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Posts posted by wondermom

  1. Thanks for all the great ideas! Once we get through the PET tomorrow I will bring it up to the others. I think it is easier for girls to find stuff to do together. Maybe I will suggest a little fishing trip to my brother for the guys. I know Dad hasn't had his boat out much this summer.

    Thanks again!


  2. My sister just called. (She lives at home yet.) She was worried because when she got home from work my mom was on the couch almost in tears because of severe pain in her thigh area (Both thighs). She asked my sister to get her pain pills. So I called my mom and asked her about it. She said it seems to have really gotten bad since her Zometa transfusion last Thursday. I noticed yesterday when I saw her she seemed a little uncomfortable but I guess today was really bad. She said she worked all day and was okay but when she got home it was bad. She sits all day at work so I am wondering if all the sitting and then standing and moving around caused her joints to be achey. I am hoping this is a side effect of the zometa. It seems like it has been one thing after another lately and it is starting to make me nervous. I guess the PET on Wednesday will answer most of my questions conclusively but right now I am just looking for some peace of mind.

  3. Hey everyone. Having one of those icky moments again. It was my daughter's 2 year birthday party today. Every year I put together a slide show for my kids recapping their year. Today when we watched my mom had tears in her eyes and I could tell it was hard on my dad to see that. Then my Grandma (Dad's mom) started talking about how she felt so bad because he had to go through this with my Grandpa. I feel like my Dad could really use a break and so I want to plan something fun for my sister and sister-in-law and I to do with my mom while the guys take my dad to do something. It would only have to be for a day. Does anyone have any ideas? I just want to have a fun and light day. I would suggest a group pedicure for the girls but mom's toes are still infected from the Tarceva so I don't think that would be a good idea.

  4. Hi Peachy,

    My mom had WBR. It was in 15 sessions. She was having chemo concurrently so I am not sure which side effects are from what. She did have hair loss but that was mostly from the chemo I think. Although, I know that can happen with WBR as well. Mom also had some fatigue but it seemed like it was kind of delayed. She started to feel more tired after treatment was over. The procedure itself was quick and easy with the main side effect for my mom being fatigue.


  5. Ok. So my mom is just full of surprises. I wonder what else she has not told us about. It seems that she has been having jaw pain for about a month! Do CT scans cover that area? She had one last week and the only thing that showed up was a suspitious area in one of her lungs. Nothing in the jaw area. She is having a PET scan this week to check further on the spot in the lungs so I am thinking that will also check the jaw area. Has anyone else had problems with jaw pain? Mom's treatment right now is Tarceva and monthly Zometa. She also takes a small dose of Celebrex.

  6. Hello,

    How many liver mets does your dad have? My mom had one liver met but it has gone away with treatment. It did increase in size at one point but after changing treatment it went away. Hopefully, your dad will get on a treatment program that will take care of his as well. Mom never had any symptoms with her liver met. Would have never known it was there if it weren't for the scans. Best Wishes for you, your dad, and your family.


  7. So here it is.

    CT scan shows "something" in one of her lungs that wasn't on the last scan. Could be fluid or scar tissue. The are not sure. So...PET scan next Wednesday. Why don't they just do that in the first place...sheesh. :roll:

    So, overall, I guess things looked good. Hopefully, that little "something" isn't anything to worry about. For now, I breath a sigh of relief that this scan is over. Thanks for all the prayers and support! You guys are the BEST!

  8. Thanks everyone. I am still waiting for the phone to ring. Just sitting at the computer while the kids nap...waiting...hoping...praying for good news. Mom should be in with the doctor right now getting her results. This waiting business really stinks. Please God, let it be good news.

  9. Mom just told me the clinic called and she is to have a CT scan on Wednesday. Boy did that sneak up on us! She just finished radiation to her tail bone a couple weeks ago. Does anyone know if or how that will affect the scan? Please pray for good results. We could really use some good news. Mom is doing better with her tail bone pain but it could be better. I think a good scan could be just the thing to boost her spirits!

  10. My mom also struggles with weight. I am happy to see her eating absolutely anything. She takes Megace to help with appetite but it doesn't seem to be helping enough to put the pounds back on. I am not much help but I can see through my mom how much of a struggle this can be. I would just try to eat whatever sounds good to you and not feel guilty about it. I think it is more important to put the pounds back on than to stay on a strict diet that could hinder that. Just my opinion. Best of luck to you. Take care!


  11. Hi Dana,

    Our husbands should get together. Mine never knows what my mood will be either. I get mad when he shows no affection but then when he tries I don't want him to touch me. :roll:

    I,too, am a big believer in prayer. It has gotten me through some tough times. I will pray for good results for your mom.

    And sure, I will have a drink with you!


  12. Hi Peachy!

    My mom is also stage IV. She has had mets to her liver, brain, and bones. She is doing OK with a little setback to her tailbone. She did choose to have WBR. While it did make her very fatigued for a while, that did subside and her brain mets went away completely. It was definately worthwhile for her to do this.

    While we will all support whatever decision you make regarding treatment and family involvement, please consider the fact that treatment could possibly improve your quality of life. I know it has for my mom.

    I know nothing of your family situation. But if you have good relationships with them, I think it would really benefit you to have their support. I also think it would be a benefit to your son to be able to have their support as well. I know I have leaned on family and friends a lot since my mom's diagnosis.

    I wish you the very best and I pray for you to continue feeling well.


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