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Posts posted by dadstimeon

  1. Welcome Vernon,

    Glad you found us. As you can see many of us are still here after a year. I'm 3 months away from 6 years at Stage IV (read my profile) so statistics don't mean a whole heck of a lot. Sounds like your putting the cart in front of the horse without getting all the facts. Do some research and ask your doctor questions. Knowledge is the key. Be pro-active, stay positive and get on with life the best way you can. Stay with us and keep us posted on how it goes. Hope this helps. Good Luck!


  2. Grateful for my wonderful (who already has way too much on their plate) friend who takes the time and effort to call me everyday no matter what to check on me and encourage me. Also does not mind razing :P:lol: me on the many errors of my ways which is a good thing-- laughter is the best medicine. I'm very blessed/fortunate and having a friend like that is priceless!

  3. Well OK Connie get out the tissues! :P:roll::lol: This is the bumps in the road in addition to Lung Cancer-- Heart Disease, CHF (Congestive Heart Failure), ITP (Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura), Sleep Apnea, Allergies, AADD (adult Attention Deficit Disorder), Lymphedemma, Neuropathy, Myopathy and Arthritis/Pinched Nerves (up my spine and into my neck). My CHF (Congestive Heart Failure), Sleep Apnea, AADD (adult Attention Deficit Disorder), Lymphedemma, Neuropathy, Myopathy and Arthritis/Pinched Nerves (up my spine and into my neck) all was diagnosed after my Lung Cancer. Also since I was diagnosed with Lung Cancer had two (mild) heart attacks and came to within two days of (because of my ITP, lost so much blood, also had to have chemo for it) dying in 2006. Currently using a cane/walker for assistance and oxygen. I put my journey in my profile for folks to read; don’t really like to post about it unless asked, just give a general update now and then. As my Grandmother used to say It's always something Ricky.

    I never viewed anyone’s post dealing with lung cancer or other serious health issues as whining because we all know who are dealing with serious health issues how hard it is and it is not easy or fun. Someone should not feel (as Connie pointed out) they cannot post about their situation, if it helps you go for it. My main concern is how it all plays out for my wife and daughter. I would say for the most part things are not bad overall. Yes things are changing and not for the better but I’m still here, still trying and if I do go I will be kicking and screaming all the way to the cemetery or in my case the (environmentally friendly) crematory. :P:lol: So what keeps me going is staying positive, having a good attitude, never never never giving up, laugh whenever I can and live life to the fullest with my wife and daughter. Just make the best of it and thank God-- still think I'm blessed and very fortunate things are not worse.

    I owe it all to my wife, daughter, best friend and a great health care team to get me through all this crap-- could not do it without them!

    Great post Connie and I hope we here from others!

  4. Sorry the Tarceva did not work. Had Alimta-- other then fatigue had no problems with it and had very good results with it. It is discouraging when a treatment stops working/does not work but keep in mind there are other treatments to keep the ball rolling. As long as there is life there is hope and never never never give up!

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