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Posts posted by purplelady47

  1. Hey Randy ~

    I am so very grateful for your hard work and support here on this list. Your honesty and dedication really blows me away!!!

    I haven't made it to the Tuesday night chats lately, but I am going to do my best to be there next week. I've missed hanging out with all of you and "hearing" you yell "DOLLYWOOD!!!"

    Thank you for all you do and for being YOU.

    With a gentle hug,

    Pam in FL


  2. Wow! What great ideas you have received!!! I can't add much, other than to express that sometimes we just don't know. We have all been told that the affects of chemo are cumulative, but since every person is different - different age, different health status, different stage of cancer, it's hard to predict.

    When I was on my first chemo, I didn't notice a big difference between #1 and #2. But when I had my second chemo, I was knocked on my butt by fatigue after chemo #2. But my red blood cell count was in the basement, so that caused the great fatigue. I was very pleased that my fatigue level was greatly reduced after chemo #3.

    I try to plan for the worse for the days after chemo. That way if it is not so bad, then I am pleasantly surprised. :D I had chemo yesterday, so I am feeling pretty spunky today (gotta love those steroids!). But I plan on spending the next 3-5 days on the couch watching videos, reading and doing simple crafts.

    I am a great believer in Boost milkshakes. I buy the ones with fiber that help offset any potential constipation issues from my medications. I can't drink them straight, but with a couple of scoops of premium ice cream they are pretty good. And I highly recommend Dairy Queen too!!! :lol:

    I will be thinking of your sister and you as you deal with chemo #2. Chemo isn't fun but it is doable when the cancer patient has a great caregiver like you.

    With a gentle hug,

    Pam in FL

  3. That's so true -

    Every time I come here with a problem, question or with just a need to ramble, I always KNOW that the folks here REALLY do care. Since I found this list, I've never felt alone on my cancer journey. If it wasn't for the folks on this list, I would not have asked for an anti-depressant, which has dramatically changed my mental/emotional quality of life.

    There have been days that I have not been able to post to the list - I've just been overwhelmed with sad news and coping with my own issues. Sometimes I am just overwhelmed by the magnitude of caring, sharing and empathy that I have received and that I see going out to every member.

    This list has made such a huge difference in my life. Know that we are all here for you, sending you lots of positive energy, strength and courage.

    With a gentle hug,

    Pam in FL

  4. Oh Jodi -

    I am sorry I am so late in responding to your post. Please accept my sincerest condolences on the loss of your Dad.

    I am sending you lots of strength and hugs during this difficult time.

    Pam in FL

  5. Oh how awesome!!

    Have a great time - ride all the rides, see all the sights and eat all the great food at Epcot's Food & Wine Expo! Some of my friends were there earlier this week and said the food was awesome!

    Finally the weather is getting nicer here - it's not so awfully hot during the afternoon now - high in the mid to low 80's, so you won't be suffering with the 90+ temps and high, high humidity!!

    Enjoy the city that The Mouse built - make wonderful memories and enjoy the beauty and joy of your children. I am a firm believer that laughter is the best medicine and there's no better place to heal than in the Magic Kingdom!!

    Pam in FL

    :::doing the happy dance for Tracy & family:::


  6. Kelly ~

    I had a port put in before I started chemo this time. It was "tender" for over a week. The port was used 5 days after it was inserted and it was still pretty sore. But after about two weeks any discomfort associated with the port surgery was gone.

    Hope this helps.

    With a hug,

    Pam in FL

  7. Maryanne & Joel ~

    I am going to keep hoping and praying for the best case scenario for both of you.

    It is sooo good that Joel's doctors communicate so well with you and give you all the possibilities though. That's so much better than not knowing.

    With a gentle hug to both of you,

    Pam in FL

  8. Hello there Brandie ~

    I think we all have a love/hate relationship with scans - it's so hard waiting for the results but gosh, it is so great to celebrate when the results are good.

