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Connie B

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Posts posted by Connie B

  1. Dearest Linda, and Dad Mathew,

    Linda, you and dad are ALWAYS in my prayers. Everyone on this Board is in my prayers. But, I would like for you to share with Dad Mathew that he has lots of friends he has never met in his corner, cheering him on to beat this cancer crud.

    Stay Strong Linda, and you know we are here for you!

    Warm and Gentle Hugs, and Lots of Prayers,

  2. Hi Tom, It's nice to meet you. I just wanted to let you know that you sure do have yourself a wonderful wife in Cindy RN. We sure do like her here!

    Love the PIC!!!

    Warm and Gentle Hugs,

  3. My Dear Freind Shannon, (MRS. MIKE)!

    Oh Sweet Friend, my heart aches for you on the loss of your Mikey. :cry::cry: I am so very sad for you and your family.

    I know God and Mike will get you all through these next several weeks, months, years, as you journey through the pain of your loss.

    As I read the painful news that our Mike had lost his very difficult battle with this beast, I felt the need to come to be with you for his wake and funeral.

    Oh how I would have liked to come, but as we lose one, we celebrate life in a different manor as well. This is my Granddaughters birthday weekend, so that is why I can not attend. With sadness we still celebrate joy. I will share with you that I plan to have my grandkids and others at my Granddaughters birthday party tomorrow release balloons in memory of our Mike and all those we have lost to lung cancer. (I have the balloons ready and the (4 year olds will love to release these balloons) (My daughter felt that would be a nice idea as well). My heart and thoughts and prayers are with you all!

    We'll be in touch with you in a few weeks my friend. God and Mike are ALWAYS with you! (you already know that)! (grin)

    Warm and Very Gentle Hugs,

  4. Dear Ada,

    I am glad to hear they are willing to do the surgery. I am sorry to hear you have to go through it again! :( I'm also sorry to hear the Iressa didn't work. BUT again, I am happy to hear they are willing to try even more dreaded needle pumping chemo!!

    My friend, I wish I could be with you just to give you a hug. Please know I will be thinking about you all day tomorrow and I pray all goes very well!

    Will be looking to hear from you when you get home.

    Warm and Gentle Hugs my Friend!!!!

  5. Hey Jay!!!

    What a NICE picture!! The older you get the better looking you get too?! :wink:

    So your worried about the chemo are yah? Well, in some cases, what you don't know won't hurt you. A friend said the other night at group that she really didn't want to know all the ins and outs of treatments, because if she did, then she would sit and wait for the the side effect to take effect.

    hummmmm, kind of puts a different light on Knowledge is Power! :)

    From MY humble Opinion, WAIT and SEE!! You know EVERYONE is SOOOO different when it comes to chemo's and there treatments. Some people get this, and some get that, and others just breeze through it. It's a hard call to make as to WHAT you should or shouldn't look for. Most important thing to do is, when doing your chemo, and IF you feel something isn't the NORM as your going through your chemo journey, first and foremost ALWAYS CALL your Doctor (no matter if it's day or night) to see if what your feeling or going through is worth having checked out. To me that is the FIRST thing you do when things aren't NORMAL!!!

    Otherwise, just stay positive, and eat, drink and drink some more. You know that routine!!!

    As for moving to Canada, well, I don't know what to say about that. I'm sure it's not a very easy situation for you dad either. :( But, where EVER you go, I can assure you that your mom will always be with you. She will Always be in your heart and Forever in your memories. I'm sure it will be VERY hard to leave Tina and Tony. That breaks my heart that you will have to leave your friends behind, but, you can ALWAYS visit one another!

    And thank GOD for the Internet!!!

