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Posts posted by Marci

  1. Hey Kristi,

    Boy, do I know what you are going through. I go through the same thing with my mom's siblings not my own actually, they are my aunts and my mother's sisters so they are older then me of course and I have always been taught to respect my elders but sometimes they are just so wrong. Its very frustrating b/c you are living it all out day by day and your other brother who is not there is not. My husband once said about one of my aunts boy it sure is easy to give orders and opinions when your not the one here actually doing everything for your loved one. I know you feel overwhelmed and then to think that loved ones like that would give you support now more than anything else. I really don't have any words of wisdom for this except for what I started to do was instead of volunteering info. outside of the home I would only give out what was necessary information. I know that is a fine line for you b/c he is your brother and these are his parents too. You also can suggest him coming to help with the things you do - not sure if he lives locally or not but I did that as well and those with the biggest opinions started to quiet down. Good Luck and remember you do need some time for yourself or you will tire out and not be good to your loved ones. It is ok to take a break.

    Good Luck and Rest Up Yourself,


  2. Hi Shannon,

    So happy for you right now. Enjoy every minute of it with her! Congrats on your baby coming! Wait till you are able to tell your baby when they are older what a blessing they were coming to give joy to your mom and you now when you both need it most in your lives.

    Continued Blessings,


  3. My prayers are with you and your family and will be on that day as well. Like Donna said it is doable. Donna also helped me with advice when I had asked for advice before mom's surgery and I am glad I did. My Mom had the same thing done upper right lobe removed along with center of the chest lymph nodes. My Mom got through the surgery and it was scary but she came through it. Its good to hear of others making it through successfully and thats what I needed - hope this helps knowing others have done it too.

    Keep the Faith and Be Strong for your Family

    Many Blessings


  4. Hi Dana,

    When I read your post today I was like WOW that is exactly what I am going through. My mom is the most important person in my life and has always been. My parents were divorced when I was very young and my dad took off although we managed to make amends before he passed away in 2000. My mom was a single mom and she was all I had. Although I am an adult now -I feel like I am a lost child because of this. Every fear is coming up now that I will be all by myself when she leaves this world and I will just collaspe and not live life anymore. I do pray also and do have faith but that fear is with me all the time. I just lost it last night at the dinner table with my husband and his reaction was less than understanding. I was crying and breaking down and he said don't worry about things so much, try and think positive. I was peeved. I told him that he could never understand unless it was his mom. I do admit being sensitive when someone doesn't pay the mind I believe it deserves. I told my husband this is the biggest trial I have ever gone through in my life thus far. Sorry for the long speel but I so identified with you on this. I will pray for you and your mom.

    Best to You-


  5. Hi Donna,

    Sorry to hear that your mom was in the hospital. Yes, it is tough juggling sometimes I look back on last week and weeks before and say how the heck did I do all that and still manage not to pass out from exhausation! LOL! From the grace of God we manage. Some how we get through it and yes somethings must be overlooked that we may have had in our regular routine. Not children by no means -but housework, little things that you did will still be there. I had to make amends with myself that I wasn't perfect although we all try to be all things to all people all of the time and that is a sure set up for failure. I felt guilty that my time with my husband had somewhat diminished a little but really in some strange way it brought us closer together once we started working as team and he understood where I was coming from. Maybe talk a little with the kids about how time is a little short right now and kids that age they will understand and are resilient. I hope in time things will calm down for you - believe me I went through that and you go through tough times and there are the calm times in between you will get through it.

    Take One Day At A Time and you

    will Get through it!


  6. Hi All,

    My mom has had 2 weeks of radiation after her surgery. They said they would evaluate the radiation after 2 weeks b/c that is when they can tell if it is causing problems with breathing. My mom went today and her breathing test was not good at all. They are reviewing now if my mom should keep going or stop. This I thought was just for overkill anyway b/c the cancer itself was removed in surgery but the radiation was like a backup they said to kill any sneaky cells that could be hiding. I am not sure what I am even saying b/c I am just so upset with these blocks in the road. Has anyone had to stop radiation due to these problems? Any advice would be great!


  7. Hi Linda,

    Welcome to this wonderful support community. I to started out the way you are -very scared and anxious not knowing what is going on. But through the help of this community I feel supported and understood in ways that I can't get from others not going through the same situations. Your story sounds similar to mine - I am very close to my mother and have always been. Take one day at a time. Write things down when the Docs speak b/c like u said your mind is spinning and this is all new vocabulary you are hearing if never been through it before. I wrote even the smallest things down and was so glad I did b/c my mom would ask me later what the docs said b/c her mind was tuning out at times. I found I felt like I was parenting my mom now b/c she needed my strength for once in our lives it was always her parenting me and giving me strength but now its our turn to do the same for them. I always also tried searching for wonderful words of wisdom for my mom when she was down and found out there aren't any except for I love you and you will get through this and just listening to her. Keep the faith and know that you are in our prayers.


  8. Yup very strange for her to have these things now. She also has the metallic taste too so I really think it is contributed by the chemo itself. But so strange this far after the fact. Hope someone else posts that they went through the same thing. My mom and I joke that she gets to be 1st to have new things happen to just to make light of it!


