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Posts posted by Leela

  1. Gail,

    Sorry to hear Hank is having trouble. My mom had some issues with feeling like there was something stuck in her throat all the time. The doctors thought her tumor may have been pushing on or constricting blood vessels near her esophogus. Though she did not have the seeds procedure, she did have radiation to her lung tumor and it helped a lot and relatively quickly.

    Hugs and prayers for you and Hank.


  2. Has anyone had any experience with costochondritis?

    My mom had a bone scan with results last week. Her chemo oncologist thought she might have bone mets in her ribs at the sternum because it showed inflamation. He sent us to her radiation oncologist. He thinks it is probably Costochondritis. It causes pain and tenderness where your ribs attach to your breastbone. The pain is sharp, though it can also feel like a dull, gnawing pain. It can radiate further out in the chest too. He said to take Aleve every 12 hours. And it's helping! We are hoping he is right and there are no new bone mets.

    He also put her on a month's worth of Prednisone for the SOB and haziness on the CT. He thinks it's radiation pneumonitis. Though it's been about 6 months since her radiation, her pulmonogist says even 8 months out it is not unheard of. So between the 3 of them they decided to wait a couple weeks to see how this goes before more chemo or a bronchoscopy. So WOOHOO for now!



  3. Thanks, everyone.

    Well, it's a mixed bag of results. The bone scan showed inflamation/cancer in where 3 ribs connect to the sternum. But, luckily, nothing else. Seeing the radiation oncologist on Monday.

    The CT scan shows haziness in the upper right lobe where her main tumor was/is - her oncologist was unsure if it is infection/pneumonia, pneumonitis from previous radiation, or cancer. Saw the pulmonologist who prescribed steriods for 6 days and antibiotics for 10. Never thought we'd hope for pneumonia! She'll go back for an Xray on Wednesday with results right after. If there is no improvement, she may have to have a bronchoscopy or needle biopsy. Then the 3 drs. will put together a plan and we'll go from there.

    Thanks for listening.


  4. Connie,

    So glad to hear it is done. I'll keep you and your mom in my prayers. I hope she is feeling better soon. She's lucky to have a daughter like you - I can feel your love for her reading your words. Better days ahead.


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