    Well, Sweetie, I only want the BEST for you. Keep us up to date on when you start your chemo. Glad to hear your on the mend otherwise! One Day at a Time my dear. BABY STEPS!! (I know your sick of hearing that?!) hehehehe! ((((((((((((((((JAY)))))))))))))))))

    Warm and Gentle Hugs,

  6. Dear Berisa,

    I'm sorry if you maybe missed what I wrote above, but I think I did say she has NOT done any LIFE style changes. She eats the same and does just want she did before she was dx.d. And I think I mentioned her chemo's were VP-16 & Cisplatin?! She also did PCI which was recommended by her Onc Doc over 3 years ago, but those to are completed as well. She is NOT into Herbs or any Alternative Meds. She has done NO trials. Hope this answers your quesstions. I might add she has been DONE with her treatments for over 3 years now. She is NOT taking any medications or doing any treatments at this time for her Lung Cancer. She has had CT scans and blood work done for her checkups every 4 months. She is now advanced to Once a year checkups, which will include a CT scan, blood work, etc.... Her life is as such as before she was dx.d with Lung Cancer. :)

    And Donna,

    How nice of you to take Dick to the Relay with you. (grin)! I'm sure he was proud to be a part of it. We will miss him! :( Glad to hear you had a nice time at the Relay. Way to bring Lung Cancer Issues to the Public's Eye! Thank you Donna, that is AWESOME!!

    Warm and Gentle Hugs,

  7. Hey Mirrell

    What a CUTE picture and a CUTE puppy! Ask hubby if he can make your picture a little bigger though. My eyes aren't as good as they use to be! :?

    If that is a bassett, we had one for 14 years but sadly had to have her put down this last December. They are such a LOVING DOG!!! Enjoy!!!!

    Warm and Gentle Hugs,

  8. Hey Ray,

    Boy, are WE thinking on the same waves!!! I just emailed her last night to check on her. I sure hope she is doing well! I haven't heard anything either, but hope she will drop a line to the board.

    How are YOU doing Brother Ray???? Hope all is going well with you TOO!!!

    Warm and Gentle Hugs,

  9. Dear David C & Candy,

    Oh I am sooo happy I was able to share this Survivor story with you all and was able to give you some peace and hope! This lady is without a doubt a wonderful person, and a positive caring person at that.

    When she called me Friday after her checkup she was on CLOUD 9 and rightfully so!!

    Sadly enough she and I had just went to a Wake the night before for one of our other Lung Cancer members (friends) who lost his battle! :cry:

    So when I hear of those that have and are beating this monster, I just feel it is SO important to share that with everyone! Stay strong and Stay positive! It is MY PLEASURE to be able to share these Survivor Stories with you all!!

    Wram and Gentle Hugs,

  10. Hi All,

    So very glad I was able to put a smile on your face and a song in your heart that there is hope in beating this monster.

    Katie, in answer to your question. My friend was 64 when she was dx.d with her lung cancer. The only treatments she has was 6 sessions of VP-16 & Cisplatin. She has NOT had any recurrences. She did the PCI about 8 months after she was dx.d.

    Kentwisc, My friend said she would do the PCI all over again if she had to.

    I know of several people who had done the PCI and they are NOT at all sorry they did it.

    My friend just celebrated her 68th birthday as well. And I can tell you this, I'm thinking it's all the SHOPPING she does that keeps her going! :) This lady LOVES to POWER SHOP, and she'll tell you that herself. She has not made any major life style changes in her life to date. And I'm here to tell you, she is a mover and a shaker, and she's a fighter and a SURVIVOR!! And I am proud to be her friend!

    Warm and Gentle Hugs,

  11. Hi All,

    I just wanted to share this with those that are fighting SCLC. I hope this will give you HOPE and the determination to continue the fight.

    I have a very dear friend, and also a member of my Lung Cancer Support Group who is a Small Cell Lung Cancer Survivor.

    Well, she was dx.d in May of 1999, and her cancer had spread to her liver at that time .

    She underwent chemo (VP-16 & Cisplatin) along with PCI as her treatments. Well, she just called me Friday after she had been to her Onc Doc for her checkup and he told her "He didn't think she EVER had CANCER"! (kidding)! She is STILL cancer free and doing very very well!

    I just felt this was worth sharing.

    Warm and Gentle Hugs,

  12. Dearest Peggy,

    I have no words, but I do know just HOW PAINFUL all this is. My heart aches for you and your family. My thoughts and prayers are with you all!


    Warm and Gentle Hugs,

  13. Hey Bob,

    WONDERFUL NEWS!!! So glad to hear your headed out of town on vacation! You deserve a great time away from doom and gloom weather!

    Go celebrate and have yourself one good time!

