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Posts posted by missyk

  1. LOVE the idea of a bell!! The whistle might be hard if he's SOB at any time...but the bell can be within reach easily and takes very little to make it ring.

    I smiled as I read that your dad had to enjoy the wheelchair as he saw his grandson loving it!! My daughter, when Mom is in hers, loves to push Grandma. These kids of ours are something else, aren't they?

    Many prayers and lots of love...

  2. WONDERFUL!! I do so hope they print it!!! It's amazing how many people read those kinds of things and their jaws drop...and sometimes that "WOW! I never knew that!" turns into their telling someone else and BOOM...we have information spreading all around quickly!

    I love it!! Great Job!!!

  3. I'm carrying water, too...but I SOOOOOOO agree!! (And Cindi made me giggle with her comment, too!)

    This "new normal" can go suck an egg as far as I'm concerned!

    Many prayers for a dead tumor and getting as close to the "old normal" as possible, Don!

  4. Some might already know that my friend and I had begun planning a nice "little" fundraiser for LCSC that was originally set for November 12th. This "little" fundraiser is starting to get a bit BIGGER!! LOL

    As my friend and I were kicking around ideas one afternoon we talked of having my brother's band The Barrelhouse Rockets play this particular gig. I'd explained that we'd need somewhere different than the conference room at a hotel for something like that and it got our minds working. (Thankfully SOMETHING did! :wink: ) We spent the following day making some phone calls after my brother (bless his heart!) told us of his contact at a local radio station...the program manager!! Missa (my friend) and I are now set to meet with Andy McCoy from KJJY in Des Moines on Thursday, November 9th to see if the station would be willing to donate the use of their "Events Center" to us for the fundraiser and to see if there are any other "big name" bands or artists available that would be willing to drop in and play a set or just do a "special appearance by" type thing. We're in contact with two local grocery stores willing to donate cookies and veggie/meat trays, we're talking to Pepsi, Co. to see about donating drinks, too. It's becoming something WAY bigger than we ever imagined and I'm still in awe of what two small-town girls with BIG dreams are able to get going if they put their minds together!!!

    I keep praying that it becomes something that can put Lung Cancer Research (and the LACK of funding!) on the map!!!

    Just wanted to drop a line to say...WOW! And let you all know what was going on. Seems the November 12th date probably won't happen and I'm not even sure if we'll fit it in for November at all...but it's going to happen one way or the other!!!

    Much love and many, many prayers going out to you all!

  5. Wow...and wow again. You've done her well with that posting. I'm so sorry for your loss...yet I know words from me will be no "real" comfort.

    She is amazing.

  6. I know it's a difficult time and I wish you all strength and love while you walk this path. My prayers for a peaceful journey for you all.

    All the mom's on here and who have been on here, yours included, amaze me and show me just what it is to be a mother...They're wonderful, as are you for being there for her.

    Much love and many prayers...

  7. Well, I suppose it's time for an update again. :shock: It's been a while!

    Mom is due to graduate from THIS round of radiation on the 31st...yup, halloween. Typical! LOL

    She's feeling pretty good most days, actually, and more active than she's been in a long time. She surprised us with a drive down here with my wonderful sf a week ago and took my sister and our daughters to a halloween "thing" at the zoo. She even got down on my floor and scared my daughter while she was here!!

    She's still having some major swelling in her right leg now, instead of her left. Clot? Who knows anymore! LOL :roll: We just go with what we're given, I guess, and right now is going pretty well.

    I find myself focusing on the good times so much more easily now than I've done before. I guess that's all part of it having been part of our lives for the past 17 months. But it sure feels good to not be stressed constantly by the thought of "lung cancer".

    I'm so proud of Mom. She's showing us every day what it really means to not only "survive"...but to enjoy her life.

  8. People look at me every day and ask me "You STILL smoke??" when they find out my mother (who quit 20 years ago, then started again after her diagnosis...and has now quit again) has lung cancer. Smoking is not only physically addicting, it's psychologically addicting. It's your best friend and your biggest enemy at the same time. A cigarette is always there for you, never "lets you down", can sympathize with every emotion you feel, and doesn't "nag". All of those things go through a smokers mind when they even THINK about not smoking. It's hard to quit. It's VERY hard to quit.

    Love your mom for what she's trying to do. Support her and let her know that you do, every step of the way. She'll make the best decisions she can if given the opportunity to make them for herself. I'm so glad she's got a wonderful child like you, though, who loves her enough to care!!

  9. I really don't have much to add, the previous have done a wonderful job of it. All I can say is that each senario is different, but there are generally SOME similarities, unfortunately.

    I'm SO glad to hear that they think that surgery will be an option for her!

    Many prayers for you and your mom!

  10. Yes, I've still been lurking around...just haven't had much to say, really. It's been rough emotionally for other reasons than Mom and I've just had a case of the blues I couldn't shake. They're hanging around *persistant lil bugger* but I'm surviving.

    As is Mom. Yup, still here and still chuggin' right along. She went and saw her rad. onc. last week to find out if they could do anything about the (what we assumed were) tumors on her neck that had started to cause her some significant pain. Enough she complained about it and she doesn't complain about pain often. He told her "Da*n Sue! You're lookin' good!" Mom told him, other than the neck, she felt good! He told her (no big surprise) that the lymph nodes on both sides of her neck were cancerous...but he's starting her on 10 double rounds (one to each side each visit) of radiation therapy to nuke those 'lil buggers. He told her that the worst she should experience from the treatment would be the "typical" sunburn type thing around the area treated.

    So, we're still on smooth sailing mode...and waiting. I wish we could remember what it was like before all you thought was "WHEN is something else going to come up we have to deal with?"...but this is life and I'll take it. It IS life, afterall.

    **As a side note...my husband and I went to the local watering hole last weekend for the first time in AGES and I wore my LCSC tshirt! LOL That drew a few looks...and gave me a grand 'ole chuckle!**

    Much love and many prayers for all on here...you're the greatest!!!

  11. Woohooo! I love it! I'm trying to find a dragonfly, myself, that I like to get worked into my next tattoo. (Yes, NEXT LOL) Mine are done on my ankles, too and the next will be down the side of my foot (OUCH!!!). Glad to hear it came out just how you wanted it to! So, gonna get another? LOL

  12. Lori...

    Someone suggested methadone and I know this was one of the medications that Mom was told that could be used...as is marinol clear up to heroin...there should be SOMETHING they can do for the pain.

    Good for you for getting on people's a**s about not doing anything! Sometimes it's easier to be mad than to be sad and hurt and this is one of those times it CAN be beneficial!

    My heart goes out to you and Momma...how I wish I could be there for/with you to help you through even just a little bit. The best I can do, for now, is to send my prayers for comfort for Momma and for you.

    Much love, Lori...

  13. Jen..

    I'm so sorry that Daddy has passed...but you're right, he's where there is no more cancer!! What a wonderful blessing that is!

    Much love and many prayers for you and your family during this time.


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