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Posts posted by dianew

  1. I'm so sorry you have reason to find this site. No one should have lung cancer, but I think it is especially hard when people are young. I believe the point you and your husband are at in this journey right now is the hardest time. I remember being so frustrated waiting for the insurance company to approve the PET scan. It seemed I was just waiting around for weeks and doing nothing. Until you have a more complete idea of what is going on and what the treatment options are, it is difficult. I think it gets easier once you have all the information and a definite treatment plan in place. As for having a positive attitude - you are so right. And today especially there are so many new options, along with the genetic testing they are doing for targeted therapies, that there is even more reason to have a positive outlook.

    Please keep us posted on your husband's diagnosis. And if for any reason you are not completely satisfied with the treatment plan his doctors' recommend, don't forget that you have the option to get a second opinion - many people here were very glad they did.

  2. I haven’t had a chance to go back to see what I’ve missed yet on the boards, but am starting to feel like I’m back among the living. My breathing is still really bad, but I’m told it will just take awhile to get over this. I am thrilled to be out of the hospital and home where maybe I can get some sleep. Hospital life is so bizarre – it seems like you are living in some sort of odd time warp. The longest period of time I counted where they left me alone was approx. 2 hours. I do breathing treatments at home, which they felt important to continue in the hospital – but at home I don’t do them at 3 A.M. for pete’s sake!

    In the meantime our weather has been one for the books as well. It went down as low as 7 degrees, and school was closed for three days --- all unheard of here. Today it is warming up some, so hopefully it will finally melt some of the snow and ice and we can get back to our normal gray rainy days.

    We are getting a new (old) dog. Really it’s a “family rescue” of our son’s Chihuahua. They have three toddlers (1,2 & 3) and naturally they just won’t leave the poor dog alone. The dog is 12 – a case of being an only pampered dog for all those years until they had kids . . . After we lost one of our dogs to cancer recently we offered to take him. The smallest dog I’ve ever owned was about 60 pounds – and our remaining German Shepherd is 80 – so this will sure be a first for us. I am kind of excited actually. I do hope it works out. It will be good for all of us I think. Our Shepherd is pretty submissive and so is the Chihuahua – one is female and the other male – so I’m cautiously optimistic.

    I hope everyone has stayed healthy and warm. Am still so tired so off to take a nap.

  3. Bruce - thanks again for opening the air. By the time I check in lately the day is almost over back there. It's still cold here, but the sun is out and so by mid-afternoon it has warmed up a little. I haven't been out late at night, but I'm guessing the fog must be pretty bad. I think the skiers must be a bit frustrated since it's been so dry but I'm sure the rain will show up any day.

    Cindy your Thanksgiving does sound crazy busy but I think you have the right idea for Xmas. I'm not sure what we are doing for Xmas yet - I'd like to stay home, but we may have to travel. We never seem to know what we're doing until the last minute.

    I made soup yesterday with beans, sausage and kale -- very healthy and good for you. That was my one effort to get a healthy start on the holiday food - but doubt that it will do much good. A friend is taking us out to dinner tonight - tomorrow we are taking one of our sons out to dinner - Wednesday we are going to to dinner with another son and his family for an "early Thanksgiving" - and then comes Turkey day itself - by the time the weekend comes and it is all over I hope I won't need a whole new wardrobe :( .

  4. Cold cold cold here too! Got some sort of radiant heater, which along with the fireplace, I'm hoping will keep our power bills down. They were so bad last year we considered solar, but since we're planning to sell didn't want to make that investment. At least we haven't had a lot of rain yet so ice and snow aren't much of an issue except at higher elevations. Mike I know exactly what you mean - we have gas logs now, but many people here are still burning wood and I can hardly breathe some days the smoke is so bad. I love to camp, and that's gotten hard because of the campfires. It's much better now than it used to be. In the late 80s, early 90s everyone burned wood all the time. I used to walk everyday and it was like walking through a forest fire. Now they have green days when you can burn, and red and yellow days when you can't - it's helped a lot.

