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Everything posted by Donna

  1. Donna


    What can be done for ascites? If the stomach is tapped, will the fluid come back? When do they tap the fluid? My brother has severe bloating and they haven't done anything to tap the stomach. Does this mean the cancer is getting worse if there is fluid? I am very concerned about this.. Donna
  2. Joanie, Mark has been having fever on and off for a while. They really don't know what it is from. They have him on antibiotics as a precaution for the fever.They are doing blood work, looking for an infection. The other night it was 103..They are giving him Flagyl IV, and the fever has gone down to 100.1..I hope this helps a bit..Sorry to hear you are not feeling well. Prayers and hugs!! Donna
  3. Hello Lynne, I was reading your post and have a question about digestive enzymes..Why is it necessary for cancer patients to take them? My brother has had so many problems with his stomach, and he was never told to take enzymes..I wonder if that is the problem? he was also told NOT to take vitamins..I also wondered about that. It makes no sense to me.. Thanks, Donna
  4. Mark was told he had the cancer in his spine and a spot on the liver. His legs are killing him with pain, from the hips down..The Onc & Radiologist never said anything about his legs or hips. The PA said he has it in his shoulder and hips per the PET scan report... Why wouldn't the Onc tell him this? Will the Zometa take care of his hips and shoulder as well as the spine? He is now getting radiation on his back for 10 treatments..He also has a lidocaine patch for his back.That really helps with his pain.Don't they usually tell you where the cancer has spread to? I am so confused!!
  5. Thanks so much, Don..I know this will help him..God Bless You!! Donna
  6. I will use this information for my brother Mark who is really down and out..He is giving up and I feel so bad for him..Please tell me where to buy the coins, I would like to also buy a box..I know a lot of people that could use some support..God love you for helping others.. Donna
  7. Great job Don!! I am so glad you posted your success story, I was getting depressed with my brother mark..It seems like there is very little light at the end of this tunnel.. May Our Dear Lord continue to watch over you!! Donna
  8. Mark now has bright yellow/orange diarrhea..Is this from the infection in his abdomen? The Onc said the bloating and infection is from the chemo. What can cause this color diarrhea? He had every test in creation, and all results are negative..The infection is responding and there is still some bloating, but not much..He still has no appetite..
  9. I picked him up yesterday and took him home from the hospital..The Onc said the chemo killed the good bacteria in his stomach and that is what caused this problem..The chemo takes care of one thing and kills another..Who can figure this out!! I want to thank all of you for all the prayers and support.. God Bless you, Donna
  10. Hello all, and thanks for all the good wishes and prayers..They certainly do help!! Mark has had every test for this abdominal swelling, they are all negative..Thank God!! They also did tests for abdominal parasites, they are also negative..The Onc says he believes it is from the chemo..he has seen this happen in the past, not very often but it happens..He is in the hospital on Morphine, and Flagyl..The Onc said he will probably be home by the weekend..This board and every one here has been my salvation for the last few months..As soon as I have a concern, or question I post it and the responses come in so quickly..I cannot thank all of you enough for that.. God Bless every one I have made friends with here on this board.. All my thanks and prayers, Donna
  11. My brother was just taken to the hospital for pain in his abdomen. His abdomen is grosly distended, and he is running a low grade fever. Is this caused by the cancer? Has anyone had this fluid accumulation? I am so worried about this.. Donna
  12. Thanks and prayers right back to all of you..
  13. I cannot thank all of you enough for all the valuable information you share, all the good wishes, and most of all your friendship..I know I can always find a comfortinf work here, with all of you.. God Bless you one and all.. Donna
  14. Saw the Oncologist today, and Mark has 2 tiny spots in his spine, and one on the liver. Some spots on the PET that lit up were right on target..He is going to be on Zometa, and I forgot the chemo type..The chemo will last for 8 weeks, 4 weeks on and 2 weeks off, then 4 weeks..The Doc is very hopeful it will all be gone by the next CT scan. My prayers were answered again!! Just wanted to let all of you know the results of the PET and say thank you and God Bless!! Donna
  15. I am so confused..The CT scan showed nothing on the spine and the PET scan showed a few places lighting up on the spine..Shouldn't these two scans match? Especially since they were taken so close together..I could understand if there was a year between scans, but there was only about 2 weeks between scans..The CT showed something altogether different..I guess my brother will find out the news tomorrow..
  16. God Bless you one and all..You put my mind at ease till tomorrow..If the Doc thinks the cancer returned, I am telling my brother to request an MRI so they compare the PET hot spots with the inflamed muscles and tissues..Keeping all of you in my prayers..
  17. Hi jen, I share your confusion..Please read my post under SCLC that reads PET scan vs. CT scan..These two stories are almost the same!! This is so terrible.These PET scans scare a person half to death..All the places that had radiation, light up like a christmas Tree..Yet, they tell us there are more mets in other organs..What gives here!!! I am so upset right now for my poor brother, I can scream..I am dying to get to this Oncologist tomorrow to get the whole story..My prayers are with you.. Donna
  18. My brother had his PET scan and the Doc is concerned about his spinal column. He recently threw his back out, which has been a problem all his adult life.He also has broken ribs which lit up on the PET scan..The Nurse practitioner thinks it's bone mets according to the report of the PET scan.. The Radiologist that read the scan does not know he has been treated the last 2 weeks for a back problem.. Would the injury to his back light up as an abnormal PET scan? The CT scan just a few days ago showed no abnormality to the bones in his back, or any place else for that matter..I also understand the PET scan lights up all the places that had radiation. How can this test be conclusive if he just had radiation and all the places are lighting up? I am not understaning this whole scenario..His Oncologist said he does not like PET scans for that reason, that they scare a person half to death after radiation because everything lights up.. Needless to say, I am scared half to death waiting for the Oncologist to review the PET scan himself tomorrow morning.. If it is bone mets, can it be treated with with Zometa? I think that is the name of the drug? I am so confused at this ppoint..His bone scan was clear, how can this show up now? Why wouldn't the CT scan pick it up a few days ago?
  19. My brother mark is suffering with severe bloating, and nothing helps. Is this a common symptom after chemo and radiation? His SCLC is gone, and his treatments are over accept for the brain rads..Has any one experienced this symptom? God Bless, Donna
  20. We are going today for the Doc to review the previous CT scan with the new one..Hopefully he will come to some conclusion..
  21. My brother finished his chemo, went for his CT scan which shows very small nodules in his lung, and a lesion on the liver..What can this mean? The doc ordered a pet scan to make sure it is not SCLC again..His original tumor is gone, Yipeee..Any thoughts are appreciated..He only had the tumor in his lung to start with, all other scans were negative..What can these nodules be?? God Bless, Donna
  22. Did the PCI make anyone loose their hair permanently? One of the nurses said radiation causes permanent hair loss...My brother is so worried about this now...
  23. This is all new to me, and maybe that's a good thing..I am so glad I asked this question, now I feel better knowing the Doc's are right on target with this Radiation..I never thought so many were needed for PCI
  24. Larry, You and your wife are in our prayers..Please keep us posted.. God Bless you both
  25. Larry, You and your wife are in our prayers..Please keep us posted.. God Bless you both
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