  9. Hi All,

    Looking for any info. anyone has on mouth issues. My mom had chemo and is now doing radiation. The weird thing is - is that it seems my mom is experiencing side effects of chemo long after its been done. She just recently lost some hair and her chemo stopped in December. Her latest irritant is her mouth. She says its sore on the upper palate swears there is a sore on each side but I don't see anything there. Docs have even stuck fingers in mouth to feel - nothing. I don't doubt her one bit - my mom tries not to complain about everything so I know when something is really bothering her. Anyone also have this? Oncologist gave her this mouth rinse but pain still persists. Any other things out there to help? Sorry for the long speel!

    Thank You -


  10. Hi Everyone,

    My mom had an upper right lobe removal as well as the center of her chest lymph nodes removed. She will be going for 6 weeks radiation only for the center of her chest not the lung. She wanted me to ask if anyone out there had the center of their chest radiated and what to expect through out. Any info. is appreciated once again!



  11. Hi Everyone,

    Haven't been on for quite some time now. I have been very busy taking care of mom and the family since my mom had her surgery. Update on mom is that she had her upper right lobe removed along with center of chest lymph nodes sucessfully without many complications and has been home recovering. The only complication which is a big one is that my mom has not been breathing very well. She went to the pulmonary doc and he said her capacity was not as good as it should be. She has oxygen at home. Now she goes for a doppler and new cat scan to determine if her port is causing a blod clot in the lung. So not really sure what to make of all this. My mom is so depressed and says she will never get back to breathing right again. She can't even walk downstairs to my apartment -its heartbreaking to me. I believe in time the doc can get her back to some normalcy. According to my mom that will never be - she is so sad. Any advice from others who had this operation would be greatly appreciated and just to let me know that they got through that part of the struggle. Hope everyone out there is holding their own and doing well.



  12. Hi Hawkeye,

    I am praying for you and Mary. I know exactly what you are going through with the family members. I go through it so much with my mom's sisters. They don't go through the day-to-day stuff and then want to take over whenever convenient for them. They are not there day to day with the struggles and lets not forget the special loving things that are only between you and Mary. Think of those things when they start to get on your nerves. They will never share that only you will have those things. Thats what I do now -I think of special things that I only do for my Mom and no one else and I am sure you have many of them with Mary. I don't know why family members start to act this way - I guess its panic that they may lose someone and then they get possessive. Not sure what it all means Hawkeye!!

    Sending my Best,


  13. Carrie,

    I feel your pain and I know your heart is broken. My mom is my best friend as well as my mom and I would trade places with her to endure it so she wouldn't have to go through any of it. I just don't understand why the suffering in this life and I don't think I ever will. You and your mom are in my thoughts and prayers.


  14. Hi All,

    Mom's scan came back that everything shrunk. We thought that this was great news until we went to the Thorasic Surgeon. He informed Mom that her Hilar and Paratrachial lymph nodes are causing the main problem. He can do surgery but these are deep within chest cavity and he said that its risky. He advised on the risks such as death can occur with the surgery, blood clots, pneumonia can set in, etc. He scared the wits out of us with all that. Now we are not so sure that the surgery is the way to go but we don't have many other choices. Anyone have these nodes removed or any nodes removed with success? I appreciate any info.

    Thanks All-


  15. Hi Stephanie-

    I am praying for your mom and you. I would never tell anyone whom to pray to its way too personal but I will tell you that we prayed to "The Blessed Virgin Mary" to bring miracles and she is very powerful to me and my family. Just know also that sometimes the miracles that we are looking for don't come in the form that we expect -they maybe in another form - so maybe it will be a change in medicine or regime for your mom. I will pray deeply for your Mom's Recovery on my rosary over the weekend before the meeting. I hope it gives some comfort to know that. I know when others tell me they are praying it brings me so much comfort.

    Take Care


  16. Hi All,

    Haven't been on since before the holidays. Hope all is well for my LC friends. Mom's Pet Scan was today - we won't get the results until next Wednesday 1/9. I am so scared because so far things have been good -MOM responded to chemo and the DR. says things shrunk but Pet needs to be sure. Please pray for me and my mom that they won't find anymore cancer anywhere else- I know she would be destroyed mentally and I surely would be too. Seeing this battle is so sad - I wish my MOM and all people would not have to endure this.

    Talk to Ya Soon and Best Wishes

    for the New Year Everyone!


  17. Wow! I can't believe its true! That is why our dog Sophie who was always a sweet dog and was always close to my mom had gotten closer to my mom now - we didn't know they could become closer - they are inseparable now! The dog lays on my mom and stares at her and even if she is in the bathroom the dog will wait outside the door and listen for her. It's so beautiful that our dog has that bond with her and ability to sense it.


  18. Sending all warm wishes for a peaceful and happy holiday season. May the New Year bring positive changes for restoration in your health or your loved one's health. For those of you who are grieving a loss -I wish for your heart to be held by the powers that be. To all of you I wish good things for you and your loved ones.

    Happy New Year!

    Many Blessings-


  19. My mom does go through coughing spells also. But yeah everyone is different. My mom has been going through treatment since October and has not lost her hair. As far as the smoking thing my mom quit at diagnosis but still says she misses a cigarette even though she knows it probably contributed to her disease. Best of luck to your mom and you and glad to hear you can be with your mom now.


  20. My prayers go out to you. You know what they say about when one door closes another door opens. I struggled for a year unemployed and am still catching up this year on the past year's bills. But in God's timing I found a great job. I had to keep telling myself that all though during that time it was hard it and very, very difficult - it was all part of the master plan to where I ended up. Keep the faith - you will find something and be much happier.

    Best to you-


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