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Everything posted by Jyoung20

  1. I like to hear good news!!! Prayer for healing. GOD BLESS!! Jamie
  2. Prayers for Uncle Doug!!! GOD BLESS!! Jamie
  3. Jyoung20

    TAnn update

    I'm keeping you in my prayers TAnn. Hang in there. GOD BLESS!! Jamie
  4. Many prayers Lucie will have much succes with Almta!!! GOD BLESS YOU TWO!! Jamie
  5. We had an awesome day today!!! The kids had a blast. They were so funny. They were competing with each other to see who could raise the most money. That's kids for ya. They were literally running to talk to people. I wish I could have video taped them. They are awesome!! We all pigged out on CiCi's pizza and celebrated our success. GOD BLESS!! Jamie
  6. 15 bands now!! I can't believe the response. That's about 1000 kids alone, not to mention all of the parents and supporters. I am so stressed about saying the right things and not forgetting anyone at the event. I have an MC (she is 17) who will do introductions of performing groups but I am feeling a little overwhelmed with it all. Any helpful tips?---I am all ears. God Bless!! Jamie
  7. I wanted to update all of you on Rachael's progress. Rachael was finally discharged from the hospital last night at 8:30 PM. It was a late night for them getting home, but she was excited about sleeping in her own bed. (She has been back in the hospital since Fri. Jan 13th--her grandparents took her this time) Unfortunately, she only gets a few days at home and we're headed back down. I will be taking Rachael and Renea back down to Hopkins Friday morning. Rachael will be getting the "nasty" chemo Fri and Sat nights. This is the Doxorubicin/Cisplatin treatment that makes her really sick. We have a benefit spaghetti dinner scheduled at the Cresaptown Eagles on Sunday, Feb. 12th. There will be great food and tons of raffles! Rachael is hoping to be there for a short while, but it's possible that she may have her surgery to remove the tumor in her leg the week prior to the dinner. We'll see. Rachael's school is doing a benefit concert tomorrow. A group of students at her school have their own band, "Exit 42", and they will be performing during the last two class periods of the day. Please keep her in your prayers--she is having a rough time. Her sister continues to update her caringbridge website. I write on it constantly. Here is a link to the site. Send her a note, I know she would love it. She sounds like a very charming little girl. www.caringbridge.org/visit/rachaelsensabaugh God BLess, Jamie
  8. Never ever forget that everything can change in an instant.------Live with no regrets.
  9. Jyoung20


