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Posts posted by Jyoung20

  1. (((DON)))

    You will be dearly missed. I don't know where to begin or end. Just want to say that you will never be forgotten! Thank you for being there to help and being a friend. If you ever get back to Yazoo City for anay reason, let me know.

    God's Peace Be With You!!


  2. Welcome Richard!! This is one of the best places to be!! You will find alot of encouragement and support here.

    Have faith and hope!!! I am 2 years out with no surgery (too advanced) and no sign of cancer...

    You can be cured and you can survive this!!!

    God's Peace be with you!!!!


  3. I'm so sorry you and your family are having to deal with this cancer again.....Prayers for your uncle.

    God's Peace be with you!!

    "None of them faced a hopeless end, but instead found endless hope" excert from When God and Cancer Meet

  4. The same thing has happened to me many times. I would let her doc know and maybe he could give her a medications that will be more effective. I used a topical antibiotic as well. Usually clears up in a few days.

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