    Is everyone ready for Thanksgiving? The is the first Thanksgiving since I was a kid at home when I didn't have to do most or all of the work. Really looking forward to sipping a glass of wine and watching my son's girlfriend and my granddaughters peeling and slicing :D . I'll be in charge of doing the dishes!

  5. Amy - thank you for your post. I don't think I can add very much to the excellent advice from Bruce. It took me a long time to get past the constant worry about recurrence - but as time passed it got easier and easier. I had a little hearing loss, but it really hasn't been too bad. I was sure I was going to be devastated to lose my hair, but found it wasn't as bad as I'd anticipated. I am happy to have my hair back - but I think back almost fondly to the days when I didn't need a comb, brush or blow dryer and saved a ton of money not having to pay my stylist :D .

    I know it is really hard not to worry, but I remember a woman telling me about her husband. He was so afraid of the cancer returning that he was almost paralyzed, and instead of getting out and living his life he just stayed home worrying - until he died 10 years later of something else! That made a big impression on me.

    As Bruce said - time really does help. In the meantime, please stop by here as often as you like.

  6. Eric - we must have posted at the same time.

    Wow - I'm impressed - a dating website. That should be really fun and interesting. I predict your inbox will be packed with responses! If the people on this website are so well educated, I'm sure they are smart enough to spot a great catch when they see one! My sister-in-law enrolled at a dating website after her divorce, and found the perfect guy and is still married 10 years later.

  7. Bruce – thanks for opening the air again today. We went down in the mid 20s last night – currently it’s up to 30, but it’s supposed to be colder tonight - down to 20. That is way unusually cold for our area. Cindy – please, we need some of your warm air – just a little bit. Or better yet, send the bus (make sure it’s stocked with Mai Tai’s and Margarhitas) and we can all head down to Baja :lol: . Actually the sun was out yesterday and again today – that is also a little unusual for this time of year – but I can put up with almost anything, even the cold, as long as the sun is shining!

    I’ve only seen whales really close up once, and that was from a catamaran in Hawaii. We weren’t expecting any whales, but they were only about 2 feet from the boat. It would definitely be a little unnerving to have them right under the boat! It was just amazing and was the highlight of our trip! I wanted to take a boat tour out to see the killer whales when we were in Victoria once, but we were there with my folks and they couldn’t handle it physically. Maybe we’ll be able to get back there again to do that.

    One of our sons and his family is coming today – they live in Redding where Lillian lives, but are driving up here to fly north to go to a place called Great Wolf Lodge. It is some sort of an indoor water park. We used to pass it on the way to Seattle, and it’s just huge. They have to be at the airport tomorrow morning at 5:00 a.m. so they are only going to be here for dinner – but it will be nice to see them. Have to clean the house up – so better get moving.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

  8. Bruce, whoever sent the colder temps your way apparently didn't want me to feel left out up here - it is expected to drop into the mid-20s tonight (still tropic by your standards) - I can hardly say that out loud without shivering!! Hope I remember to keep the water dripping - if there's anything worse than freezing, it's freezing without water. :)

    Bruce, I remember eating lobster in Maine, and it was so much better than what passes for lobster out here. In fact the "lobster" in San Diego didn't even really look the same as the Maine lobster. We can get Copper River Salmon from Alaska that is very good, but generally you have to order it through a butcher shop.

    Speaking of fish, I'm going to a sushi place for lunch. I've never quite been able to develop a taste for raw fish, but they have great chicken teriyaki.

    Stay warm everyone.

  9. Amy – welcome to the club none of us every wanted to belong to. I was diagnosed in 1998 with 2A (squamous). At that time it wasn’t as common to do chemo or radiation – and I had surgery, but nothing else. Stage 2A is definitely considered an early stage and is very survivable. Like Eric said –

    “lung cancer rained on my parade, but it sure came with a huge silver lining, it has taken me to places I would have never dreampt of, and allowed me to meet so many new and wonderful people . . .”

    That may seem hard to believe now, but it is the truth.

    This is a wonderful support group, and I do hope you will come back often. There are so many terrific people here who have been just where you are now. It is also a good place just to come and vent – we understand.

  10. Bruce, after reading about all these cold temps, I was so cold I had to thaw out my fingers could they type! :lol: If you are going to send a picture of the snow, maybe you could include one of the pony? Or maybe just one of the pony in the snow!

