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Posts posted by peebygeeby

  1. You guys are all so GREAT! You have made me feel so much better, you have no idea! Thank you!

    Hank had his first round of chemo today. cisplaten/taxol. Along with additives to control nausea. Tomorrow going back for Nulasta injection. At this point, no signs of any problems, nausea, etc.

    His diagnosis is NSCLC stage 4 with a couple of small spots on the spine. Sure hope we can get this under control.

    Luv y'all! Thanx. Gail

  2. All of you who have replied to me: THANK YOU SO MUCH!

    I have now finally started to think that we too can do this, and keep winning! You are all an inspiration, and I hope that soon I will be the position to offer hope and support to others. I have not yet entered specifics about Hanks diagnosis or treatment. But, as I gather all of this information I will do so.

    Tomorrow we begin. First Chemo treatment, the fight is on!!!

    Again, THANK YOU!!!!!!


  3. Hello to you all and thank you! I find these days that I need daily reminders from people such as yourselves to keep me mentally strong and positive. I see that this can be done, and I need to be constantly reminded of it. I think that one of the things that I am finding especially troublesome at this point is that there had been no mention so far of being able to treat this with radiation as well as chemo. It seems at this point that our arsenal is limited. I was reading about radio frequency ablation this morning and I am wondering if that might be something that can be used.

    Hank is set for his first chemo treatment tomorrow, as soon as I get more in depth details on his diagnosis and treatment I will post them. I am wondering if any of you have any advice to offer with regard to nutrition. Anything to add to his diet etc. There is a nutritionist at the facility we are using who I will talk to tomorrow, but I'd like to know what you did as well. Got to keep him strong!!!

    Thanks everybody,


  4. Hello everyone,

    My name is Gail, I am brand new to this site. My significant other of 21 years had just been diagnosed with a large tumor in the right lung, and a couple of spots on his spine. He is scheduled to begin chemo this week. At this time his doctor does not see radiation or surgery as options. We are just praying that the chemo will reduce the size of the tumor and maybe we can go forward from there with some other weapons of mass destruction!

    We live at the New Jersey Shore, and we are seeing a group of doctors that are located in East Brunswick, NJ.

    We will be seeking a second opinion at Sloan Kettering after the initial chemo treatment.

    I have been on the site at Lung Cancer Alliance for a couple of weeks now, but they changed the format, and I was not comfortable with it.

    So, here I am! I'm looking to get acquainted with as many of you as possible, looking to hear your success stories, to keep my hopes and strength up.

    Thanx, Gail :)

  5. Hi all, brand new to this site. My significant other has just been recently diagnosed, and we are freaking out! So desperate for support and hope.

    Had his first visit to the oncologist this week. Has a large tumor in his right lung with metastizes to the spine. He is going to begin chemo next week. Apparently at this point the doctor feels surgery and radiation are not immediate options.

    Please! Please! write to me with your success stories and give me something to hang on to!


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