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Posts posted by Ry

  1. I am also an only child. I understand what it's like to have to do it all and not have a sibling to help. When you go through a loss you find out a lot about friends and family. It was so surprising to me after I lost my husband the people that were really there for me and the ones who backed off. Surprisingly, my oldest friend was one that was suddenly someone I didn't know. I began to question myself-- was I not a good friend, was I there for her when she lost her mother, would I do this to her, have I acted like this to others, etc. etc?

    It didn't destroy our friendship, I call her once in awhile, I keep in touch, but it will never ever be what it was.

    Surprisingly, other people came back into my life and were so supportive and wonderful. So, I am going off on a tangent when I really just wanted to say that the anniversaries are hard. They do get easier - it's true that time helps, and you will get to a place where you will do ok with them. I try to do something in my husband's memory around his birthday and date of death to honor him in some way and just remember that he was here.

    Hang in there.

  2. I felt a lot of guilt when I started to date someone else. I think it's because you don't feel single-- there was no break-up, no divorce-- you still feel married. It takes awhile to get past the feeling that you are cheating on your spouse. I know that sounds weird but that's how I felt.

    I am so glad you are seeing someone. Be happy.

  3. Judy-

    I am sorry for what you are (both) going through. Not too many individuals post about what this monster does to relationships and marriages but believe me what you are going through happens a lot. Many people I've been close with on this board have shared the heartache they have gone through with their spouse and felt they were no longer loved.

    But that said, it can get better. It can make you closer if you work at it. You can make it better than it was before - honest. Let him vent his frustration and talk it out. You've both lost a lot -- don't make it worse by canceling your dream trip. Go to Hawaii.

    Next time you come this way let me know. I am not that far from Ann Arbor.

  4. I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my husband almost 3 years ago. The only thing that was helpful to me in the beginning was talking to other people that had been through the same thing. Other women were a great support to me. If you go to the Grieving forum you will find lots of posts that will help you with things you have to do now, and how to get through this time. If you don't have a friend to talk to then read a book about how others got through things. I posted a great book in the Grieving forum.

    The beginning of this journey is so hard and extremely painful. A wise women on this board always posted "keep busy, keep busy" -- I took her advice and it helped keep the despair at bay. I am so sorry to welcome you to the club no one wants to join.

  5. Michelle-

    I am sorry I am late on this. To paraphrase, grieving is not for sissies - it's hard work. You will get to a point where it will get easier - you will be able to talk about him and laugh, and enjoy memories...the crying will be less and less. You'll get there.

  6. He would be proud of you and you should be proud of you for all you did during his illness. You were a great caregiver and advocate for him, and we were all so sad when he lost the battle. Reading your messages after he passed away and how you dealt with your grief helped me tremendously in dealing with mine. Rest in peace Duke.

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