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Posts posted by jaminkw

  1. O.k. Debi, mine's not a bra thing--hated them then and hate them now. My silly thing is eyebrows. Yes, eyebrows. I was devastated at losing my eyelashes and terrified they'd not come back but they did. What is weird is that only part of my eyebrows came back and they look strange unless I finish them with pencil. Trouble is, I am currently working with my very discriminating grandson to find the right color--according to him, my hair color is not auburn. Did I really buy an auburn pencil? It was probably on sale. Anyway, back to the drawing board--I mean drugstore, or should it be department store?

    Judy on Lake Whipporwill

  2. I don't know about the real stats but would be interested: Are more women than men diagnosed with can or do more women than men survive cancer? Gut feelings agree with others who think the majority of men today still are responding to the "suck it up" parenting model for boys. Still, we do have men on the site and I'm wondering if that falls in with my theory that a high percentage of those on board had lots of sisters and/or were raised by single moms.

    Judy on Lake Whipporwill

  3. Maryanne and Joel, it sounds like Connie has a legitimate positive posibility perspective. But no matter, the wait and worry and traipsing from doctor to doctor and test to test really wears you down. Sending as much positive energy as I can spare your way.

    Judy on Lake Whipporwill

  4. Debbie, I can't even imagine the depth of your feeling. I get "lonely" even when my husband is just on an extended business trip. But gone forever is the big one. I've never walked in your shoes either Debbie but I think that finding a balance between feeling the feelings until that gets too hard then seeking distraction with family and friends or whatever other means works for you for awhile is a way to start this process. You are in my thoughts with hope you find peace in this very difficult time.

    Judy on Lake Whipporwill

  5. Bruce, Congratulations on the CURE word. They tell me I won't hear it but you never know. You are an inspiration. And thanks for sharing that you are there reading our posts and feeling for us even when you are not showing yourself. What a lovely thing it is to know you care enough to spend your time tuning in.

    Judy on Lake Whipporwill

  6. Linda, Hope someone will stop by who is familiar with your particular chemo combo. I do know with some there is a metallic taste issue that often is accompanied by blisters in the mouth. I had it myself recently from my Avastin but for me it comes and goes with varying severity. I use Prevention swish and spit, the green label mixed with the orange label. Don't know if it does any good but it makes me feel better just doing something!

    Judy in Richmond Hill, GA

  7. Barb, Thanks for the article. I'm not at all surprised. It is hard sometimes though to make yourself do it. I remember how hard it was for me to do the signature part of the profile when I first joined. Then I told myself while I was on the Rancocas River I would do "My Story" so I could edit down the signature. Didn't do it. It's still a goal though.

    Judy in Savanah, GA

  8. Joint, muscle, whatever. I also ache all over my body most of the time. It seems worse since my dx, I think because they took away my Aleve. I routinely took 2 to 3 to get through the day and night. I always thought it was old age compounding the fact that I was in a car accident when I was about 35. I don't think you heal the same after a certain age.

    I laughed when they started asking about numbness in my hands and feet when I went on Avastin maintenance. I've had numbness in some of my fingertips since my son was born in my early twenties. But I'm thinking now I probably should tell my onc. I started waking up with pins and needles in my hands. I thought I was just sleeping wrong. Now though, I'm noticing my hands going to sleep when I'm just sitting doing nothing.

    I'm reminded of a doctor recently commenting on my history of not going to the doctor with a problem or not reporting problems now that I am being routinely seen: Well, I guess you figure if you wait long enough, it will either go away or fall off. I laughed but only after I said, yeh I guess that's about right.

    Judy in Savanah, GA

  9. Lynn, The fact that you haven't been out of your house in a month keeps ringing in my brain. That's just not o.k. I firmly believe we can't really care for someone else if we are not taking care of ourselves. I can hear the problem with the physical aspect of taking care of Larry and understand it has to be addressed but so does the mental aspect. Please try to get a break even if it means imposing on your daughter to pick up a couple of extra hours. Go to lunch with a friend, see a movie, window shop, whatever makes you happy. Who knows, you and your daughter may be able to manage spelling each other for a true break at least once a week or so if you can't find another family member, neighbor or friend to relieve you.


  10. Rich, Was reading these and thinking, would it be wrong to say I know you'll get checked out and right back home again? Shows you how much I trust my instincts but glad I was right on this time! Stay well.

    Judy in Wade, NC

  11. Linda, Thanks but not much bouncing around this evening after a long day of sightseeing in Washington DC with our grandson. What fun. Off to do it again tomorrow--groan, groan. I really love it but it does take a lot of energy!

    Judy at Cherry Hill Park, MD

  12. Thanks guys. But poor Eleanor (my friend). She really meant it as a compliment--the sarcasm was to indicate I seem to have plenty of energy from her perspective. Think it's in my nature to generate energy when I'm with people. My poor husband, however, points out that he gets to see me when I hit the wall!

    What a great place this is to come and just be.

    Judy in College Park, MD

  13. Since dx it seems like I'm always noticing life's lessons. The trip to NJ and reconnecting with family and friends reminded me of childhood experiences as the fifth and youngest of five girls who grew up together.

    My friends asked if I was afraid staying where I am on the Rancocas River by myself. I asked, "afraid of what?" I've always been the one of whom they said "Judy doesn't have the good sense to be afraid." Where did that come from? Easy. I had to jump from the barn beam way way down into the haypile or the big kids would think I was a baby. We used to sleep in the straw barn in the summer which was a good distance from the house. Guess who they gave a flashlight to and sent up in the dark for snacks? Of course, the youngest, they were too afraid!

    The lesson now, I don't have to prove anything to anyone anymore. I think I'm having trouble with that one. One of my friends here asked, "So Judy, what does diminishment of energy look like in you? Is this it?" Her tone was very sarcastic. I'm working on it.

    Judy on the Rancocas River

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