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Posts posted by jaminkw

  1. Johnny, Tell your mom I'm older than she and I was "stable" after two rounds of Avastin/Carboplatin/Taxol but in remission after six. Hang in there. I was really disappointed too and said "stable" wasn't good enough for me. I believe that attitude can be a real plus and I'm living proof.

    Judy on the Rancocas River

  2. I am sooooo happy to be here posting. Couldn't take it anymore so went to the AT&T store today and got mobile internet. Here I am, surprisingly with only one bar, on the internet on the Rancocas River.

    Hey guys, I've boiled eggs both ways--but Carole, I don't think you have to wait until the water boils "over." That method takes 20-25 min sit time. And Randy, if you really really overcook them until the water is all gone, you get an explosion of amazing proportion--eggs all over even gobs hanging from the ceiling. Believe me, hubby and I did it once.

    Judy on the Rancocas River


    Dave, I'm always a day late and a dollar short but WhooooHoooo, Whoopee!!!!

    Have a great summer.

    Judy on the way to the Rancocas River

  3. Have a small window of opportunity here before hubby has me "on the road again" (especially for Randy). When I was able to pop in last night from the KOA in not sunny SC (near Florence), I was caught up reading brokenarrow's morning post. I love it and am jealous I wasn't here to participate in Tuesday's critter chatter. There was no time to catch up on you all but I did get to the chat. It was great bantering with all of you there. Debbie stopped in so this morning I checked out the post about Alan. Sorry things have turned bad Debbie. Hope hospice smooths the troubled waters for Alan and he comes home soon.

    Missing you all and dreading not being able to connect where I'll be staying in NJ. But don't count me out yet. If it gets too bad I may have to go to the AT&T store and get a mobile card!

    Judy on the way to the Rancocas River

  4. Kristi, I'm so sorry you misunderstood my comment. We were talking about family members who are not part of the caretaking system. I'm talking about people like your cousin who doesn't sound like he's part of the helping system. In that case, your father's wishes and yours as the primary caretaker should come first. In the case of the volunteer, I don't think it's right that your father should object to you getting help. In that case, you need to stand your ground that the volunteer be allowed to help unless Dad can offer an alternative helper that he would prefer.

    I would be and have been a person who tells caretakers (my own husband included) they have to take care of themselves iin order to be able to be there for the person (in your case two parents) they are caring for. A large part of taking care of yourself is taking time off from caretaking!

    Good for you. I'm glad you're getting a long weekend off.

    Judy on the way to the Rancocas River

  5. Carole, Thanks for the reminder of those among us who are parents of children still at home. I am particularly aware of them since my 42-year-old niece with ten-year-old triplets has been fighting breast cancer with mets to bones and liver so whenever I'm tempted to feel too sorry for myself, I think of the mothers and fathers....

    Judy on her way to the Rancocas River

  6. Lynn: I agree with Carole. I think your email is very appropriate. Perhaps Carole is also right about spelling out the boundaries very clearly. I'm not sure how to suggest you do that, perhaps lead in with suggestions of where they might stay? I would also spell out that they come in as small family groups as possible.

    I'm really responding, Lynn, because I want to commend you for taking charge in Larry's best interest. This past winter two couples, my husband's family, came to visit. I was not as debilitated as Larry right now but I was doing the last of my big chemos. I was furious at my husband for not laying down the law and telling them not to come but admitted after a rant that in my heart of hearts I knew that even if he did tell them no, his brother and wife would have come anyway. They didn't even stay with us but it was way too much company for me and it made a tough time even harder.

    People have to be told. They just don't get it. When a person is fighting this disease, it is all about that person. My hope for you is that they will listen, not give you a hard time, and let Larry set the pace when and if they do come. And I hope Larry is better at assessing his situation than I was. If not, just jump in and come to his rescue.

    Grit your teeth and click the send button. It's hard but someone's has to do it and we'll be here reminding you that you did good.

    Judy in Key West

  7. Dar, I cried to think of you laying down and talking to your mother as a way of helping her pass over. What a wonderful thing to do. I couldn't ask more of my daughter when my time comes.

    Peace to you. I hope you can find some comfort in these difficult days and weeks ahead.

    Judy in Key West

  8. Carole, Thanks for directing me here. My tapering off has involved continuing to follow all the threads I'm emailed about because I've posted to them but trying not to tap into new ones!

    Sorry about the negatives, but like you I only give them a cursory glance then off to the positives. You'll always be the "bounce back kid" and I'm glad you're getting a break but am glad they're looking at a new plan and hope it's one Dr W endorses.

    Judy in Key West

    P.S. Am on my way out to lunch. Sorry no wine this early but will drink an ice tea for you and pm you later.

  9. It sounds like a good time will be had by all. With my husband's ever changing work schedule I never know for sure, but we'll probably be coming through and stopping in PA in September. I'll put out a shout then.

    Have a great time.

    Judy in Key West

  10. Maryanne and Ginny and all the party-goers in King of Prussia: I hate to miss a party. So close but no cigar. I won't be in Hainesport until the 26th and will actually still be in Orlando for my chemo on the 23rd. Bummer.

    Judy in Key West

  11. Shelli, Some of these things are a laugh even the second time around.

    Been seeing you around the site. Glad you're hanging around to help prop some of the rest of us up. Your Dad sound like a great guy, and you a great daughter.

    Judy in Key West

  12. Linda, Thanks for the good wishes. I'm feeling so much more positive about my trip. I was having a little issue about time management while I was there and got that cleared up via emails today. Also someone suggested Ativan for the excitement, not sleeping. Duh, I am so clueless. I have it here but never even think about taking it when I need it. I really have to work on that.

    And yes, there really is a river--a small one--where I'm staying. My grandson (when he gets there later in my stay) and I will probably be able to go outside and fish for crappy (or croppy depending on where you are from) bass. But in case anyone gets the wrong idea about me, I'm a little schizo and although I am a real nature lover, I'm not unhappy that a small town is nearby and shopping is all around me.

    Judy in Key West

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