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Posts posted by Jyoung20

  1. Welcome to the site!!

    I got a 2nd, 3rd and 4th opinion. I think seeking other opinions is very important in the healing process. It will give you faith in what your current onc. is doing. If your onc. is confident in the treatment recipe, diagnosis, etc. why would he care if you sought out another opinion.

    You and your family are in my prayers.



  2. Hey Bill,

    Not to embarass you, but I need to reiterate that you are awesome. I felt compelled to tell you that because of the strength, courage and sincere concern for others that I witnessed in your posts. The last thing I wanted to do was to make you feel uncomfortable. The more you speak to us, the more I feel comforted. Thank you for that!!


    I also wanted to provide some information for those of you that are going to address your smoking issues. My husband has continued to smoke since my diagnosis (BTW-I was a smoker for almost 20 years) and he has had the most difficult time in his quitting efforts. He felt that quitting was the right thing to do considering the situation. He tried many "stop smoking" aids and to no avail was unsuccessful. These included wellbutrin, patches, gum, lozenges, and nictotrol(they look like little cigarettes). The GREAT news is that he finally found something that worked. Three months ago he started taking Chantix. A new prescription drug that just came out in the pharmacy. IT WORKED!! The original doctor that prescribed this to him told him in 12 weeks he would not want to smoke. We are still in amazement at his success. Honestly, there were times during the quitting process that were difficult for him but not to the point that he needed to smoke. I am so proud of him. Not just for quitting but for acheiving the hardest goal he has ever set in his life. At this time, the strong urges are very few and far between. He has re-routed that extra energy and time into special projects because this is a lifestyle change. I support him in whatever he does and he knows that I will always be right there by his side. After all, he has been there or me every step of the way. I think the key to quitting is to never give up. I know that quitting was the hardest thing that I had ever done. Until, I was diagnosed with lung cancer. Then it became surviving. I hope and pray that anyone of you that enters this new journey finds MUCH success and reaches your goals!! And please remember that we are here for you "everyday in everyway"!!!


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