    It's been in the mid to high 40s here, which I know isn't really cold, but it's cloudy and rainy so it just feels much colder than it really is - to me at least. We have a huge number of retired people who go to Arizona or Palm Desert every winter for a couple months . . . that is starting to seem like a good idea.

    I've been thinking about all the Xmas gifts I've gotten from employers over the years, and I always enjoyed getting some kind of goody I probably wouldn't have indulged in myself. One employer gave all of us gift certificates to the "up-scale" local butchers shop - and that was really appreciated as well - I got lobster!

    Cindy, I'm an online shopper as well. Because of SOB I just can't walk the malls or super stores any longer. They have great online sales and free shipping if you watch for them, the only thing you do lose is the ability to really see the quality, color etc. in person - but if you know what you're looking for it is sooooooo much easier than standing in line and fighting the crowds. I know some people just love it - but I can't think of a worse fate than going out at midnight to stand in line - in the cold and rain - to shop a Black Friday sale!

    Well the day is half over and I've managed to get very little done - so better get a move on.

  11. Morning Bruce. I was going to whine about our cold weather (46F today), but I'm guessing I wouldn't get much sympathy from you :) Am glad the pony is settling in - what's his name?

    Sad to say I think the Canadian statistics are pretty close to the US statistics. I recite these to everyone I meet, and occasionally I'll run into someone who seems truly interested and surprised by the numbers, but often it just seems like their eyes just glaze over. Not only that, but when I was going through treatment a few years ago there were all kinds of special services etc. for breast cancer patients (here at our small cancer group), but nothing for us lung cancer patients. I do not begrudge the breast cancer patients anything - they deserve it as well, but i hope that has changed somewhat because at the time it really made me feel like I didn't matter.

    I hope the sun is shining for most of you this weekend.

  12. Just dropping by – seems like things have been quiet this week. Our weather is typical winter weather and is supposed to start dropping into the 40s tomorrow. I realize that is downright warm for some of you, but it is that damp cold and it seems like it is so hard to get warm sometimes. Hawaii sounds really good right now . . . so does a Mai Tai! We do actually still have homegrown tomatoes! First time we tried bringing the green tomatoes into the garage to ripen, and it’s amazing how many we’ve had – been sharing with the neighbors. I’m getting really spoiled and not looking forward to having to go back to store bought.

    I have been trying to catch up at work (which is a hopeless task and don’t know why I try) so I would not have to worry about a lot of this paperwork during the holidays. This week I have two friends dealing with cancer and have been trying to spend time with them. Not lung cancer – the one friend stopped treatment a year ago because it wasn’t working (tumor in her sinus area) and now is having severe vision problems so it is spreading, and the other really close friend is dealing with her son (32 yrs old) having cancer of the adrenal gland which appears to be advanced – he thought he had an ulcer and didn’t have medical ins, so didn’t go in to get it checked. My friend (his mother) is divorced and alone, and having a really hard time with it.

    Chuck and I have been talking about selling our house and downsizing (too big and I can’t do the housework any longer because of my SOB – and he doesn’t want to). I think it would be the thing to do, but just the idea of selling (I hate selling) and having to actually pack everything and move just seems daunting. Has anyone else done that? Any advice?

    Tomorrow is Friday and I hope everyone has fun plans for the weekend. I will try to check back in before next week, but it may not happen. Those of you who haven’t dropped in for awhile – let us know what you’ve been up to.

  13. Paul - welcome to the club that no one wants to belong to, but I am glad you found us. This is a good place to come if you have questions, as well as just a place to vent where people really do understand. I think it must be especially hard to be diagnosed so young. No one should have cancer, but that is especially true of young people. I am glad your SOB is getting better - that is no fun.

    My family is from Colorado (Ft. Morgan and Swink - although I don't think many people know where Swink is). I never actually lived in Colo., but we would go to Gunnison every year and I thought it was just paradise! I have a friend from New Zealand, and they say that is a wonderful place as well. .

    Please keep us posted as to how you are doing.


