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Bud Baker

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Posts posted by Bud Baker

  1. I know what you mean about being in urgent mode while the rest of the world doesn't seem to be. My suspicious chest x-ray happened in late October, 2007, but it was early December before I completed everything I needed to be ready for my surgery, and they were finally supposed to schedule it. But, when December 16th rolled around and I still hadn't heard anything, I called, they transferred me to the woman who did the scheduling, and she said, "Will the 20th work for you?" So, four days later I had surgery. Sometimes you have to just keep bugging them to get anything done.

  2. Good evening, everyone!

    It was 100 degrees today, with a high humidity and a heat index near 110, brutal heat for a bike ride.

    Eric, I know what you mean. We need to savor our good days, and not get too down on our not so good days. Tomorrow is not promised to us, and we've already flirted with checking out sooner than we wanted.

    Bud, good luck with the race.

    It wasn't a race, Judy. Even when I had two lungs, I wasn't very fast.

    Mark Metcalfe ended up not getting to ride with us today. He came down with a major chest cold. Lung infections and such are common after an ultra race as tough as the one he just did.

    The four of us who did ride had a great ride, another of those epic adventures these long rides can turn into. By the stop at mile 99, the heat had gotten to all of us enough that we took a long break inside the well air conditioned store. I downed a frozen fruit bar, which always seems to do a great job of cooling me down quickly when I'm that hot.

    At mile 108, as we topped a hill, Mark and his wife Linda were waiting with an iced down pump sprayer that they used to mist us with cold water as we passed. They leap frogged ahead in their vehicle, and sprayed us with a cooling mist a couple of other times before we finished the ride, then joined us for dinner at Chili's afterward. I ended up with just over 127 miles and completed the ride in 10:08.

    I'm a tired camper now, but it was a fun day. Have a great Sunday, all!

  3. I just knew one of you was going to eventually slip up and say, "the half is glass full."

    Dangit, sorry to hear that your injury is this serious.

  4. Good morning, everyone! TGIF!

    It was 78 degrees when I got up this morning, with a forecast high of 98 degrees this afternoon. The south wind will be blowing.

    It looks like the pace of my 200k ride tomorrow will be slower than I thought. I just found out that good friend Mark Metcalfe will be joining the other four of us on the ride. Mark just finished the Race Across the West last Saturday. The race route goes 860 miles across the Rocky Mountains from Oceanside, CA to Durango, CO. Mark finished the race in just over 66 hours, for 1st Place in his age bracket (50 to 59) and 2nd overall.

    It takes weeks to recover from that kind of effort. Mark will likely need to ride a slow pace tomorrow, even by my standards. Some of the people I ride with are pretty amazing.

    Rose asked what I wanted to do for Father's Day on Sunday. My answer was predictable. We'll be getting up early and going crappie fishing.

    Have a great weekend, all!

  5. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 78 degrees when I got up this morning. The forecast high for this afternoon is 98 degrees. I didn't ride the bike in today and I'm taking another day off the bike tomorrow. I'm riding a 200k with speedier friends on Saturday, so want to be rested. Nothing more fun than a 200k on a 100 degree day, and it looks like that's what awaits on Saturday.

    Eric, the font looks normal to me, so it must be a setting somewhere on your computer. I have the same problem with the text boxes scrolling when I edit a message. As I recall, it only happens with Internet Explorer at work, never with Firefox at home.

    I hope you get your allergy thing solved soon, Judy. Have a great day, all!

  6. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 71 degrees as I rode to work this morning, Forecast high for this afternoon is 97 degrees. 97 degrees with humidity..... sounds like a lovely afternoon for a ride home.

    I thought I was well acclimated to the heat by now, but felt wiped out and had a headache from it yesterday afternoon, so I cut short my tinkering in the garage, showered, and spent the rest of the evening sitting on my backside in the air conditioning.

    Welcome back, Ann! Have a great day, all!

  7. Welcome, Deborah. Sorry you need to be here. No need to apologize, whether you're being long winded, feel scared or angry, or whatever. This is a good place for all of it, whatever you're feeling.

    I'm not well informed on what aid is available for someone uninsured, so I'll let others answer that. When you can, let us know more details about your diagnosis. No matter what you're facing, odds are there are others here who have faced or are facing similar.

    I don't know what part of Texas you're in, but we have a support group in the DFW area. We meet the fourth Monday of each month in Trophy Club. If you want to come, we'd love to have you, and I'll be happy to give you all the details.

    Again, welcome, and I'll look forward to hearing from you again.

  8. Good morning, everyone!

    It was a little cooler, 70 degrees, as I rode to work this morning. They're still calling for a high of 96 degrees this afternoon.

