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Posts posted by peebygeeby

  1. Judy! Hey! I hav'nt been here in a long time.

    But, since you're not answering me, you left me no recourse but to try and track you down here and find out what's happening :D

    I read your post, Don't blame you for not bringing your PC into the hospital with you.

    Judy......I hope whatever is going on is "dealable" I just invented that :D

    You are in my thoughts so often, I only want things to be good with you. Stay positive, and move on. That's all any of us can do no matter what our circumstances are. (((((JUDY)))))) :)

    Give Stan a hug for me too.

    Love ya,


  2. Hi Barb!

    I havn't posted in quite a long time. I came on tonight because I was wondering how you and Bill are doing. Good to hear that he is back home.

    I honestly can't remember whether or not chemo was stopped when Hank had his blood clots. It happened twice, but I just don't remember what he was being given, or not, during those times.

    Anyway, because I am not around much, please never think that you are far from my thoughts. I think of you and Bill very often, and hope that things are stable.

    You were the first one to throw me a life line when I started this journey, I will always remember and be thankful for you and your help.

    Stay strong, and be well Barb.



  3. Hey there everybody,

    It's been a while since I last dropped in. I'm sorry for my long absence, but I have been sort of busy and trying to pull my life together and begin moving on.

    I'm doing alright, and I want all of you to know that you are never very far from my thoughts. I want you all to keep fighting, and keep winning. I am pulling for you!!


    Gail :)

  4. Hi to all of you and welcome. Sorry you're here though. I hav'nt been posting these days with any great regularity, but don't think that I'm not with you all and hoping you all have great success in your new journey's. You should all know and believe that there is hope, and that you are truly welcome here. There are many wonderful folks here happy to help in any way that they can.

    My best wishes, and hopes are with you all!!!


  5. Hi Denise,

    So happy to hear about Tom's good results!! He really is doing so well.

    As for the Coumadin issue..... He'll do whatever he has to do. I'm sure. When Hank was fighting this battle, every issue that came down the pike was met with resistance. Coumadin, "I'm not doing that" He did. Oxygen, "I'm not doing that" He did.

    None of this is fun, to put it mildly. No one wants to do any of this. But, when push comes to shove, we all do whatever we have to do. So will Tom. Don't let his initial refusal upset you. He will do it.

    You're both doing great, and I wish you continued success.

    :) Gail

  6. Hi Patti,

    I was hoping the news would be better, but still, as your doctor put it, it's not it's not extreme. I'm sure you don't feel that way, and I wish there had been no progresseion.

    BUT, you are not out of options. Judging by what I've read about others on Tarceva, you can have good results with this for a long time to come. Don't lose heart, don't lose hope.

    Keep on going girl, I'm wishing you only the best and great success.

    :) Gail

  7. Hi Patti,

    I understand how worried you must be, but you need to heed the advice that you have so often offered to others on this board. You need to relax, don't over think it, and see what's what on Tuesday. I know, I'm making it sound so simple. But, you and I both know that we can worry and stress ourselves out for no reason what so ever. Wait and see.

    I am wishing you all the best,


  8. Hi Barbara,

    Stay here. post, make new friends. You will find so much support, hope, and encouragement here. These are some GREAT people. They will help you through this.

    Once your treatment plan is laid out and you are actively treating this disease you will feel better.

    Wishing you great success,


  9. Hi there,

    Thank you so much for sharing your story. It really means a lot to me to see it, especially at this time. It has been just six weeks since my Hank passed away. I have been wondering, even at this early stage in my grieving what my new life will consist of, and who will I share it with. I am also 54. I have been thinking that it is not impossible, but improbable that I will ever find someone new to share my life with. After reading your story, I see that this might not be true. I do have to find myself again though. Who am I really? now that I am not who I was before this happened? I'm sure that in the coming days and months I will find out.

    Thank you very much posting this!!!!!

    :) Gail

    Congratulations on your wedding and new life!!! I wish you much happiness.

  10. Hi everybody,

    Thought I'd drop in and just say hello. I feel guilty that I have not been posting with the same regularity as I was when Hank was still here. I want you all to know that it's not that I don't care. I'm still out here pulling for you all and wishing you success in your individual battles. I guess there are a few reasons that I hav'nt been posting very much. First, the urgency of the situation that Hank and I were in has now passed along with his passing, second, I'm am trying to remove myself from having lung cancer on my mind constantly.

    I hope you understand. Caring about people with this terrible disease and donating to Lungevity will be something that I will continue to do for the rest of my life.

    I am alternately doing OK, then not so OK. If I stay very busy, I seem to be able to keep plugging along. I find that the evenings here at home are the hardest. The old routine of having Hank come home from work, and eating dinner together, and being with each other is really missed. I had a major meltdown last Friday. Don't even know what brought it on. I just cried and cried. Did'nt know there was that much moisture in my head!!!! :D I really started to worry that I would never stop! Everything was wet by the time I did :D

    I have started a support group sponsored by hospice of NJ, although it's not much of a group, only 2 other members who did'nt show up for the first meeting I went to last week. I'm hoping that things will improve there. I am also seeing a social worker privately once a month. My friend Holli is due to move into a house around the corner from my house at the end of the month. That's going to be great!! It's just so lonely for me here now. I have also joined another online forum. It's called Widows too young.

    There are so many people out there just like myself, and I do find comfort there, as I did here from all of the caring people who share my situation.

    I am beginning to truly believe that there is a light at the end of the tunnel for me. I can't see it yet, but I believe it's there.

    Anyway, I will be dropping in periodically to say hello, and be of support in any way that I can.

    All the best,


  11. Hi Maggie,

    Welcome to this community. I have also lost my guy Hank about a month ago, so I know what you're going through and how you're feeling. It's a very, very hard thing, but, understand that you are not alone, others here understand and feel your pain. We have to go on and move forward. Hope to get to know you better!

    All the best,


  12. Hi Janette,

    Just before Hank was diagnosed this passed February we had scheduled a cruise. He had been sick with a cold that would'nt go away for weeks. I suggested that we cancel the trip.

    He said no, we're going. I'm thankful that we did. It was to be our last trip together, and I'm glad we did'nt miss it. I do agree with the precautions others are suggesting, but by all means, GO! ENJOY!

    All the best,


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