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Larry's Wife

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Posts posted by Larry's Wife

  1. The window is on order and should be installed within 2 weeks, I hope. 8)

    After I get the final bill, I'm going to go knock on a door. And while I'm there trying to collect, I'll ask about the necklace again. I don't have any measure of confidence that I will get either my money or my necklace, but I'll certainly receive not if I ask not. :lol:

  2. No worries, Randy. I fed the dog his supper. :lol: I'll keep the dog and think about an electronic alarm system. LOL

    Actually, Patti, Nick made it home before me. He was the one who discovered it. He was so upset, I actually didn't have time to get scared. I was busy calming him down.

    The window is boarded up, the new window is on order, the bedclothes are washed. All that's left is to make the bed. And I'm sure I'll sleep well tonight. :)

  3. My house was broken into today. Broke my bedroom window and left footprints all over my bed. Erg! I'm washing the bedclothes right now. Not much was taken. A rifle and (I think) a gold chain that I have owned since I was like 12. Sentimental, that one.

    Turns out it was the brother of an "ex" friend of Nick's. Their dirtbike came up missing overnight. Long story about why they thought Nick stole it (past incident in his life). So they said they took something of Nick's of equal value so he would return the bike. Well, he didn't take the bike and we have recovered the rifle. They swear they didn't take the necklace. And the diamond pendant that was on the chain is still in my jewelry box. And so are the rest of my baubles. So who knows.

    I decided not to call the police since we recovered the rifle. And I don't really want to ruin a young kid's future over what turned out to be a prank gone bad. But I'm out about $250 for a brand new window. They destroyed the frame, and since the house is old, they don't even make that type of window anymore.

    It turned out to be a good lesson for Nick. He handled himself well with the kid when he recovered the rifle. And he's learning the hard lesson about the importance of picking quality friends and how past actions gain you a reputation, whether good or bad.

    The rifle is now safely in the gun safe, where it should have been all along. And I need to rethink my alarm system. The big, mean-looking dog probably licked them to death. Stupid dog! :roll:

  4. Well, I made it to Jim Ford, Property Appraiser's office this afternoon. I submitted my paperwork to reinstate my exemptions. I spoke with a very nice lady.

    We went through all my documents. And then I mentioned that I want my $10 widow's exemption, since they inconvenienced me by making me come to their office. She asked me if I brought the death certificate. It wasn't on the list of things to bring, so, of course, I didn't bring it.

    I was nice. I reminded her that the reason I came today was because they removed Larry's name from my file without my knowledge because they knew he was dead. "Well, we only know the date. Not that you were actually married to him on the date of his death and, therefore, entitled to the exemption." I pointed out that our file has H/W after my name. No dice. But I don't have to give them an original. And I can fax it. Yippee!!

    So, we finish up. I ask to see Jim Ford, Property Appraiser so I can talk to him about my issues with his process. Nice Lady informs me that it is a state statute. I said I wanted the statute number then, because if I have to pursue this with the state, I certainly intend to. "Would you like to speak with my manager?" No. I want to speak with Mr. Ford. I'm sure he is the only one with the authority to change the process. So she makes a call. He's not in. I left a message. He's to call me. But I'm not letting him off the hook with a phone call. I want an appointment, and I told Nice Lady so. I want that man to see my face.

    The end of today's story...I'm ready to leave. Then Nice Lady drops the bombshell. "Do you want us to add your husband back onto your file?"

    What?!? If that was an option, why am I here today?

  5. Mrs. Krauss, first of all, let me welcome you to our family. We have a ton of knowledgeable people here, who have gone through the procedure your mom has.

    I don't have any personal experience with this. I was a caregiver, and my husband never had a chest tube. But let me just say that it seems like your mom has had an inordinate amount of trouble. I don't think you are being unfair in your opinion of the surgeon. At the least, it seems like a change of surgeons is reasonable, if your mom requires further surgical treatment. Prayers going up that she will not.


  6. Kukla, sounds to me like you are doing the one day at a time thing quite well, already. As for me, I had to take two days at a time. One day to absorb and the next day to get back into top fighting mode.

    Prayers that the new chemo will give completely good news.


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