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gerbil runner

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Posts posted by gerbil runner

  1. Glad you're feeling better!

    My own take on anti-depressants...I'm a 3rd-generation depression-prone person. My mother and her mother both suffered. In our case, the primary symptom is a bad case of the nasties. Anything could pi$$ me off. Took prozac for about 4 years - tried several times to get off. The last time I quit taking it was after I took up running (hence my user name). When my mom was first hospitalized, I called for a refill after a few good fights with my husband.

    After a couple of weeks, I noticed the side effects were really getting to me for the first time. Dizzy. Apathetic. So I quit taking it again, and have done my best to stay with the running. Now I feel fine (mostly :wink: ).

    Lesson learned...the SSRI's do work, but only if you have the problem they are meant to address.

    Either way you do it, hope the big bad D stays far away.

  2. Dean - well said. So many people refuse to accept how their actions affect their "luck". Too many get sucked into yesterday's guilt.

    Every think about collecting your thoughts/essays for publication?

  3. Berisa, this must be a very difficult time for your father. Prayers that the doctors will be wise and help you all come to a comfortable decision. There may be more they can do...wait and see.

  4. Mom's onc called today - imagine that, a dr. calling on a Friday night. The reason? He'd gotten the word that mom's CT scan from Wed. was CLEAN CLEAN CLEAN!! No tumors showing in the lung, no tumors showing on the pancreas! NADA! :D:D

    The really amazing part is she's only had 2 rounds of chemo! Monday she starts another round. The news has really boosted her spirits, which she needed after finding a blood clot in her arm this week. It's painful, but she's taking the self-administered injections and it's getting better.

  5. My mom got a call from her onc. tonite. When she called me to say the onc had called, my heart skipped a beat - the dr calling on a Friday night?

    The reason? Her scan from Wed. was CLEAN!!! :D:D No tumors showing in lungs, no tumor showing on the pancreas. Nada! After only 2 rounds of chemo!

    A needed boost for my mom's spirits - her blood clot in the arm is still painful. Monday-Tue-Wed she'll have another round of chemo. We're so glad it's working! :D:D

  6. Foods? Not sure about that. Do you mean foods to avoid because of the medication, Shirley?

    I did find a good site about deep vein thrombosis (the serious blood clots, mom's is superficial). Check out http://www.spotlighthealth.com/dvt/dvt_ ... rview.html

    Tara Lipinski talks about her precautions against DVT after surgery. And Dan Quayle had pulmonary embolisms twice (maybe that explains it...ooh, bad girl!) But seriously, the info is very readable and extensive.

  7. Yes, we've been fortunate. Mom's onc spent 20 years at Dana-Farber, just recently came to this area. SCLC is of particular interest to him. He's also been a professional witness against "big tobacco". Very open and easy to talk to, according to both my parents. No mention of statistics or time frames. The hemotologist he works with is treating mom's blood clot.

    How long does it take to clear up a blood clot? Mom's is very painful, right inside her elbow.

  8. My mom got a sore spot on her arm, and was smart enough to get it checked out. Turns out she's got a blood clot in her arm. The dr. gave her medication to inject herself - mom was quite grateful for any option other than hospitalization - and she also has antibiotics for the sinus cold she's got.

    We're waiting for the results of her cat scan - should get them Monday when she goes in for her next round of chemo.

    How dangerous is a blood clot in the arm? Anything else we should look out for with the meds for it?

  9. Israel, welcome!

    According to my mom, the patches do really help. Also, if you have difficulties even with the patch, see a dr. about anti-depressants. Many people who smoke have problems with depression when they try to quit. You can do it! And your experience with tobacco addiction will make you an empathetic doctor when you tell your patients they need to quit.

  10. You can do it. Your SO needs a swift kick in the a$$. Anyone who short-circuits your efforts to get healthy has his own set of problems.

    Stressful times of life make it harder to evaluate relationships. However, you need to think about the status of this relationship. A "love" relationship should be something that makes life better, not tougher.

  11. Yikes! Glad you made it out ok!

    My mom had a similar (though not so close-call) experience at Christmas. She rebounded very quickly once she was properly rehydrated and diarrhea stopped, and is doing GREAT. Hopefully you'll regain strength just as fast.

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