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Posts posted by Jyoung20

  1. Aaron,

    You are such a fighter and this is just a little bump in the road. Keep the faith and keep hoping. There are alot of good treatments out there. I'm praying that you will find a very successful one...

    God Bless!!


  2. Hey Kathy,

    It's so good to see you here posting!!! I wanted to tell everyone on here what a wonderful person you and Joe are.... The love you two share and the way you two connect is amazing to me. I really appreciate all of the help with the event and thank you from the bottom of my heart for paticipating. Joe made it real for alot of people. You two have a very special place in my heart and always will. I would love to find a time to visit with you two and sit and talk. Let me know what your schedule is like or when you guys may have some free time. I'm sorry to ear that Joe is still dealing with pain. I know through faith and hope he will be better soon.

    Please know that if you two should ever need me, I'm just a phone call away.

    I tell you the truth, if you have faith like a mustard seed, you can move mountains."

    Matthew 17:20



  3. ((Pammie)) So sorry to heaar this news but you are a fighter and you can overcome...Hang in there and keep strong....There are strenth in numbers and we are all here for you!! Continued prayers for complete success with your treatment.



  4. Hey M,

    I had a feeding tube for 2 months. Nothing to it really. If I hadn't had it I would not have survived treatment. The only thing bad about it was the cumbersome part of feeding at night. Not uncomfortable just a little bothersome (hard to get comfortable). I was also able to take all of my meds through the tube which I think helped them get in my system alot quicker.

    I was 35 when I had the feeding tube put in and 35 when I had it taken out. Now, I am 37 and have just a little scar on my stomach that looks like an extra belly button. I don't plan on wearing any bikini's in the future so it doesn't bother me at all. During the time I had the tube, I would just tuck it in my pants..couldn't be seen...Really not a big deal. The procedure to have it put in was outpatient but I do recommend being anesthesized to have it taken out.

    Within just a few days of getting it, I felt better, I had more strength, and gained weight.

    I kept me hydrated, healthy and without pain...

    Hope this helps!!

    God Bless!!


  5. It's crunch time for Playing for a Cure and I am feeling it. I will be all wrapped up for the next week but will be back with pictures and the wonderful happenings for the day.

    Please say a little prayer for us!!!

    Also, I am hoping to have the website updated by late Monday with a final update. We have a great selection of awards this year honoring many from this online family.

    We are so excited. If you get bored or just want to travel to Memphis next weekend....come by and check it out.


    Schedule of the day:


    Bands begin at 10:00

    Funk Deville performanceat 12:30 www.memphisfunk.com

    Award ceremony at 1:15


    Bands begin at 3:00

    University of Memphis Symphonic band performs at 4:30

    Award ceremony at 5:30

    Here are the new things:

    * We have local survivors that we will be speaking to the kids about "the greater good and why they are doing this" before they go on stage to perform.

    * We will have a display manned by a very brilliant lung cancer survivor who is also a professor of pharmacy. He will discuss lung cancer to all attendees that may have questions needing answered.

    * We have a display designed by a honor science class called myspace.lungs....to reach out to kids about lung cancer awareness.

    * We have more awards and more honoree's this year as well as everyone who was honored last year!!

    *15 middle and high school bands and 62 solo and ensembles (around 800 kids)

    Thank you!!!!!!!

    To all of you that submitted stories, gave donation, or any other contributions!!

    It wouldn't be what it is, without you!!!

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