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Larry's Wife

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Posts posted by Larry's Wife

  1. It's a beautiful day in Space City, USA! The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and I'm actually doing a bit of housework. I haven't done that in awhile!! :oops:

    I'm on my second pot of coffee, but it's half-caf, so it only counts as one, right? :roll:


  2. Mom and Dad were both in the Air Force. In fact, they met and married there. Dad was a career officer. Mom was enlisted, so she was discharged (fraternizing with an officer is a no-no :lol: ).

    One of my brothers-in-law was in the Marines and his son was in the Army. He served in Iraq.

  3. Caren, please accept my deepest condolences on the passing of your dear father. Your love for him shined so strongly in each and every one of your posts.

    You and your family have my prayers for peace and comfort.


  4. Without actually counting, I'll guess 9. But I wear three pairs regularly: tennies, slaps and dressy flats. The rest are heels. I wear them when I'm not doing a lot of walking, although most are actually quite comfortable. Oh, I didn't count slippers. I have 4 pairs of those. To match my robes.

    Can you tell I'm a "comfort girl"?

  5. Ann, since you're relieving Becky on our southern leg, why don't you go south and pick up Judy. Then swing by for Muriel. I'm just up the road from her. We can then criss-cross our way north, picking up folks as we get near. Once we get Bruce and Sandra, along with any of our other Canuck friends who are adventurous enough for the journey, we can make our way to California for the ocean cruise to Ned's house.

    Let us know when Becky arrives, Ann. I'm sure Judy will be all packed and ready to hop aboard!! I bet she'll bring her orchids if we ask real nice. 8)

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