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Posts posted by missyk

  1. I can tell you that even at 31 years old and understanding completely what was going on AND Mom having short hair...the first time we "buzzed" it after chemo made me emotional.

    But..remember that not ALL chemo will cause alopecia anymore, and some that do are NOT complete!

    I think it's a wonderful idea to prepare the kids (especially at their ages) for the probability that your hair will thin at the least and be gone at the most. I just want you to know that not EVERYONE loses all their hair! LOL Mom lost a patch on the right side of her head and thinned all over and since she had short hair, it looked terrible so we buzzed her.

    Many prayers for you ALL...do what your gut tells ya to...it's usually right!


  2. I honestly, when we first started down this road, never expected to be here saying that she'd finished her WBR!! And I'm so excited to be! I just happened to get to be there for the last one today and her meeting with the doc. My class schedule worked out so I could be. After shaking his hand (all of us) and thanks all around...Mom's headed home to relax (HA!) for a month before they rescan to see if it did any good. Hospice is still checking in on her regularly, which I'm so appreciative of...I know that if anything should "happen" I'll know about it as soon as possible. One never knows if my SF will remember how to work the phone! LOL

    We're coming up on 13 months since she was diagnosed quickly and it seems like the rollercoaster won't ever end...yet I love each moment that we're riding and take such pleasure on the little "ups" we have along the way!

    Way to go, Mom!!! That mask is just beautiful!! (WEIRD how it fit ME, too, though! LOL :lol: Guess we MUST look that much alike!)


  3. Shirley...

    I'm so sorry that your family is having to deal with this :(

    Mom had SRS (stereotactic radiosurgery...similar to Cyberknife) on a one inch and a one centimeter tumor met in her brain. Both were extremely successful for well over 10 months (the dr's are still stumped by the original coming back in the same place, actually)...I know Cyberknife has been used for many more places than just the brain. Best of luck to your father and to you. And many prayers and hugs along the way!!!

  4. Meredith...

    Welcome aboard!! I'd never heard of small cell cervical cancer...so of course I had to google it. I'll let Mom know that you're here if she doesn't find you herself. She is a 15+ year cervical cancer survivor who was treated only with external radiation and implants...she might have some information for you...or at least an understanding ear.

    GREAT to see you're NED!! Many prayers for you and yours! xoxo

  5. Mom would eat just sliced roast beef, turkey, ham...deli slices rolled up to get the protein since she didn't much care for the boost or ensure. She said breads and pastas were her worst for some reason. McDonalds hamburgers and cheese burgers went down, too! Guess it was all the grease! LOL She did finally go with the magic mouthwash at the very end of treatment. It gave her about 4 minutes to be able to get some food down without severe pain...but it made her gag to take it. Take the good with the bad, I guess! LOL

    Hope he finds something that works! Mom wasn't a noodle and ensure kinna gal going thru it, either...

  6. Lori...

    First, the insurance ppl have GOT to be nuts!! *sighs* with you. I just wish I had any advice at all about it for you.

    Is Mom still on decadron (or other)?? Sounds like she's just not herself and chances are there's SOMETHING going on. If it's not medication side-effects of some sort or another I'd second the opinion on trying antidepressants.

    Great big hugs and much, much love to you and your family. Vent away, darlin...we're listening and sending up our prayers! xoxo

  7. Lordy I didn't know what to do without the site being up!! Mom asked me every day (sometimes more than once!) if it was back...glad to see it is (though I can't get to the message boards from the left, have to go up to the right for it to get me there!) and THANKS Katie and Rick for geting it all figured out!! xoxo

  8. Carleen (and all of you who responded!) thank you so much! I feel so selfish sometimes, worrying about ME and what *I* might have planned or be wanting to plan!! But, Carleen, I compeletely understand about "friends" not even asking after a while about planning things! I feel so isolated sometimes, simply because I CAN'T plan for next week, even! Who knows what's going to happen? Yet, if I think THAT too much I start to think that NONE of us knows what next week will bring. *sighs* It just gets so overwhelming, sometimes. Thanks again, guys. I really DID expect to pick up some grief for being "selfish" about it all...you prove, once again, how you ALL understand that sometimes we all get in a mood. :)


  9. Where everything seems to be settling in and the "normal" just ticks me off!!

    I'm not mad at Mom...I'm not mad at anything in particular, actually. I guess if I had to say I was mad AT something, it would be lung cancer in general. But it's not even that.

    I'm so tired of life being up in the air. I'm tired of wondering if what *I* have planned for this week, or next, or the next will be tossed out the window because of something or another that happens. I have NO problem taking time to do what needs done, believe me! It just seems so unfair that we're all in such limbo...just wait and see. I love that Mom and I get time, now that school's done for the year, to spend together and that I'm going to take a couple days to take her to treatment so my step-dad can get some stuff done. That makes me happy, actually. I feel like I'm back to doing SOMETHING, at least. But it's when I look at the "future" and wonder what's going to happen out there that I get so stinking frustrated.

    Just one of those nights, like I said. I'm sorry to be such a downer. Thoughts sometimes find their way in and rattle around 'till I let them out and I don't know a better place than this to do it. xoxo

  10. Dang,dang,dang...Many, many prayers going for Teri...that she finds that miracle we're all praying for, that she finds comfort, and that she's at peace.

    Thanks, Don and Lucie, for the update.

  11. Carleen...

    I know there's no way that words on a screen can compare to what you're going through right now...just know that I (as we ALL are!) praying every moment that Keith gets that healing! I'm praying for your strength, to lift you up and let God fill you when you're at your weakest. And I'm praying that you know peace with the journey you're taking with your dear Keith.

