature profile out as completely as you can and hit up the wonderful onc doc's on here for their opinion.

    Prayers for you that your breathing improves dramatically!!

  7. Amie...

    Good lord, i don't check posts for ONE day and you come on with this one! Kick Suki in the tush and tell her to knock it off! :lol: You know (and i hope everyone else does!) i'm kidding.

    Man! Would be nice to just have all the possible complications NOT show up!!! I'm SO sorry, hun, that she's having to deal with this and that you're one busy "bunny" yet again. It WILL slow back down, i promise!!!!

    Sending lots of prayers for Suki's quick recovery from this complication and lots of love to both of you!! Remember to take a few moments each day, if nothing else, for AIME!!!!

  8. ((((Pat))))

    There is not a day go by that i don't sit down and berate myself for some of the same things that you've confessed to. It IS being human. HE knows we struggle to walk the walk...it's part of our journey through life whether we are dealing with the beastie or not. You carry yourself with grace on these boards, offering help to those in need, advice to those seeking, and love to those who feel even just a bit down that day. What would we do without you? :shock: I don't even want to imagine.

    Thank you for your heartfelt post. It reminded me yet again that in my world, it's not all about me, either.

    All my love to Team Brat!! And prayers for Pat and Brian...and everyone else, too!

  9. Joeh...

    I don't have any personal experience to share with you...but i can tell you that i believe there is always HOPE and a chance for a miracle!! I believe it deep in my heart and soul.

    Will keep you and your sister in my prayers!

  10. Nothing is better to hear than the prospect of "cured"!! :D Congratulations on such great news!!

    So far mom's really had little problems with the chemo other than the white cells that bottom out, and she's odd about stuff like that anyway. Chemo isn't quite like it used to be "back in the day". Definately still side effects, but something to think about, at least!

    I'm so happy for you and Suki!! :D:D:D She's so lucky to have her little girl pulling for her all the time! Keep up the great work and remember that indeed miracles DO happen! :wink:

  11. Thanks to you all...wanted to let ya know that because of the results...and because of her continued white count suppression, we're changing game plans!!! LOL (always seems like that's what happens!) :wink:

    She's going to finish the 8 radiation days left and discontinue the rest of the scheduled chemo. Once she's done with radiation, she'll be starting the 5 hour, once every three weeks hammering with carbo/taxol (it's working, might as well keep using it!!!) Somewhere in there she's going to schedule the SRS again for that lil bugger left in her mostly empty head! :shock:

    We are completely overjoyed :D:D at the results and with the new treatment plan...i finally feel like her dr's are workin in unison instead of pulling against eachother!

  12. There is a lil down news...the "speck" they saw (about 5mm) last time did grow a lil...it's now at about 1 cm. BUT...the tumor they hit with SRS is almost gone and they are now planning on zapping this second one about two weeks after she's done with the rest of treatment. We're SO encouraged and happy :D ...she's not empty headed, but the only thing that did show up was a little growth of something we knew to be there, no "new"!!!!!

    While we've been having all the trouble with PE with her, she's had multiple CT's of her chest...so, we checked on progress with the primary tumor and lymphnodes, too. Additional good news!!! Her onc told her "the chemo and radiation are doing what they're supposed to be doing....there is significant changes" Wheeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

    And one last great piece of news! She's only got 8 radiation days left!!! We're not sure how many chemo they're going to be able to get into her, but she's pushing to get the 5th one in today!! She doesn't want to drag that out any longer than she's got to!

    Thank you all for your support and prayers! He does work miracles!! Believe it and never give up hope!

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