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Posts posted by missyk

  1. Talk about a plateful, Heather!!

    First...take a DEEP BREATH and let it out slowly.

    Ok, now we can work on this. I'm sure more will come along with better ideas, but I can give you a start, at least.

    Is there hospice involved at all? Can they come in? (I know there are limits to when/if they can come in that do with prognosis)

    Have you thought about looking into respite care? I know there are organizations around that are able to help out in getting someone in there to give you a break at least for a little bit now and again.

    YOU need to get some time to take care of YOU!! Even if it's just a few hours a week to sit and read a book, walk in the park or at the mall, just see other people who aren't necessarily involved in this part of your life.

    My heart aches for you, hun and I wish I was more help. Know I'm praying for you and your family and that I'm sure someone will be along soon to give you more ideas or more information on those I've put out.


  2. I work for our local school district and have had the pleasure of getting to visit the classroom of our first-year language arts teacher for the 7th grade recently.

    She was doing an activity with her students regarding the Readers Digest Word Power Challenge and one of the words that they came across was "abut". She was uncertain of the exact meaning of the word and saw a wonderful teaching opportunity so she looked at one of her students and said...

    "Johny, please go look up abut." :shock:

    *Giggles* Have a WONDERFUL New Year Everyone!!!

  3. Alright...here's one I've not seen on here yet (though I'm sure at some point it's probably been discussed).

    Mom lost A LOT of weight since we began this battle. Something to the tune of about 60 lbs or so. Her clothes hang on her. I've told her a few times she should at least get some new pants so that they don't fall off of her when she's up walking around...but she won't. She absolutely refuses to go get some clothes that fit!!!

    I personally don't care if she's looking a little rough around the edges, she's earned the right. But Mom's always been one to have "nice" clothes and look good when she's out and about and I think it might feel good to have something that fits correctly. If I were able to do it financially, myself, I'd go buy her an outfit or two. Then again, I don't wanna tick her off by doing something she doesn't want done.

    Any ideas?

  4. When I still worked in the nursing home I'd put on my Santa hat and stop by each resident's room and ask if they'd like to hear a carol...and then sang it for them if they had a favorite! I am sometimes glad that the hearing wasn't the best in the world with some of the carols that they had me sing! :oops: But I always enjoyed it and still love those songs

  5. Please, will you join me in celebrating Sue's (sues) 57th birthday?

    This is the second birthday she's seen since diagnosis and showing no signs of slowing down!!

    Thanks to all of you for all your help, encouragement, love, and support. Who knows where we'd be if not for all of you.


  6. And I SOOOO hate when it does!!! :evil:

    I look around me. I see people smiling and happy and "carefree" and I try SO hard to remember what it was like to NOT get tense the moment the phone rings at an odd hour of the day. I try to remember what it was like when I didn't think "this will be the last" whatever it may be. I try to remember what it was like to not plan only a few weeks at a time in advance but be able to say "Next year I think we should...".

    I love my mom and nothing is going to change that. Not this disease, especially. But I DO long for the time before "now" and "reality" and "this is how it is". I KNOW that her lifespan isn't going to be what I'd always imagined in my life and every so often it hits me. And then I panic. My mommy's my world, even now. I call her when good things happen, when bad things happen, when I need advice or when I just need to talk. Who am I going to call???

    And then it rolls back to Sabrina. Nothing brings me to the brink of sanity like thinking about how it will effect Sabrina, to lose her grandma...the first person who held her and the most important (sometimes even more so than her father and I!!) person in her life. It crushes me.

    Ok, I know it's not my normal up-beat post...but we all have those times when it hits us. This is mine.

  7. Mom had her scans yesterday and is blessed with a center where she gets results right away.

    Her onc tells her that the brain met (the bigger one) grew though there is some internal debate here at home over that. We were told, last time before they started the WBR that it was at 3.something cm. This time it's at 2.6 or so, yet he says "it's growing". I have no idea but we all seem to remember it the same way.

    Anyway...they're going to do another trip thru SRS-land with her. Five rounds this time.

    Not great news...but at least there are options!!!

    Her onc went on to tell her that he expects as good of results as they've gotten previously with the SRS and that as long as that works...he expects her to be opening the pool in the spring. :)

    Sounds good to me :wink:

  8. Echos everything said before and tossing my hat in the corner with you all!!

    There are some cool things going on in trials and Sloan is a GREAT place to be, from what I hear. :wink:

    Praying for wonderful results for you!!!

