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Lisa O

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Posts posted by Lisa O

  1. You are always supporting so many people on this board. You really need to do whatever it takes to support yourself too. I am adding my prayers to those already offered. I get so much help, encouragement and I guess just plain FIGHT from reading your posts. I know you will fight the depression as well as you are fighting the other obstacles that get in your way. If you need weapons in your fight (be they medical, or otherwise) I am sure you will find them.


  2. I have been checking this board all day looking for a post to see what happened at his appointment today. I will most certainly include some special prayers for him tonight.


  3. Hello,

    I started Iressa as a first line therapy within a clinical trial. Once Iressa was approved in the US I started taking it as a prescription. I have very few side affects - just rashes and some nausea. I take it at 4:00 so any fatigue hits while I would be sleeping anyway. It has kept me stable 15 months. If you decide to try it I wish you the very best of luck.


  4. What wonderful news Joe!!! All those good healthy habits of yours are really paying off! I wish you the best with your next two treatments and look forward to hearing all about your big celebration to mark the end of treatment.


  5. I am so sorry the doctors are trying to rob you of your fight. Don't let them. It sounds like both of you are strapped in and hanging on -- re- read the posts on the failure rate of doctor's predictions whenever you lose hope. :roll: While all humans are terminal in one way or another... we all have the same goal of quality time. I wish you both the very best. Hang in there.


  6. You have had so much to deal with so quickly. I am sure it is overwhelming. I'm glad you are found this site... no one should try to face all of this alone. I suppose it sounds weak to congratulate you on your daughter's wedding - but congratulations on the recent happy event in your life. It is difficult to focus on non-cancer issues when surrounded by this beast -- but try to take care of yourself and keep your own energy and health up during this difficult time. Remember that we are here.


  7. I hope it means that the chemo is hitting any bad cells out there 10 times harder than it is hitting the white blood cells! I hope you are feeling stronger soon.


  8. I have read about it on this forum. I think Becky has discussed it if you want to read back on her posts. I do believe that I have read that it worsens while the radiation is "still working" and then your lungs have a chance to start healing. I think on a recent post she was going to start using steroids in a nebulizer to lessen the amount of systemic steroids required.

    I'm sorry I can't be more helpful. I have tumors in all lobes so I have not been a candidate for radiation. I hope someone with answers pops in soon.


  9. I am glad you are not in pain. Hope and faith will carry you far too. I have very little experience in the treatment realm having only had srugeries and Iressa, however, collectively this group has tried almost everything. I wish you the best on your radiation. Keep us posted.


  10. I was reading some of your old posts and saw that this birthday was going to start a do-over year. I don't know if that is still your intent.... but I wish you a much better year - and am hoping that Monday's appointment brings a great deal of hope.


  11. Norme,

    I am currently on Iressa. I have been on it since October 2002. Aside for some rashes and occasional GI symptoms and even rarer fatigue I have found it to be very easy. More importantly, it has held me stable. I pray it is effective and easy for Buddy.


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