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Posts posted by mhutch1366

  1. Hi Poggie,

    The treatment your motherinlaw is having, the first part, sounds much like the treatment I received. I am glad they thought ahead to premedicate for nausea. I would like to add:

    Cisplatin is a very toxic drug. It can cause problems with hearing. After my first treatment I complained, and my oncologist prescribed pretreatment with Ethyol or amifosdine, to protect kidneys/inner-middle ear from damage. It did indeed reduce the damage to my hearing.

    Second thing: There's a 'mouthwash' the doctor can prescribe for you, my doctor called it Mary's Magic Mouthwash, was great for sores in the mouth and the raw esophagus. Still, things will taste funny and it might be hard to swallow.

    Lastly: Your mil may have trouble with acid stomach or reflux esophagitis. I was given prescription ( can't think of it now, by makers of nexium but now OTC) for a year, helped enormously with that.

    PS. There is a medicine called megace which can be prescribed to stimulate appetite if eating gets to be a real problem.

    And always, with the platinum chemos, drink lots and lots and lots of water. At least a couple liters a day if you can. I got used to it, liked it RT because if it was always cold I got chilled.

    And ... just FYI, I had only cisplatin/etoposide, and when they removed the tumor over three years ago (13# all told) it was all DEAD. It was a pancoast tumor, which describes growth I think, not type, it was NSCLC.

    Good luck and God bless,


  2. Hello Bucky,

    Welcome to this community.

    They are a fine bunch of folks here.

    I think with the support of this board, sound and valid information, and good communications with your doctors, your fear should decrease.

    Yes, cancer is scary. But the more I know what I have to deal with, the less scary it is. Not one bit less serious, just less frightening.

    God bless and keep you.


  3. Dear Flabet,

    My sympathies on the loss of your dad. ((((((((Flabet))))))))))).

    You are welcome to come here and let us comfort you as best we can.

    You are not alone, by any means.

    God bless and keep you,


  4. Dear G,

    Bless you for taking on the job of looking after your dad when he needs you most and is least likely to admit it. You may find the oncologist will sit up and pay attention now that your dad has a vocal strong advocate. Write everything down in a notebook, and be aggressive about asking questions of the oncologist. dates, procedures, meds, questions, answers, services available in the community, etc. -- write it down.

    I am glad the pulmonist seems to be reasonable to deal with.

    Please come here frequently for support, to ask questions, to find some answers, and just to vent and share.

    We care. We've been there/are there.

    Good luck to your dad.

    And God bless and keep your family.


  5. Dean,

    Hats off to you, sir!! :)

    You know what you want. I am sorry you have such a hard time getting through to the medicos about your wishes.

    I hope also, just to mention, that you have all the legal documentation ready just incase so should you be unable to speak (for example) that your wishes are stated LOUD AND CLEAR so no one can claim to "speak for you", which would include living will and DNR.

    These are sad subjects to bring up, but I had them drawn up prior to surgery. You never know what's going to happen, and as former military, you should be familiar with the concept of cover your a$$.

    The individuals I have known who have drawn the line and said no more have taught me a great deal about the dignity of the human spirit, and how unquenchable it is.

    Ultimately, it is your decision to make, and it is ours to support you in your endeavor. Bless you, Dean Carl.


  6. For Bibi,

    Glad you found this site. Good luck with your biopsies on Friday, and come back and share when you have more information, or if you have more questions. Please don't hesitate.

    You might want to start a new thread the next time, so your intro doesn't get lost.

    This place is wonderful, and full of supportive people who have gone through what you are facing now.

    It helps.

    Love and prayers be with you Friday,


  7. Hi,

    I perforated my colon as I was making my first chemo appointment, so chemo was delayed until I was out of the hospital from that. And yes, I was anemic and malnourished and lots of things when I had emergency surgery. I had chemo starting a month late, but continued on schedule from there. I lost about 18'' of intestine, but seeing as we have something like 18 feet, there's plenty of room to absorb nourishment. If you're doubting, ask the 'ostomy resource nurse, either through the hospital or the home care specialists, about nutrition. I believe they would have told you if it were a special case.

    I know other cancer patients have had ostomies, and not just bowel cancer patients. They've also had chemo.

    If you have questions, ask your doctor, ask, ask, ask!!

    You all are in my prayers, I'm glad your mom is more comfortable now.


  8. Kathi--


    Miracles do happen every day, don't they?

    Keeping all in my prayers daily.

    and thanking God every time I wake up to a new morning.



  9. Hey Francine,


    It sounds like you have a good plan.

    Hang tough, take it one day at a time.

    Remember, with God all things are possible.

    All the supporting prayers you have coming your way

    should set this on a strong and steady course of healing.



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