    Much love and many prayers...

  9. All I can say is that I was wondering if it would ever come up and that I offered to find some for Mom if she wanted..but that she declined.

    It IS a subject I expected to find well before now...but not surprised that I didn't since it's illegal except for a state or two even for medical purposes.

    I, as all, have my opinion. :) By the way...I giggled A LOT at eppie's comment! *Grins*

  10. Mom did her rounds with SRS *stereotactic radio surgery* and with WBR. The dr's kept wanting to put her on the commonly prescribed steriods and she kept telling them "no". She had very few side effects from either of them...and nothing like the worst case senario. However...I'd say talk to the rad. onc. about what types of pros and cons you can expect with each.

  11. Kelly...

    Ahhhh, those glorious words of "don't worry"! I've always thought that anyone who says them should take them and just stick them right up their....

    Well, anyway. In the case of a spot in the brain and Gamma Knife I can tell you only that our worries became very much LESS after the first time Mom had SRS. WE even got to the point where we'd say "If one pops up we'll just 'zap' it and be done." The results we've seen on Mom were amazing and I know in my heart bought her the time she is still living right now...and living pretty well considering.

    Take a deep breath, a step back, and see what happens. Oh yeah...and don't forget that miracles happen every day and there is always hope. :)

    Lots of prayers and much love...

  12. I'm sorry your father is intentionally or unintentionally keeping you in the dark about his current state of health.

    The one thing I *might* be able to address is chemo for quality of life issues.

    Although some chemo treatments are harsh when it comes to side effects, as long as the blood counts stay up and the side effects aren't TOO bad...if the chemo works to shrink tumors...that gives time FOR quality of life after treatment.

    I know there are a lot of "ifs" up there...but there are a lot of "ifs" when it comes to lung cancer, anyway.

    Sending prayers that things get better for him and prayers for you, too.

    Much love,

  13. Hi Tammy...

    Everyone needs to have a time when they can lose it and NOT be the strong one...even those who are able and willing to wait until a little later. You're right, the important part is that those that offer come back around to make the offer again. Maybe you'll need it when they do, maybe you won't...but the offer makes the difference sometimes, doesn't it?

    My sister and I are seen as the ones who will be OK when everything goes to hell, whereas my brother (who towers over all of us!) is seen as the one who will have the most trouble and be the most emotional of us three kids. I found that when I need to be a little more emotional, I do it right there with Mom so that I can show her. It also gives her the ability to be emotional with me...as SHE is seen as a "rock" when it comes to dealing sometimes, too.

    I hope your family hears you when you explain to them that you're feeling left out.

    Much love and many prayers...

  14. Girlie (I think it's fun just to TYPE that! LOL)

    I'm SO glad to see the renewed fighting spirit back and ready to kick some cancer a**!!

    Vent away here...we all do at times and never bat an eye at someone else needing to do the same thing. Sometimes, as you've seen, there's some great ideas that come about for a "solution".

    Hoping things are getting better!!

    Lots of love and prayers comin' your way!

  15. If he was taking the anti-depressants for three weeks then decided "the doctor didn't want me to take anything"...really seems like a chemo reaction, to me. When Mom did that (and she did! wow! I'd almost forgotten that!) it was when she was on chemo only, no steriods, and her doctors warned us (as did some family friends) that she might become somewhat paranoid...thinking we were all out to get her and stuff like that.

    It was a hard time for us as I know it is for you. Much love and many prayers that things will even out soon and you'll get him back to his "old self"...at least in personality. xoxo

  16. Vassar...

    As everyone has said before, I'm no doctor...

    However, I DO know about brain mets as I've walked that road with my mother a couple times already. As Nick said, they tend to be the more immediate "problem" and there are different options depending on the size of the tumor(s) and location that can be used. We've had a lot of luck with stereotactic radio surgery (SRS) and/or Gamma Knife.

    Generally, if the cancer has metastisized to the brain and the primary is lung...it's going to be staged at IV...however, there is HOPE even at that staging. Mom was told she'd never see a year...and we're 18 months in (almost)!! And she's doing well!!

    Much love and many prayers...

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