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Posts posted by Jyoung20

  1. Hey Tracy,

    WOW!! You took the words out of my mouth. Many times I have thought about the future and what it holds for me and my family. Being young and having this disease is hard and not fair. But, GOD does have a plan for you. I have asked the same questions and talked to friend that is very spiritual and as close to GOD as anyone I know. Here was her response, "She said that first you have to get down and put your nose to the floor and pray for those answers that you are needing.. She said,you also have to open up and let him in so he can show you these answers. I have tried to do this and YES! I have found answers and witnessed miracles just by opening my eyes to them. I have a pretty good idea what God wants me to do... and I keep doing it. Believe it or not, before cancer I was not very close to GOD..But things are different now. I need him in my life...I need to know that he is with me holding me up...I feel I have reached a new level in my existence. I know why I am here and I know what I have to do!! Keep the faith Tracy and I know you will find your way!!

    I also wanted to tell you about a book that may help answer some of your questions....It's called, "When God and Cancer Meet" by Lynn Eib. It was given to me at the beginning of my cancer journey. On page 31, there is a story about a young man who was diagnosed with lung cancer at the age of 48. Never smoked, Exercised just about every day nd had no family history of any cancer. Two confused teenage sons and a very ticked off wife. As I re-read this story I'm in tears because of what GOD can do and what he will do.. A short excerpt from this story, "Every time a believer struggles with sorrow or lonliness or ill health or pain and chooses to trust and serve GOD anyhow, a bell rings out across heaven and the angels give a great shout. Why? Because one more pilgrim has shown again that he or she understands that Jesus is worth it all. God is faithful." In the book it also states that life is unfair but GOD is not life...He is much bigger than that..Trust in him and be faithful in this life and all things will be fair in the next life!!!!




    I'm praying for you to find comfort and the answers you need!!

  2. I had a ct today and I am very thankful to say that everything is still looking good!!! WHEW!!!

    The funny thing that happened was I got to meet with a new inturn first and then my onc. To make a long story short I told the intern about the staph infection on my scalp caused from tarceva. He stated this was a side effect. I said, "Oh Yes I know" and "I also wanted to let you know that the dermatologist gave me antibiotics to put in my nose because you can carry the infection in your nose and that's why it's hard to get rid of it'. You keep passing it round. I told Dr. Raza not to worry that I promised I won't be picking my nose... My hubby said the doc turned beat red...poor inturn...I told my hubby it wasn't as bad as what my mom did after her colonoscopy. He said what was that.. I told him that the nurse told her that before she could leave and go home she had to pass gas...my mom responded by saying...."do you have to hear it or will you believe me?""" That's a redneck for you!!!



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