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Posts posted by jaminkw

  1. Sarah, I was so sad to hear this last post. You sounded like things might be o.k. for you at work in the previous post. You sound good--positive and hopeful--and that's great. I just don't think people in our situations should have to deal with the kind of stress that you've experienced at the hands of a really hateful person. I've had ugly bosses but not while battling cancer. It's just not fair. I'm telling you, maybe you should listen to Ry and give them some grief through legal channels. I know that often we don't act in our own best interest because we don't know how to even start. Can anyone onsite advise Sarah how to start if she decides to go in that direction? I do agree though, if it caused you to live in a negative space, it wouldn't be worth it.

    Hang in there, Judy in PA

  2. Barbara, You are allowed to ramble after 3 1/2 years by the side of a cancer survivor. Like Bill, I was always very energetic and worked a lot. The fatigue is my biggest complaint. I must say though, five weeks from my last Avastin and having cut two of my three bp meds in half, I feel the first seblemce of normalcy since my diagnosis almost a year ago.

    I've been meaning to ask someone and this seems as good a time as any, what is WBR? I see it cropping up all the time and don't know what it stands for.

    And BTW, I noticed Bill is due for a scan tomorrow, is that right? I'll keep him in my thoughts and send positive energy your way.

    Judy in PA

  3. You do have to respect your Dad's decision to stop treatment. It can be really rough, and there is much debate about quality vs. quantity of life. I do hope your father is not in pain and if he is, the family has a medical support system to make him comfortable.

    My heart goes out to you, Judy in Key West (now in PA)

  4. Shrimp, I am so sorry for the loss of your father. It feels like yesterday that you came onsite. It must all seem like a horrible blur. Condolences to you and your family.

    Judy in Key West (in PA)

  5. Caren, Your dad's lucky he has you looking out for him and getting him help quickly. Maybe this chemo isn't for him, or maybe it was just because of the infection that should clear up with IV antibiotics. If it's not for him, like Sandra said, there are surely others they can try.

    Keeping you and Dad in my thoughts.

    Judy in New Jersey

  6. Linda, I hope you get some more encouraging news soon. I agree with the others here who say most people involved in cancer medicine are usually quite flexible in scheduling around our lives. Also, Janet has info about the PET but if you are afraid to take the risk, don't worry so much. Dr West on cancergrace.org has written articles about his doubt of their value. He seems to think they add little to the picture. I think I recall some of his reasoning is around the belief that if it's not big enough to see on the CAT scan, it's not big enough to treat. Anybody remember?

    I will be sending positive thoughts and energy your way.

    Judy in New Jersey

  7. Morning all! It is still morning altho 11 am here. We moved out of our friends' backyard "field" further north to my cousin's house. She and her husband live right down from the old farmhouse where we all grew up and her sister and husband live right next door. My one sister lives on a parallel road a good piece back from the road we are on. She's right next door to the house we built years ago. We and my older sister (living in Arizona) are the renegades. We lived in Key West for one year, five years in Pemberton (not too far from here), on the back road 3 1/2 years, then lived in and around Kutztown for twelve years. We're heading there for a visit from here on Sunday.

    Traded the deer, the groundhogs, wild turkeys and more species of birds than I can remember for a few sparrows. We are still in the country but much closer to civilization. Good news, my internet is better here.

    To all you techies out there, my "Assistant" on comcast keeps trying to load and trying to load--forever. When I put my pointer on it, it says "toggle to close." What's that mean? I tried clicking, double-clicking, nada. With it trying to load, I can't open my email box. Whatever, I'm here saying good morning.

    Have a great day.

    Judy still in New Jersey

  8. I do remember people some years ago talking about B12 shots and I think it was related to fatigue but maybe also mood elevation? Little of that couldn't hurt us either lol!.