    I get a CT chest & abdomen after every two cycles of chemo. I think that is pretty typical. If the results are good - stable or shrinkage, then I continue the treatment. If there is progression, then my doctor said that we would have to make a decision to continue the same treatment or look at my other options. My doctor doesn't rely on the results of CEAs for lung cancer, so I haven't had that test done at all.

    I hope that both you and your Mom are going as well as possible. Keep us updated about her results!!

    With a gentle hug,

    Pam in FL

  9. Rana ~

    I had a CT scan after two cycles of Taxotere and the results showed stable disease. Based on that, I feel that the Taxotere is working well for me - stable is good!!! :lol:

    I get another scan after my 4th cycle at the end of October and I will let you know the results.

    In the meantime, I will keep sending positive thoughts for your mom and you. I am glad to hear that her bone scan was clear!

    With a gentle hug,

    Pam in FL

  10. I am going to keep my fingers crossed that the doctors can get your Mom's pain under control. Pain like that just can't be tolerated by anyone.

    I am one week post my third Taxotere treatment and I do have some vague and strange right hip pain that can be severe but I have had this for at least a year, so I don't think it is chemo related. Taxotere has only given me incredible fatigue after the second cycle for three full weeks. Thankfully the fatigue is much, much, much less this third cycle.

    Please keep us updated on your Mom and know that all of you are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Pam in FL

  11. Maryanne ~

    This was not the news we were hoping to hear. :( But I am glad to hear that Joel's doctors have options and plans to discuss with both of you. I am sending you lots of prayers and positive thoughts as you deal with this setback. You and Joel are a great team and I know that you will work together to deal with this.

    With a huge hug to both of you,

    Pam in FL

  12. Lori ~

    I am so sorry to hear about your Mom's passing. You were such an awesome caretaker and advocate for your Mom. But most importantly, you were a super daughter and great friend to her too.

    Peace to you and your loved ones ~

    Pam in FL

  13. Hi Rana ~

    I also am on Taxotere and I get it every three weeks. Like Marym, I also am dealing with quite a bit of fatigue. I have some numbness/tingling in my feet and my hair is thinning also. But that's the only side effects I have after two treatments.

    Food tastes funky days 2-6 after each chemo but it hasn't affected my eating too much. In fact, according to the scale at the doctor's office, I gained six lbs in one week!!

    My red counts have been affected by the Taxotere, but the regular injections of Aransept seem to have this problem under control.

    I just had my CT scan done on Tuesday and it shows stable disease, so I am quite pleased.

    Best wishes to both you and your Mom. Let us know how she tolerates this treatment - I know it is not as rough as the cisplatin was.

    With a gentle hug,

    Pam in FL

  14. Oh Andrea ~

    I've been following all your posts about your Dad and kept hoping and praying that this was all just some funky infection or silly little problem. Right now it sounds like it is going to be a major challenge for your Dad and all those who love him.

    I am going to continue to keep you all in my thoughts and prayers and keep hoping for some silly little problem.

    With a gentle hug,

    Pam in FL

  15. Hey Tracy ~

    Neuropathy in the feet is a real pain in the butt!!! :lol: I am experiencing quite a bit of it on the Taxotere. I've been wearing shoes with good arch support and that seems to be helping if I have to do alot of walking. If I am sitting at the computer, I put my feet up on a small stool. When sitting, I try not to cross my legs/ankles because that really aggravates it. When I am laying down, I make sure that I have a pillow under my knees, which helps decrease some of the tingling sensation. I give myself quite a few foot massages when the tingling is really bad - at least something good is coming from it - my feet are nice and soft!!! :lol:

    I don't have any ideas about the sore throat/vocal cords. I worry about a sore throat all the time, especially now that my son is back in school.

    I know how difficult it is to deal with chemo and still be Mom. I follow your posts and applaud your strength, courage and determination.

    You ROCK!!

    With a gentle hug,

    Pam in FL

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