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Posts posted by Doughnut

  1. I can't put my finger on exactly what it is but attitude and the way you write are certainly part of it. Whatever it is you have this almost unparalleled ability to lift the spirits. Prior to me joining this board I read every one of your posts just because they made me feel so good. Thanks for checking in.


  2. Jen,

    It's really good to "see" you again. I was worried about you because I know you'd been going through a rough time and you were so worried about the brain mets. I'm sure you know this already but wasn't it Rachel who had brain mets and who is NED again now? I think Ohiokat had mets to the ovaries as well.

    I know what you mean about not wanting to post anything negative. I feel like I shouldn't post if I feel down about Claire etc because I'm not the sick one and I'm not with her every day so I've got nothing to complain about really. You, however, have every right to feel the way that you do and you should be able to post anything if you need support. As far as I can see all of you survivors have good days and bad but it all goes in cycles and you've been here for others in bad times when you yourself have been well.

    I'm glad you're feeling more human again and I'm sorry that the treatments were so rough.


  3. Hi Troy.

    If(and remember Don's words of wisdom here about borrowing trouble) it is SCLC then it sounds as if it's limited. My friend has limited SCLC and has been NED for many months now. I'm sure she's still NED which she should find out tomorrow.Please let us know how your Mum gets on.


  4. Hi and welcome. I'm glad you decided to post. I myself lurked for ages before taking the plunge. I'm sorry about your Dad. I'm not qualified to offer any kind of advice or opinion on your Dad as my friend has SCLC (and to be honest I wouldn't feel qualified to give advice on that either). Just wanted to welcome you as I know how nervewracking it is to post that first post.


  5. Welcome, Naomi. As Frank said don't take no for an answer. There are many stories here about patients who seemed to be going downhill but who got the right treatment and bounced right back. The onc needs to be hassled!


  6. Kel,

    I wanted to acknowledge your post because you express yourself so beautifully. The problem is that I have nothing to say now that I've started because I haven't experienced the loss of a parent. I literally can only imagine what you're going through and I am so very sorry. Just from reading your words it's very obvious how well-loved your Mum was by you and she must have been proud to have you as a daughter. I think it's one day at a time from this point and I hope that your planned good day turned out to be one and as you say, worry about tomorrow tomorrow.


  7. I can see that this is a weird one but I'm with Debi and Katie. You certainly don't want to be here but he proves you can survive this disease - and with jokes (although I use the term "jokes" loosely :wink:) The best to both of you,


  8. I just wondered how you were doing as you haven't posted for a while. I hope things are going Ok and if you feel up to giving us an update that would be great. Thinking of you,


  9. I'm really sorry to hear about the progression. Hopefully the antibiotics will make him feel better soon which will help his already amazing attitude.

    Thinking of you all, Dee.

  10. I suspect that what your husband's expecting for tea and what's he's getting are two very different things :wink: I've told Claire all about you and Joanie etc and your stories really help her. I'm thrilled for you but I'm also so grateful that you take the time to post - it really helps others.


  11. Hey Cindi, sorry I'm late. I ran out for jam doughnuts (it being Friday and all) came back, read your post and had to go out for chocolate doughnuts for you. Didn't know what kind you liked before. Oh cr*p, forgot Frank's beer.

    I think cautious is right. You have way too little information. Is he saying you're not getting any more infomation till next month? It's only the 10th for crying out loud. Start hassling him for some proper info as soon as you feel up to it. In the meantime you sound tired so get some kip and enjoy your e-doughnuts (I got you six by the way)



  12. Hi Bunny,

    You're a mess because your Mum has lung cancer and you're scared. That is totally normal and I shouldn't spend too much time worrying that it means a lack of faith or anything else. This is a hugely supportive board no matter the "shape" of the patient. Welcome.


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