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Cody foote

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Posts posted by Cody foote

  1. Hi everyone,

    Thank you so much for all of your messages and support you have given to my Dad during this dreadful time, it's been a difficult time recently, with dad losing his use of his right side, and with the Brain Met aggressively coming back, but Dad you are doing amazingly, you might not think you are, but you honestly are! this forum is to express how you are feeling, its here to help you through Depression, and treatment worries, and to share Cancer journeys. Your not the doom and gloom of this Forum, you've been one hell of a helper to everyone, and everyone knows that, even when you are at your lowest you still think of ways to help others who need your help, the same way everyone on here has helped you. 

    You'll never be a burden dad, your ill and you need help.

    Dad there going to sort you out a treatment plan, there not going to do nothing, youve reacted to past treatment fantastically! Look at your lung and your lymph nodes, all stable, and 1 Brain Met eradicated, it goes to prove that your stronger than you think, that this cancer can be beat, your beating it now! That one Brain Met will easily be eradicated. 

    Once your treatment has been done, i definitely think you need to change Oncologist teams, they've been no good to you at all. This is your life and they have got your life in there hands, and if you don't feel safe and confident in that, then we need to get you transferred, because they've been sloppy, ever since last August. I think the way they have treated you, it certainly comes across as Patient Negligence.

    Your my Best Friend dad, always have been, and you always will be, we will get through this Dad, you will get better, we just got to keep fighting for what we deserve, thank you for everything Dad. I love you Dad, always and forever.

    Thank you to everyone for there support. 

    Take care, many thanks Cody Xx

  2. Hi all, I've not been active recently, I just wanted to give you all an update on Dad. He's doing really well, we have had some really good and positive news, dad's cancer is still shrinking, his Lung tumor, lymph nodes and also his brain mets are shrinking. Which is fantastic! The gamma knife surgery has been very successful so far! They don't want to see dad now for another 6 months!  It's been a rough and tough road to recovery but dad is getting there. And he's getting more and more positive. We all are. I'm so proud of dad and everything he's achieved going through this dreadful fight. And yes the road to recovery has been a difficult one and it still is! but as long as you maintain your hope and strength you can get better and you can get back to your life. Which thankfully dad has begun hes back at work. Were going out places, and we are enjoying our selves again. I hope that my dad's journey is going to help new and current members of lungevity, learn and help them through there journey of there own. Dads page is full of his updates and how hes felt through his journey, and i think it will help you get an understanding of lung cancer and its treatments. Ill keep you updated with any news on dad. Many thanks everyone Cody x

  3. Dad, you've done so well, you should be so proud of how far you've come and how much you've over come. Everything you've gone through is just another hurdle, which you have successfully jumped. Youve smashed every treatment they have thrown at you. You will be a survivor. And your becoming a helper to others who are sadly on the same journey as you are on. The treatment will be successful and we will be us again, I promise you. You are going to get better dad. I have so much faith in the treatment and in you. I love you dad. X

    Cody x

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