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Posts posted by elkiesmom

  1. Tomorrow will be Gary's third Chemo treatment and so far all is well. Gary got a buzz cut last week and it looks great but it might last for only another day or two. Plus his face hair is getting thinner on the right side I hope the left side catches up.gary said when Chemo is over he will keep his hair short no more fuss.


  2. I am so glad that I found this topic. Gary hadn't had any acid reflux after his surgery in July but he started chemo Friday and he is having that problem now.He is hungry but everytime he eats a small amount the reflux causes him much discomfort. Last night he almost threw up. We tried to call our ONC office this am for something to help him but yesterday we talked to our pharmacy and they told us to try pepcid ac. It worked ok but not enough to let him eat the way he had been before Chemo. Still waiting for the ONC office to call us back.


  3. Gary's Chemo went very well yesterday until they put the Taxol Drip in him. He had to stop because he couldn't breath. He used his rescue inhaler and they then gave him some oxygen and after a bit they tried again and this time his body was use to the Taxol. They then gave him the carboplatin and that was fine.So we have 1 week down and 15 more treatments left.He feels great and so far no symptons. In fact he is in the pool right now having a great time. I had to pass the great news.


  4. Hi Jamie.

    I am only the caregiver Gary my husband has or I should say had the Cancer. He has kept his weight stable but before all this happened I had put him on a diet and he lost 75 lbs. Now I am making sure he doesn't lose any more weight and he is loving that. I know Chemo will do a number on his weight and I want him strong and healthy before he starts.


  5. I don't want to jinx Gary and myself but once again we are going to start Chemo this Friday.Last time we were to start Gary got his hair cur real short and in the past three weeks it has grown but I told him not to cut it again untill he starts Chemo though we did buy him some GREAT hats. Gary's pneumonia has been resolved and most likly he had it when he had been released from the hospital in August. We will never know I guess but the X-rays we picked up from Moffitt do look like that was the case. Once again as chemo starts I will have loads of questions but I will wait on that. Thanks for being here so I can post my thoughts and questions.


  6. I am so glad that your FIL is doing well. I do know that after surgery like in my husbands case they will change the staging. Before surgery they really are not sure what stage a person is. our prayers are with your FIL speedy recovery.


  7. We went to the Onc today and showed him the xrays from Moffitt and this last new one and he like us could see no difference. He told us that he would make an app't for us to see our pulmonary Doc sooner so we will see him next thurs and he can look at ALL the Xrays also. if he concurs Gary will start Chemo Friday. Gary's white blood cell count is right on target as it should be so I am hoping that all he had was a slight infection. Thanks so much for all the advise.


  8. Any chance the doctor would see him this afternoon or tomorrow instead of waiting till Friday?



    Gary saw the pulmonary doc yesterday. He confirmed the pnemonia from the xray that we had done last week when he developed a slight fever.Our ONC was on vacation and his replacement ordered the x ray. She was not sure if it was pnemonia but just in case gave him meds for it. Goodthing. Our pulmonary doc told Gary he could go to work but to take it easy. I think we can wait to see our ONC until FRI. If not he is only 5 min away.


  9. Gary went to our pulmonary MD and he said Gary does have pnemonia.When gary was in the hospital at Moffitt One of the surgeons asst told me he had a touch of pneumonia but I didn't think much about that statement at the time. We called Moffitt last night for all of Gary's xrays and we also talked to that same asst and asked him why he was sent home without any meds for the pneumonia and he told us when Gary was released he showed no sign of any infection. Friday we are going to our ONC and show him the Xrays from moffitt and the curent xray and see what he thinks. Both our pulmonary doc and Moffitt said NO Chemo. Meanwhile Gary went back to work today and I hope he will come home early. This weekend he felt so good that he cleaned the pool and power steamed the deck and still felt great. Yesterday he started to feel weak again. I wonder why????

    So no Chemo for awhile.I sure hope that even though they said they got all the cancer out some small cells are not growing that chemo could help right now.


  10. Chemo was postponed this week because Gary had not been feeling well all week as I wrote above and the X ray showed a possible case of pneumonia so the DO said who is taking our ONC place while he is on vacation. We got the x ray and report from where we had the x ray taken before the follow up exam and brought it with us to the DO. No where in the report said pneumonia and when the DO came in she said she never got the results. So I showed her what I got that day and she called the tech to see what the report meant. we heard the whole conversation and it seemed that she convenced the tech that it must be pneumonia. It could be but on tues we are seeing our pulmonary specialist and we will see what he says and on fri our ONC will be back and we will talk to him also and hopefully start chemo that day.

    We just got home from getting our hair done and Gary got a real short cut (not a buzz)but he did want one but our hair dresser talk him out of it and when he needs one in a week or two will do it free of charge.Gary really looks great in his new short cut. He says his ears are two big. Are all guys so vain???? Thank you all for your input both Gary and I are so appreciative.


  11. My first job was at a music studio were I was taking music lessons. They let me teach a few students accordion piano and guitar. The only draw back was that they made me lie about my age because I was only 16 at the time. I had a great time though.


  12. It also feels good to know that we are finally on our way with treatment, vs just waiting around for something to happen.

    Darci that is good news. Now since you will not get any results untill Tues enjoy the long weekend. Prayers to your MIL

    Lorrie and Gary

  13. I really want to thank every one who has replied ro my concerns. I worry only because Gary's normal body temp is 97.6 and anything over 99.2 will give him the shakes. It has been this way for all of his 62 years. But try telling that to a doctor and they tell you not to worry untill his temp is over 100.5. That is true for me and most people but not for Gary. I was really getting angry at Gary yesterday also because he said his temp was going up and I looked at the thermometer and all it said was 99.1 and I told him he was making a big deal of this and the only reason was because he is afraid of Chemo and wants to get out of it. As those words were coming out I felt sick. I wanted to take them back as soon as I finished every word. So if I felt that way I can understand what Gary's Doctors are thinking.Thank god that Gary knows me well enough to know that I didn't mean it and he was comforting me as I broke down. Shouldn't it be the other way around?????

    Sorry to vent but I feel so guilty. I only want him to start Chemo asap.


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