    Warm and Gentle Hugs,

  14. Shannon and Mike,

    I like to think of it as TEAM WORK! You are a wonderful team and what one may lack in one area the other picks it up in another. I think what you two are doing and how your doing it is wonderful, and GOD KNOWS it's working well for you both!!! :)

    Keep on FIGHTING MIKE! God will guide you in this battle! Stay Strong!

    Warm and Gentle Hugs to you Both,

  15. Dear Shannon and Mike,

    Oh I only wish I could take some of that stuff off your plates!!

    Your friend Reta is RIGHT! God will do what he see's to be the right thing to do! GOD IS GOOD!!!

    I love you two dearly and I wouldn't miss ONE day of Saying a Prayer or 50 of them for you both.

    Hang in there my dear, YOUR LOVED BY MANY OF US!!! Wouldn't it be nice if all this love could heal our Mike??? (grin)!

    Warm and Gentle Hugs,

  16. Dear Cindy RN,

    WOW, WELCOME BACK!! Boy, it's true about people worried about you!

    Glad to hear your doing okay! I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers for you CT scan the end of the month. Keep an EYE on that shortness of breath though. Could turn into Radiation Pneumonitis!

    Sorry to hear you had to quit your job, but I'm sure it's for the best JUST FOR NOW that is!!! Beside, you can watch ER and tell them all the stuff they are doing wrong and you won't even get in trouble for doing that!! :lol:

    Welcome back, so GOOD to hear from you!

    Warm and Gentle Hugs,

  17. Hey Marsha,

    WOW, what GREAT NEWS!! You have got to be just THRILLED??? I am for you!! So, where are you going in January 2004. You'll be very busy making your trip plans! :):):) Way to GO!!

    Warm and Gentle Hugs,

  18. What an uplifting story you have shared with all of us. I will continue to keep you and your family in my prayers. Goes to show you they just never know?! Enjoy each day to the fullest. Today is all we have!

    Warm and Gentle Hugs,

  19. Dear Sweet, Adorable, Loving, Kind Shannon,

    MY TWO CENTS: You need to NIX your Grannie Group!! They don't have a CLUE my dear!! People are amazing!!! Somethings are just better left UNSAID!! But, not everyone gets that!

    You and Mike are doing what YOU AND MIKE want to do and that's what is MOST IMPORTANT HERE!

    Much love and SUPPORT to you and Mike.

    Warm and Gentle Hugs,

  20. Kathy,

    When I did my chemo years back, it took me a good year to get back to what I would call the NORM???!!! I always felt like my head was full of fog for so long after my chemo. But having talked to others, I learned it wasn't uncommon. I had 4 session of chemo, (3 days on, three weeks off) I recieved Cisplatin & VP16. It does take time my dear and 5 weeks isn't very long!! :wink: Remember chemo is a very POWERFUL medicine! It's going to take time my dear. All sounds normal to me in what Tim is going through. Fatigue is part of this and the chemo can really ZAP people for a long time after many treatments.

    You need to talk to other members who have COMPLETED there chemo treatments to get the full picture. Such as Don/Lucie, Judy B, Donna G, etc..... I would suggest not comparing someone who is just starting there chemo treatments, because it's not the same! That should give you a better idea to how long and what to look for. Good luck on the CT scan.

    I'll be looking for your message in the GOOD NEWS FORUM after you get the results. :)

    Warm and Gentle Hugs to You and Tim,

  21. Dear Rick and Estrea,

    Again, THANK YOU for ALL you do to make this board as wonderful as it IS! I also thank you for sharing this imformation with all of us as a heads up. RICK, you DO GO the EXTRA 1000 miles here on this board and I for ONE know how hard you work at it! HOORAY FOR RICKEY!!!!

    Dave, I could be wrong, but I don't think Rick's message would concern the members in the fact that they may "argue the issue of the banners". I took Ricks message as a heads up and good PR work on his part in keeping the members up to date. I know there are a LOT of hidden costs here that none of us knows or understands and I trust that Rick knows exactly how to get around those costs.

    Warm and Gentle Hugs, THANK YOU AGAIN RICK!!!!!!!

  22. Hey Estelle!


    You and your wonderful hubby go have yourself a heck of a GREAT time away from home!! Minnesota is nice this time of year!!! How fun for you both!!! I am thrilled for you!!!


    Have fun and we'll hear from you when you get back for your honeymoon?! hehehehehe!!

    Warm and Gentle Hugs,

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