    So much for the forecast about the wind being less yesterday, it was a 20 to 30 mph headwind as I rode home. It's hard to ride a recovery pace against that much wind. You just don't move much.

    I got a light show as I rode to work this morning, watching the lightning in the storms approaching from the west. I knew I'd get to work before they got here, and it's supposed to clear off behind them, so I figured it was ok to ride to work. As it turned out, they seem to all be dissipating just before they get here, anyway.

    It's just another day of slaving away at the job here. Have a great day, all!

  9. Ok, am I getting senile, or did Katie remove a post?

    Eric, the boat is a 2003 Triton 18 1/2 foot aluminum bass boat. You might enjoy the story of me buying it.

    2003 was a very different time; a time of major change for me. My main hobby then was tournament bass fishing. The boat I had then was 10 years old. I was a fierce competitor. I had put serious wear and tear on that boat in 10 years. I wanted a new boat, and I wanted to start doing more crappie fishing and less tournament fishing. But, my salary hadn't kept pace with the price of bass boats. I just couldn't see any way that I could afford a new one.

    At that same time, my body was telling me it was time to give up my cigar smoking, once and for all. One day, I was looking at how much money quitting smoking would save me per month, when I realized it was almost a boat payment.

    So, August 2003, I quit smoking. The next month, I bought this boat. I named it, "No Cigar". The major weight gain I experienced after quitting smoking is what made me start riding a bicycle. Now, that's my main hobby. I still love to crappie fish, though. It's funny the way things happen.

    I'm not finding a recent photo of the boat. Here's a photo taken the day I brought it home new, almost 7 years ago. Like its owner, it's a lot more scarred, frazzled, and worn these days.


  10. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 77 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high for this afternoon is 96. Winds aren't supposed to be quite as bad today, and that's a good thing since I'll be on tired legs from yesterday's 200k as I ride home from work.

    Eric, it sounds like you've been very busy. A new office and people retiring all around you, things never stop changing, do they?

    Have a great day, all!

  11. Good evening, everyone!

    I went fishing yesterday, caught some nice crappie, and tried out my fish cleaning station I built. It works great. Photos below.

    I did a 200k ride today, and in spite of the howling wind, high humidity, and 96 degrees this afternoon, really rode well.

    I hope everyone had a great weekend!

    Here's the before photo of the cleaning station.


    And after.


  12. Good morning, everyone! TGIF!

    It was 78 degrees as I rode to work this morning. It felt like one of those August mornings here that never even drops below 80 degrees. The forecast high this afternoon is 95 degrees, with a south wind gusting to 30 mph. It will be a tough ride home against the wind.

    I rode to work 4 days this week. Today was my 69th commute by bike this year. Rose and her sister are headed out to Midland this afternoon to visit their parents this weekend, so I'll be home alone with the dogs. I may make a short fishing trip tomorrow, and I'm planning on doing a 200k ride Sunday.

    Enjoy your company, Judy! Have a great day, all!

  13. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 73 degrees when I got up this morning. Forecast high is 91. The heavy rain stayed south of us yesterday, and I managed to stay dry on the ride home. We still have a good chance of rain today, so I decided to make today my non-riding day of the week.

    Actually, Judy, I would have bought a fish cleaning station if I had found what I really wanted. When I don't find what I want, that's when I tend to put on my engineer hat and make something. I got it pretty much built yesterday evening, but nothing is glued yet, and I still need to do some fine adjusting. I think I'm going to measure and take photos of everything so I can post instructions on making it in the fishing forum. I'll post a photo here when it's done.

    MI Judy, I've never been to Ada, MI, but I've been to Ada, OK.

    Have a great day, all!

  14. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 73 degrees as I rode to work this morning. With all the cloud cover, It's only supposed to get up to 81 degrees this afternoon. When I checked the weather this morning, they were only calling for a 40 percent chance of rain, so I rode my bike. Now, they're calling for an 80 percent chance, as storms are headed this way. It may be a wet trip home.

    Judy, I looked at some of those cutting boards that attach to rod holders. But I don't have any rod holders on my boat, and didn't want to install them just for that, and didn't like the way the other boards attached to the boat. So I just decided to make a frame out of pvc pipe and hook it on the side of the boat. I bought the pvc and got started on the project last night.

    Have a great day, all!

  15. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 75 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high for this afternoon is 93, and like every day for as long as this humidity is around, we have a chance of storms.

    Great job telling your story, Eric! I guess we shouldn't be surprised that someone who lectures every day would be good at telling his story on a video.

    Not much going on here. My project this week is to build a fish cleaning station to mount on the side of my boat. More on that later...

    Have a great day, all!

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