    So glad your here Heather. GOD BLESS!! Jamie
  10. Lynda, if you could attend I would love it if you could present your sister's award. I could do the talking (you certainly can say a few words if you like)and I could introduce as the presenter. What do you think? GOD BLESS!! Jamie
  11. Maryanne--I think #3 is not true. Am I right?
  12. Blackeyed peas with mayo. is delicious. Unfortunately I haven't found a restaurant to serve it. HEHE> I was a pool hustler (5th in the nation amateur women's eight ball). Paid my way through college. Many Many moons ago. Horses hate me. I rode a pregnant horse one time named "Mabel". She took off with me on her, went down a cliff, hit my head on a tree and was screaming for help. That big fat horse finally stopped about a mile up the road at her feeding trough. Talk about a "WILD RIDE"
  13. We now have 15 bands and the website is being updated regularly. www.lungevity.org/playingforacure Rock 103 is publicizing the event on their website.
  14. In the wise words of Eppie, "You da man" GOD BLESS!! Jamie
  15. I had a meeting with my "power Women" last night. We are going to have a power point presentation while the awards are being given. So, I need pictures. If you could mail them to me that would be great. (During the loved ones award, their picture will be viewed on a HUGH pull down projector screen.) PM me and I will give my address. Thanks and God Bless! Also, we are going to laminate all of the stories on cloud paper with our logo at the top. We will have them displayed in key locations throughout the school on music stands. (To make sure the kids read them.) If you have pictures we would love to use them. GOD BLESS!! Jamie www.lungevity.org/playingforacure
  16. Here it is: www.lungevity.org/playingforacure www.rock103.com (look under Memphis, then community) www.am107wdia.com (events/community) www.wrecradio.com (events/community calendar) www.am990.com (community events) We (me, my hubby, 2 parents, 12 band students went out and solicited donations today and raised $478.00). 5 students got their entrance fee waived for the solo event. We worked our tails off. MORE TO COME!! GOD BLESS!! Jamie
  17. Man--I missed it. Cool website. Thanks, Jamie
  18. We are always in need of money. However, if you would like to give an award in honor of or memory of someone--we definately won't turn it down. I am trying to make this an event that the kids,teachers, community and survivors will want to continue to support year after year. An unforgettable experience!!! Thanks for your interest!!! Jamie
  19. I'm praying for you and your dad. God BLess!! Jamie
  20. Okay here goes: 1. I like to eat blackeyed peas with mayonnaise. 2. I was a pool hustler. 3. I love riding horses.
  21. Here is an update on the fundraiser: This is turning into an awesome event. I am so excited. At last count, we have 15 middle and high school bands confirmed verbally (deadline not until Feb. 4th) and about 40 soloists. The Memphis Sound Drum Corp will be hosting a brass and percussion clinic for the kids. Judges will have a clinic for the woodwinds and strings also. The band judges will be hosting a question and answer session for the directors during this time. (This will all happen right after lunch). The Memphis Originals Café (Mo’s) will be setting up a studio for the winning soloist to record their performance and take a copy home with them. We are trying to put something together with the Orpheum Theatre (Kind of like an American Idol for instrumentalists) to go around to the schools and promote a shortened version of a Broadway musical. Amro music is donating trophies for the winning bands and soloists. I am giving three $100.00 cash prizes to the winning soloists. (All winning participants will receive a certificate and an “angel playing a horn (our logo) lapel pin. Fear Nothing Music Gear will be providing event staff t-shirts with sponsorships listed. Our website should be up this week and all sponsorships, memorials, and honorariums will be noted there as well. Troop 240 Boy scouts will be handling parking and concessions. My sisters will be making lung cancer awareness jewelry to sell at the event. We have a graphic artist and printing service that have donated their services. I have contacted the event coordinator for 7 local radio stations and 2 televisions stations about advertising needs. I have a group of 4 women that are my “power four” that are helping me along the way. We have been accepted by the Arkansas Activities Association. So, Arkansas bands and groups can attend. This is a City School sanctioned event.I have contacted all of the state band organizations throughout the Southeast region about invitations. The event has been promoted on most statewide websites and message boards. (Nationally reknown composers) Anne McGinty and John Edmondson will be donating autographed music and monetary donations as awards to the winning groups. All awards and trophies will be given in memory of people that have succumbed to the disease. Here is the list of current awards. Jessee Dewey Award---$100.00 cash prize for beginning division soloists. The Beth Yenney Award ---$100.00 cash prize to the winning middle school division soloist. The Brian K. Osberg Award----$100.00 cash prize to the winning high school division soloist. The Donna Prevost Awards are trophies going to each division winner.(Trophies donated) The Laurianne's Hope Award will be given to the winning middle school concert band. (Trophy donated) The William Slovacek Award will be given to the winning beginning band. (Trophy donated) The Mark Anthony Mollica Award will be given to the winning high school band. (Trophy donated) The Nancy Nissalke Award will be given to the runner up in the beginning band soloist division. A gift collection donated--(book bag, lung cancer bracelet, and other kid friendly items. We can have as many awards as we want--the possibilities are endless. As you can see, most of these awesome people are from our website. If you are intested in a memorial award, please contact me. This is a positive way to reach our children and remember those that we love. The deadline for everything is February 17th. I have to get all program information to the graphic artist at that time. We need more awards if any of you guys and gals are interested. ***More runner up prizes for the soloist divisions. ****Anything you think a middle or high school aged child would benefit from. We are planning on having a power point presentaion on a very large screen to show pictures of the people behind the awards as they are presented. We can have as many awards as we want--the possibilities are endless. If you are interested in a memorial award, please contact me. This is a positive way to reach our children and remember those that we love. The deadline for everything is February 17th. I have to get all program information to the graphic artist at that time. PM with your e-mail if you would like any other info. Thanks everyone!! Jamie Thanks everyone!! Jamie
  22. You come up with the best stuff!! That schizo dog was hilarious!! I am still laughing. Thanks, Jamie
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