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gerbil runner

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Posts posted by gerbil runner

  1. Becky, the tapeworm analogy had me lol! Probably not the reaction we want, though :wink: .

    One I discarded for much the same problem was "If smokers deserve lung cancer, a$$holes deserve hemorrhoids" or "If smokers deserve lung cancer, drivers deserve head-on collisions".

    I always have to be on guard against foot-in-mouth disease :oops: .

  2. Let's dream up some good slogans for Rick and Katie to use in the store, or for anyone else to use in their awareness-raising issues.


    How about a chemo-friendly cap saying "Lung cancer sucks" (my 12-year-old son suggested this for my mom's hair loss)

    "Tobacco tax for lung cancer, not politicians pay" (Could use "settlements").

    "Lung cancer is cruel and unusual punishment"

    "Nobody throws away lottery tickets before the drawing. Don't give up on lung cancer."

    Anyone else?

  3. My mom had another interesting appt. with her oncologist. He wants to send her to Dana-Farber to see if she is a candidate for autologous (self-donated) stem-cell transplant. Her onc had consulted with a buddy now in Colorado whom he had practiced with for years. His opinion was to go for it. Mom would get at least 2 opinions before proceding.

    Basically, the patient has stem-cells harvested and then endures a really tough, short course of chemo which wipes out the bone marrow. The previously-harvested stem cells are then replaced in the body. It takes about 3 weeks for the body to recover to "normal" disease-resistance.

    Mom wants to do it if they'll take her - it's about the only course of treatment that has a real possibility of cure, according to the onc.

    My brief research on the web (will do more) seems to indicate she would be part of a clinical trial.

    Has anyone had this procedure? Looked into it? Known anyone who did it? Found any good information?

  4. OhioKat, good to see you back!

    Sorry to hear you're feeling "under the weather". What an appropriate saying - late winter weighs heavily on most of us!

    Be good to yourself. You had major surgery not too long ago. And chemo can certainly be exhausting. My mom says "The good news is, I'm in remission. The bad news is, I'm sleeping through it."

    Just think how much those nasty little c-cells are suffering through this :twisted: .

    Hope you feel some sunshine soon.

  5. DaveG:

    My typical response to such comments is "Snip, snip" (think Lorena Bobbit). :D

    My husband sometimes accuses me of male-bashing. Then I remind him that my ex is still walking the face of the earth, so I must be pretty forgiving at heart.

    BTW - the legal summary of the Bobbit trials is: it's ok to rape your wife, but don't come crying to us if she cuts it off afterwards. :twisted:

    I'm the only female creature in this house, unless you count the 2 guinea pigs. Husband, 3 sons, 2 male cats and one male dog. So I gotta stick up for the females!

  6. Mmmmm, yummy!

    Remember the chocolate patch? The directions said some people have so much chocolate in the bloodstream that it would be impossible for the transdermal patch to work properly. If the patch begins to melt, it must be consumed orally as soon as possible :D .

  7. C'mon, guys!

    I like my dogs big (Mikey is 62 lbs. My last dog, Samantha the rottie, was 100 lbs.) I like my cats big - the smallest one I ever had was 12 lbs. when not fat. I love horses and ponies - someday I'll get one of my own.

    We also have 2 guinea pigs which live in Danny's room (he's almost 4). Nice kids pets, low-maintenance lap-buddies.

    I've also had gerbils and hamsters. Almost got a pet skunk as a kid.

    I must admit, I envy the owners of small dogs who get to take them shopping in a bag.

  8. Geez, Dean, that stinks. I can't believe those scooters aren't rated for rain! Can you say "big liability issue?"

    My kids are going stir-crazy, too. So is my 60-lb. dog. So is my mom. So am I.

    Hope your weather is better than the forcast.

  9. Larissa, welcome (though we all wish you didn't have to meet us).

    Set the statistics aside. My mom pushed her radiologist for some stats, and the ones he gave her ended up being compiled from the '70s and '80s!

    Take it one step at a time. The first thing to do is get your mom into remission.

    I know how you feel about distance. My mom is only 40 miles away, but because I have 3 sons (12, almost 4 and almost 2), it can be very hard for me to visit. The worst part is when my kids get colds, because I don't dare expose her to the germs. I do call every day to check in.

    Don't let statistics - or even setbacks - scare you. Every patient is an individual. My mom spent 4 days on a ventilator before her diagnosis because her first bronchoscopy made her bleed. But now, she's had such a dramatic response to chemo that her onc is giving her radiation just like a limited case would be.

    Take a deep breath and fasten your seat belt. LC can be a wild ride, but there are long-term survivors. Helping your mom take the best care of herself that she can will go a long way.

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