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Posts posted by jaminkw

  1. Randy, duh, I missed the d before c! Happens sometimes when the fingers are almost simultaneous on the "submit" button. Been there done it and nobody ever notices your (earlier) post.

  2. David,

    Interesting post, challenging to think about and respond to. Would I be with my doctor based on our clinical interactions almost ten months down the line if in the beginning people working with her hadn't told me how great she is? I was told she is the head of medical oncology at MDACC in Orlando and completed a fellowship at MDACC in Houston (Time magazine named MDACC in Houston the #1 cancer clinic in the country three years in a row). Her resume that can be found online is impressive. Everyone you say her name to at MDACC describes her in glowing terms.

    Our relationship isn't perfect but she does most everything right. She gave me six rounds of carbo/taxel/avastin and talked me into avastin maintenance. After the 6 + 2 rounds, I was in remission. When I have scans, she sees me the same day and sits and explains it with the CD in computer giving me the visuals. She waits until I ask the hard questions before giving me information that is difficult to digest. She respects my feelings, when I said "You don't understand, come November I'm going to want more than a six-week break." Her reply (even though I know she'll be happy if I decided to stay on Avastin maintenance) was, "well, if you're talking about the Fall, I'm o.k. with that." Damn, I was impressed.

    So far I guess she sounds about perfect and in many ways she is. But she is very reserved and I am definitely not. She sent me to Dr Mary once because Dr Mary is an oncologist with more experience with Avastin's blood pressure issue that I was suffering from big time. When I was a counselor, people used to tell me it wasn't like going to a shrink. It was like sitting in a livingroom chatting with a friend. That's how I felt with Dr Mary. Dr Tseng is kind and caring but not real warm and fuzzy and doesn't appear very comfortable socially with patients. She also tends to say little when I'm bristling about something--I'm sure getting into a conflict situation with your cancer patient isn't a good idea anyway!

    Boy David, I realize now that a relationship with an oncologist is a complicated one. Bottom line for me, I guess, is that I trust her with my life. If you're still with yours after 4 1/2 years, my guess is you trust her with your life too. Isn't that what's important.

    Judy in Key West

  3. Andrea,

    Almost 19 lbs in 3 wks. That's awesome. I give you credit though. I'd have a hard time doing only shakes.

    I'd like to lose some weight too. The few new clothes I bought myself when I lost fifteen lbs last year are too tight now. I worked so hard with WW online, counting every point every day for months. Since my dx, I put it all back on. What's discouraging me now is how slow I remember it was--just a half a pound a week most of the time. If I lost a whole pound, I was estatic. But it finally added up. I've been trying, sort of. That means I usually eat healthy but when I'm trying I increase proportion of fruits and veggies and cut back on carbs and other sweets. I know I have to get really strict to lose and I hate it.

    I'm in, Judy in Key West

  4. Marianne, Sorry I missed your earlier posts. As a retired mental health counselor, I admit I started my practice being quite anti-medication. In time, however, I came to really appreciate times when they are critical to a person being able to move forward in their own best interest. I also came to believe that we are genetically predisposed to either anxiety or depression and some people both. I took Avitan for anxiety for quite awhile after my dx (I am not prone to continued ongoing depression) but only at the insistence of my RN daughter and RN sister. I now take it on occasion just because I think I need to at the time. I urge you to try antidepressants and if you've taken one that has worked in the past, start there.

    The kind of isolation you describe, Marianne, is something I am familiar with. My husband and I moved to Key West over twenty years ago. But due to the fact that many friends have left the area or died and because I worked the last ten years in a very isolating profession, lonliness is a real problem. A counselor could fill that gap and at the same time help you explore ways to expand your social contacts. Believe me, I know it's not easy. I've tried and failed in a lot of efforts to alleviate lonliness but am still trying and feeling better every day. If you can't find a christian counselor, see if you can get a referral to someone good. I can remember occasions when people where "stuck" coming to me because they couldn't find a christian counselor. My answer to them was, a skilled counselor can go wherever you need to go.

    My heart goes out to you and I admire you for your recent bounce back. Please pm me if you would like more contact.

    Judy in Key West

  5. David,

    I know this is getting off topic but I wanted to let you know that your post was the first I read this morning, and sometimes we get exactly what we need when we need it.

    First of all congratulations on being a long term survivor. I'm 64 and don't plan on returning to work for pay but my greatest love is working outdoors in my yard and doing small household repairs/improvements. I have been avoiding it because I'm afraid. I was seriously overdoing that kind of work when I wound up with my pleural effusion and cancer dx. Don't get me wrong, I don't think that gave me cancer but I know from my study of this disease that stress and overwork can contribute to the manifestation if the disease is lurking. I'm going to start today--a little at a time. That's my fear, that once I start (because I love doing it) I won't stop before overdo!

    David, you are an inspiration to me that not only can I begin to do the things I love again but also do it while continuing on treatment. I have just begun to entertain the thought that I'm too scared to go off treatment even though I'm in remission. I've talked with my husband about staying on Avastin but stretching the intervals out to four or six. Let me end by saying you sound like someone who has succeeded in finding a balance in life that fosters healthy living. My goal exactly!

    Judy in Key West

  6. Carole, of course I already pm'd you as soon as I saw you were on the site. I just came to this thread as I am weaving my way down posts since last visited. I was so excited when I found the free wi-fi and even outlets to plug in a computer with a low battery at the airport! It's just good to have someone with you like you do so you don't miss your boarding!

    Have a great vacation. I'm excited for you!

    Judy in Key West

  7. Maryanne and Joel, What wonderful news. Thanks for all the info on cyberknife. We can keep it on ice in case we need it in the future. I'll happily join you in the pub for a drink--red wine for me Kasey.

    Can't remember if I noticed before you are in NJ. My husband and I are both from your neck of the woods and were in Mt Laurel during our recent stay in NJ.

    Great to hear things turned out so well and looking forward to even greater news to come.

    Judy in Key West

  8. What a boob I am. I edited my post because I missed the whole point--A to Z, it was finished!

    P.S. Ry are you sure Kalamazoo is a big city? I know some folk from there and I thought it was a small town. Could be I was wrong.

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