    I wish I had more than prayers to give to you...but know you're always in my thoughts and prayers. I'm so sorry that Keith is having to go through this and that you're having to worry.

    I know those words of "I can't do this"...I say them often myself. As Val said...you ARE doing it. Sometimes whether we like it or not, we're doing it. And we keep doing it because we have no other choice and we love. We're here for you. Lean on us. Let us help you.

    Much love and prayers...

  12. Toss another insomiac on the fire, I guess...'cause I've dealt with it for about the past 9 years. Yes, NINE! LOL Mine started with the loss of my first daugther and I've never been able to remedy it yet. (I'm SO glad most of you have been able to find something to work!)

    I tried Ambien, Lunesta, and Sonata...none worked even after my doctor told me to double the "normal" dose. Three hours later I was still sitting up wondering why that few minutes until it kicked in was taking so long! :shock:

    The good news? I'm living proof that you can survive with insomnia. The bad news? *I'M* proof you can live with insomnia. :lol::lol:

    Sure hope you find a way to get some sleep, Val...I konw it's a horribly rough time right now and you're WAY stressed. Keep using the remedies and talk to your doctor about trying a prescription aid for a little while to "reset" or at least to get some much needed rest.

    Great big hugs to you and much love,

  13. I'm so sorry you're having a rough time of it right now. This disease is such a rollercoaster and there are no small ups or downs, it seems.

    As far as your question goes...

    All I can tell you is how we go about our lives knowing that Mom's supposedly on the last leg of this journey.

    We spend time together. We do the "normal" things that we've always done. We laugh, we cry, we even argue. Every single time I see her I try to soak in all the goodness I can from the visit and keep it with me. Some things have had to be adapted. My mom's still relatively young (56) but now she doesn't drive...so we drive for her in her car. She can't walk much distance at all so if we go out we have a wheelchair or she takes a store scooter if they have one. But alot of times we just sit around talking...something we've always done anyway.

    No matter how much time is left...it's time. Make memories, and enjoy it as much as you can.

    Many prayers for you and your mom.

  14. Tom...

    My best advice is to call your doctor and tell him the symptoms you're having and your concerns. It's never "jumping the gun"...it's being proactive in your own care. If you have concerns, call. My Physician's Assistant and Mom's doctors remind us "the squeaky wheel gets the grease" and I whole-heartedly believe it!

    Plus, nothing would feel better than to have your fear relieved, right?

    It IS possible for something to creep back up rather quickly between scans...at least with the NSCLC that Mom's fighting, but I don't know much about Pancoast. There are others with more experience with those who I'm sure will drop by to let you know.

    Hugs and many prayers that you get to feeling better and that it's simply "something else" going on that's easily taken care of. xoxo

  15. Hello and welcome!!

    I'm so sorry that you've had to go searching but so glad you found your way here! There is no better group I know than these wonderful people who have "been there/done that" and are willing to share experiences with you. There has not been one joy or one heartache that have come where there wasn't someone who could relate directly.

    Great big hugs to you and your mom...Keep coming back and sharing, asking, or just peeking in. Prayers for your mom and for your family.

  16. Lori...

    I'm SO glad that things seem to be shaping up and heading the right direction!! Gives me hope that the insurance crap will straighten out, too!! *Crosses fingers and toes*

    Thanks for the extra boost when I read this...we wish you nothing but the best and keep you both in our prayers. xoxo

  17. I talked to Mom today. Hospice has been called in. Apparently her doctors have told her that it will be less than three weeks and she says she feels it will be less than that. We've gone through details, we've gone through what she wants, what WE want, what will happen most likely. Thankfully she's in NO pain right now and I can only pray that it will continue that way right 'till the very end. The hardest part for me wasn't hearing that we're coming to the end but starting to prepare my 7 year old "grandma's girl" for what's coming up. Just a "newsy" thing...and a thanks for all your support and care and love. I share it with all of you, too! xoxoxo

  18. I guess this "officially" is the anniversary of SueS (Mom, to me...LOL) diagnosis. It was the day that she got the biopsy done and the results that said that, indeed, it was lung cancer. It will be a few more days until the anniversary of her "staging" and in a way I can understand how that would be a better one to pick for the date as this is also her and my step-father's

    20th Wedding Anniversary

    I've, personally, not met any of you who share her gift of humor and her zest for LIFE, though I know you're out there!!

    Happy First (and 20th!)Anniversary, Mom...for not only the day "they" said you'd never see...but for 20 years of "putting up with" your husband and the best "daddy" we could have hoped for!!!

    I love you! XOXOXO

  19. This seems to be the place (Thanks, Cindi! :D ) to be able to say...Mom asked me if I thought the news paper would print in her Obit (when it came time)...

    "I'd like to thank all of those who were helpful during my illness...the rest can kiss my *ss"

    We finally came to the decision that they probably wouldn't print it. *sighs* However, I told her that if she REALLY wanted it said...I'd make it into a GIANT sign and put it up at her house (which anyone can see coming to or from her town!) so that it was out there. :lol:

    She decided that those she wanted to kiss her *ss wouldn't realize it was meant for them, anyway, so I might as well forget about it. THOSE are the one's I'd like to beat the hell outta right about now. I know (as does Mom) that they're trying their best to show her how much they care about her...but at the same time...sometimes they can be horribly insensitive or worse...overbearing.

    Thanks for reminding us it's OK to be a bit pis*y about it all!

    Hugsss and many prayers and tons of love...

  20. Lori...

    I, personally, believe there there is more out there than just those of us who wander through without a clue. I believe in "gut feelings" and yes, I even believe that there are people out there who DO have the ability to sense something that we can't. I hope that you found some comfort and peace, too, with what you were told.

    Bless you and your family in this journey!

    Many hugs and prayers...

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