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Posts posted by MzShanon

  1. Thank you Tom and Judy for your responses! My mom definitely needs to get her COVID booster, flu and pneumonia shots done. Hopefully she can get those during her primary care visit. At the hospital she had the two thoracentesis procedures, enhanced Ct scans (chest and stomach), and a biopsy done. All of those are still pending. Is it normal to be waiting awhile to receive that information? 

  2. We have been struggling with my mom’s insurance plan. She has Medicare HMO and the treatment center she wants to go to doesn’t accept her insurance, we have to wait until January a new healthcare plan to take into effect. Meanwhile, we will be seeing an oncologist on November 15th and a new primary physician hopefully in the coming week. What can we possibly do during this time as we wait? She was discharged from the hospital, but her pleural effusion hasn’t gone away. She still has a cough but so far remains stable. We still don’t have a diagnosis yet, but since the fluids came back malignant we are assuming we are looking at late stage cancer. What should we be discussing with her new primary? 

  3. My mom was admitted to the ER recently and hospitalized for 6 days. She had a pleural effusion in her left lung so they had two thoracentesis procedures done and a biopsy. The doctors are pretty much telling us it’s cancer and likely late stages. She is currently at home waiting for an oncology appointment. I am extremely anxious and completely terrified. The wait is killing me and I’m overwhelmed with grief. Any advice or help is appreciated. I am the eldest in the family and it’s just my mom and my younger brother. I’m trying to hold it together for us. 

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