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Posts posted by jaminkw

  1. Hi Maggie, I am sorry for the loss of your husband. I am a 64-year-old mother of two and grandmother of three. If you had told me a year ago that I'd be a regular poster on an internet website, I would have said "I don't think so." But here I am. These people, including your infamous Shelli, have become family. We are here for you. It will feel a little awkward at first but it's well worth the effort.

    Judy in Key West

  2. Jerry, Thanks for checking in. You posted your story around the time I joined. The fact that so much time went by before you realized you hadn't posted is a good thing--time flies when you're having fun! Hope you are. You are a poster child for early detection.

    Judy in Key West

  3. Susan, I'm so sorry for what you and your mom and family are going through. Mom may be wobbly and weak from not eating. I'm hoping others on site who have had radiation will come in. I know they have lots of experience and recommendations about what/how to get people to eat when on radiation.

    In the meantime, I get serious naseau and the only thing that I want to eat at those times because it helps temporarily is bread--the denser the better so the grocery store bakery kind are my favorites. Bread with butter, sometimes also jelly, toasted or not and with a cup of tea is great. You might want to try making her a cup of tea with milk and sugar and serving it to her with buttered toast. Don't ask her first, just offer it. What do you have to lose if she doesn't eat it but the little time it took to prepare it. I think radiation affects taste buds so I figure approach it like you would a small child--just keep offering things until you hit on something she can/will eat. Just don't give up trying stuff no matter how frustrating because she needs her strength.

    I wish there was more I could offer in the way of help/comfort.

    Judy in Key West

  4. Ry, you got a real belly laugh out of me with the "whipper snapper" and "cow pie" post.

    Bruce, you don't have to tell us where the farm is. I just want to know what kind of farm--dairy, truck, tree? My main interest, are there animals? Not you guys, I mean the real animals in the wild.

    Judy in Key West

  5. Marci, You don't have to worry about anybody or anything but your mom and family and what you all have to get through right now. There are plenty of us around to take care of others.

    So sorry for your mom and what she's going through. I know that pain tolerance thing can be really problematic sometimes. A lot of us older people have been raised that way. You got sick you just sucked it up til it got better. If it didn't, well then it was time to call the doctor. Glad you all took the choice away and made her go to the ER. It probably saved her life. I'll be rooting for her. She sounds like a tough lady.

    Judy in Key West

  6. JB you don't have to use "in Key West" when you refer to me or something I said. We'll get it. lol I use it because Judy is a common name and when I first came on I noticed a Judy using Judy--O.k. so I figured I should differentiate.

    Judy (in Key West) can't help it, it's a habit now!

  7. Looking forward to hearing your report on the Friday procedure and the BDay celebration. So glad you checked in with Dr West. As I've said before, I think he walks on water so when he agrees with your doctor it a real GO.

    Good luck Joel and Happy Birthday, Judy in Key West

  8. Coni, I don't know enough about what treatments are used for what cancers but I think there might be an alternate scenario. I'm on Avastin maintenance and even though I'm in remission, I know others like Ned went on Avastin maintenance before Tarceva. Avastin is supposed to be very benign (unless you get the raging blood pressure like Patti and I). My main complaint is chronic extreme fatigue and you can argue it's the chemo or enough bp meds to down an elephant--same result.

    Judy in Key West

  9. I had to laugh to and at myself when I came into JUST FOR FUN to post this. I recently referred to "The Story" instead of "Story Time." I am into a second generation of kids who are always on my case because whenever I refer to something I'm trying to recall that has two words, I typically get one word correct and one wrong. The thing is I am able to assure my grandson it's not old age; his mom and uncle remember me doing it all the time when they were kids.

    Anyway, Bruce is awake but the ladies who are naughty but fun must be napping because the story in STORY TIME is stalled with poor JB left to deal with a mad hairy beastie. In the meantime, I thought of a getting to know you topic that everyone could join in.

    What is the craziest, funniest, naughtiest or most outrageous thing you did, stunt you pulled, lie you told (you see where it's going) when you were a teenager.

    Sound like fun, who wants to go first?

    Judy in Key West

  10. Shelli, bless you for your efforts but it's an inverter that goes from 12volts to 110volts. You can get them in Walmarts and places like that. If I remember they're not very expensive, like $20 or so. Aren't I a smarty aleck. I bought one once but o.k. I did have to ask my husband what they're called.

    Have a great time, Judy in Key West

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