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Status Replies posted by Pstar

  1. Pstar

    Pstar    Izzy

    Thinking of you Izzy on this first anniversary of Justin’s passing. I hope that your family situation has gotten better and that time is helping you to adjust to this world without his physical presence.

    1. Pstar


      I’m so sorry to hear this Izzy. My heart goes out to you. I can only pray that things will get better and easier. Much love…Pam

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. Hi everyone, just checking in on you all, I hope all is good for you, my niece was diagnosed with kidney cancer recently so another hurdle hits me, she had her kidney removed and she is on immunotherapy so everything xd, she’s only 44, I hope you all have a great Christmas and new year, and sending you all love and hugs and loads of positivity, best wishes Izzy xxx

    1. Pstar


      I’m so sorry to hear about your niece Izzy and I hope she is doing well in her recovery from surgery and treatment. I pray you had a merry Christmas and that the new year is treating you well so far. I know these first holidays without your son are the hardest but time will dull the ache. Thinking of you.


    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. Hi all, just checking how your all doing, sincerely hope your all ok, things still very raw here , my daughter in law and 4 four grandchildren have fallen out with me and Micky (Jus’s sister) and her two children, it’s heartbreaking 💔We’ve been denied any of his ashes so have nothing to show he ever existed for 52 years except photos and memories ,  still that’s not why I’ve posted, I check up on you all regularly as Jus would have wanted me too as this place was very special to him as you all were too, I hope life’s treating you all as well as it can, I’m hoping that we will both feel better one day but I’m not holding out much hope, he was such a special person to us as we were and are a very close unit, the hole we now have in our hearts is immeasurable but the love carries on and will never die, take care of yourselves and keep those loved ones close, love  and hugs to you all and keep up that wonderful strength you all have, catch up again soon Xx love Izzy xx

    1. Pstar


      It hurts me to hear of the conflict with your daughter in law and grandchildren. I am truly sorry you are going thru this and pray that time will remedy the situation and turn it around. I have been thinking of you and Justin and wondering how you were coping. He is missed dearly as he always was so encouraging to all even when his treatment was so tough on himself. Sending hugs to you and please keep up your strength to get thru the grieving of the loss of your incredible son.


    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

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