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Lisa O

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Posts posted by Lisa O

  1. Bill,

    I am a caregiver and a survivor as both my mother and I have nsclc. I understand what you are saying and feel terrible that anyone here would feel the need to treat you with disrespect. I thought your post was framed respectfully and most of the responses were also respectful. We all need to treat eachother with respect... we are not the enemy... cancer is. If you have a request, people should allow you to vent it. If they disregard it, you can choose to ignore the posts. I did not feel you slammed anyone and I would hope that no one here would be mean to anyone else. In one way or another we are all in this together.

    Please try to remember that we are people and not statistics. If someone posts some disheartening news they may be looking for reassurance. I am sure and would hope that no one would post sad news for the purpose of bringing others down. If us survivors are not up for the job, perhaps someone else can step up to the plate. I hope so. That is what makes this community great.

  2. Melissa was the first person I spoke with after being diagnosed. She was so helpful and such an inspiration. My heart breaks for her family. I will be forever grateful and inspired by the legacy she has left behind.

  3. When I was first diagnosed, every doctor told me horrible devastating news. I walked around in a fog and missed some of the joy that was available in the first few months. I am still stage four.... over four years later. What I have learned is to celebrate each moment. Doctors cannot tell anyone how much time they have. It is up to us to enjoy every minute of the time we have with family and friends. I can't give you a look into the future.... but I can tell you that you have your dad NOW... and you could easily have him for years to come. Either way, you will never get this moment back, so take pictures, eat pie, light candles and give hugs. Whether you have one day or thousands, that it what makes happiness.

  4. You have so much in your life that is difficult. It is that much more important that you and your boyfriend release ALL GUILT and make sure you enjoy the little things you can every day. The guilt is not yours, it is your families.... so you must try hard to let it go. Do every thing you can to make things pleasant for YOU and YOUR BOYFRIEND. If others choose to join you for happy and joyous times.... great. Otherwise, they are making their own choices.

  5. I take a probiotic called acidophyllis which is normally found in yogurt. I take it because I take antibiotics regularly for my Iressa rash. It does not interfere with the Iressa but I have not heard of a benefit with cancer treatment. I have heard many things about mushrooms. While some are good, others are to be absolutely avoided during chemo. Please try a search on the alternative forum. Some can cause infections, fungal or bacterial so you don't want to mess around.

  6. Joe had surgery on the mass in his brain on Thursday. It was determined to be a mucinous metastasis. The surgeon was able to remove the entire mass and placed chemo wafers around the area. He has no neurologic deficit except for a (hopefully temporary) minor loss of peripheral vision at the bottom of his left eye. He is in great spirits. He is going down to 2 mg decadron from 4 and has only minor pain. He has been told that the chemo wafers should be all of the treatment he needs and that he does not have to go through radiation at this time. I am praying he is finished with this episode.

  7. Joe had surgery on the mass in his brain on Thursday. It was determined to be a mucinous metastasis. The surgeon was able to remove the entire mass and placed chemo wafers around the area. He has no neurologic deficit except for a (hopefully temporary) minor loss of peripheral vision at the bottom of his left eye. He is in great spirits. He is going down to 2 mg decadron from 4 and has only minor pain. He has been told that the chemo wafers should be all of the treatment he needs and that he does not have to go through radiation at this time. I am praying he is finished with this episode.

  8. I am so happy that we did this! Thanks to everyone, especially Rich for getting the big ball rolling and Ry for getting it rolling in Michigan. Katie, thanks as always for bringing us together.... and of course to all of you --- thanks for always being here together!

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