    Judy in New Jersey

  9. Tracy, Sorry to be coming in so late to say I'm sorry about the progression. I've been following you in your trial and posting on the Care Pages and couldn't get to the last one (traveling with unreliable internet) and caught up with you here. You obviously jumped right back into the fight. I hope your family is hanging in there too. It's got to be difficult. It sounds like you all had a fabulous summer. I'm sure you are grateful for it but it doesn't make this setback any easier. Keep on hanging in there. Obviously you have a large rooting section here to add to the people in your more immediate life. Sending positive thoughts and energy your way, Judy in Key West (currently in New Jersey)

  10. Tracy, Sorry to be coming in so late to say I'm sorry about the progression. I've been following you in your trial and posting on the Care Pages and couldn't get to the last one (traveling with unreliable internet) and caught up with you here. You obviously jumped right back into the fight. I hope your family is hanging in there too. It's got to be difficult. It sounds like you all had a fabulous summer. I'm sure you are grateful for it but it doesn't make this setback any easier. Keep on hanging in there. Obviously you have a large rooting section here to add to the people in your more immediate life. Sending positive thoughts and energy your way, Judy in Key West (currently in New Jersey)

  11. Kasey, So sorry to hear about your back issue. I think the "stick" issue with nurses and techs is a matter of talent--some have it some don't and some have it sometimes. My daughter was a pediatric nurse and whenever they had someone that was a hard stick, they called her. A tech blew her veins drawing blood one time and she was livid. My husband is a really difficult stick. Recently, he went to the lab where I go routinely for my blood work. The young woman who always draws my blood said, no problem, I'll get it. She did--on the first stick! He was stunned, I was relieved.

    You got some good advice here, but I'm wondering what kind of facility at which you are having it done. If it's a hospital, you may have options about who does the procedure. If it's a doctor's office or small clinic, it may be more limited. In any event, ask for their best stick.

    Good luck.

    Judy now in New Jersey

    P.S. So excited. Hope to see you next week.

  12. Sandra, Looove the new picture.

    Carole, So good to see you back on site. Love the tatoo. I've learned that my mobile internet is only good for a short time here in the Jersey farmland so I didn't have time to reread your initial post. I'm not dealing with O2 issues but did I understand that fatigue itself is linked to mouth breathing? If so, Ry I'm all for that chin strap. It would make sense to me. I feel sure I'm a mouth breather because when my attention is called to my breathing and I'm told to inhale through my nose and exhale through my mouth, I have to concentrate on it. I have significant allergies which I'm sure have contributed to the habit of mouth breathing.

    I am on my "gift" of six weeks between chemos for this trip. I have two weeks to go but as of now (like my previous 4-wk gift), I have not seen significant change in my energy level and still get quite fatigued when I am even a shadow of my old "energy bunny" self. I want my life back for however long I can have it before my cancer progresses and that is dependent on increased energy level. I will try almost anything to accomplish that.

    Judy in Key West

  13. Patti, I tried to post my thoughts on this several days ago but it's didn't go through on my mobile internet. That's why I've stopped posting much.

    I suspect that idea of Tarceva not working if you don't get the rash and other side effects is kin to an old wives tale. I would wonder if anyone has ever seen any scientific evidence to confirm it. Sad thing is, we believe these things and you could be enjoying this "absence of side-effects" time. Instead, it's got you worrying your way through it.

    No, I don't think you're crazy running to the mirror every morning looking for the rash. It would scare me to. I'd want it if I thought I had to have it to work but wouldn't want it where it's very visible.

    Good luck. I'm thinking of you and checking on you when I do get on the site.

    Judy in Key West

  14. Sheri, Can you believe you started this subject that is still going. I believe it was very important for the many "children" who have responded her about their own grief and feelings it's been ignored by family and community. Your courage in "venting" opened the door for them to express feelings they may have not felt safe in sharing before.

    Good job.

    Judy in Key West

  15. I finally posted the photo of my view on the Rancocas River on my Jun/Jul trip to NJ. I'm off to NJ again. This time I'll be staying on 10 acres of rural land in Pittsgrove, NJ. A friend is renovating a house there but now it will just be hubby and I in our RV.

    I will be on and off the boards because I got my mobile internet during my last trip because I missed you all too much. Next weekend, however, will be my annual pj party at Sea Isle City with my gal friends. We all went to high school together, some of us kindergarten! We usually have 12-14 women show up for the Saturday main event. I'm lucky to be one of the smaller group of five who are invited on Friday. It's a great time and I expect I won't show up on the boards at all that weekend.

    The powers to be here have to give me a pass because my onc gave me three extra weeks off--six weeks between infusions. Whoopee! I'll get one in Orlando on the way back to the Keys from NJ on Sep 23.

    Now that I know how to do it, I'll post pics, I hope.

    Judy in Key West

  16. Congratulations on the "stable." Those decisions weighing benefit of treatment and side effects are the worst. The tax has kept you stable but having to depend on prednisone to breathe has it's own downside. Good luck. I know you'll make an informed decision.

    Judy in Key West

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