  14. As Michelle said - just beautiful. Your Mom is lucky - wish I'd said that to my Mom while she was still here.

    Loved the rest of your list. Really got me started thinking . . . Would it be too tacky to send it to my kids? I don't know if I can handle another year of every single basket Bath & Body Works makes :).

  15. Didn't want to miss the opportunity to thank all of our veteran members for their service! I hope you all have the day off and are doing something you enjoy.

    Has anyone done anything special today?


  16. Cindy, thanks for opening the air! Cookies sounds wonderful (unfortunately most food sounds wonderful to me) and I think the idea with the jars and glitter is perfect. It reminds me very much of something I did with the cub scouts way back when I was a den mother – I think they were 8 – main difference is we used dirt instead of glitter :) . They loved it. I hope the Breathe Deep walk is a great success as I’m sure it will be.

    I think our weekend is going to be pretty quiet. I am planning to try to do some internet Xmas shopping since I’ve been getting all of these emails with discounts for Veteran’s Day and free shipping. I just can’t handle most of the stores any longer – too much walking and nowhere to sit. I really miss not being able to actually see and touch something – pictures don’t always give you a true idea of what you’re buying but I definitely don’t miss the crowds! I generally try to buy from on-line stores that allow returns to be made in their mall stores since most of my kids tend to take back whatever I give them. I really hope I can get it all done soon and not worry about last minute shopping. It seems I have great intentions every year but slack off and wind up at the last minute having to pay overnight air for something.

    It seems soooo cold here since the weather changed. It is still in the low 50s, but I’m freezing!! Doesn’t bode well for the colder temps to come. I refuse to give all my $$ to the power company, so I’m wearing two layers now, guess I’ll have to go up to three – will be resembling an Eskimo soon.

    Have a great weekend everyone.

  17. Thanks so much for posting an update on how you and your family are doing. Obviously it has been and still is a hard year for all of you, but it will get better especially with the support ofm family and friends. How wonderful your Dad was able to know that you got into the school of your choice. One of my children needed speach therapy for many years, and it is such an important field. I just had my 5 year anniversary, and am still stable and hope to remain that way for some time to come.

    Thank you also for the link - I did listen and am downloading several songs.

    Please keep us posted on how things are going for you and your Mom. I pray things get easier very soon.

  18. Eric – always such a pleasure to see your posts. Cindy is right, and you should have gotten yourself a lottery ticket! It sounds like the transition is going pretty well for just getting started.

    Cindy, I wish I knew why things are so quiet. I think it’s quite a few things – the recent losses, as well as Facebook, and then I think it’s also a vicious circle – the less people post, the fewer people who post. There have been a few times when someone new posted, and only one or two people responded and it doesn’t seem like enough to keep them coming back. Facebook is fine for some things, but I don’t think it helps the people who are newly diagnosed and who need advice and just someplace to vent. I think it was Eric who mentioned how important this site was to him when he first came here, and I know how important it was to me – even though I was so sick during treatment I didn’t post myself – so although I miss some days here and there I figure I’ll just keep trying, along with everyone else who stops in, and hopefully things will pick up again.

    Cindy, I think I counted 4 Thanksgiving dinners . . . but as long as you are just eating and not cooking :) . I love Zumba. I can’t do it of course with my breathing – I’d turn blue and collapse after 2 minutes – but my son’s girlfriend gives classes at the Y and she dragged me along to watch. I thought “how boring – watching people sweat for an hour!” . . . but it was fun. The music was so energetic, and the people seemed to be having such a good time – I think even I burned off 100 calories or so (I did tap my foot the whole time after all).

    Weather could be worse – high mid 50s, cloudy and hopefully not too much rain. Supposed to be even colder tomorrow. Still better than the snow Bruce is probably getting.

    Had my three youngest grandkids last night - the 2 and 3 year old boys NEVER stop, so I better get busy putting my house back together.

    Have a great day wherever you are!

  19. Bruce - thanks for opening the air! You beat me by just a few minutes I think.

    I am so glad today is Wednesday. I have been having a week! I’ve made so many mistakes this week that I’ve about decided I’m just totally incompetent and should be put out to pasture. I know people warned me about “chemo brain”, but no one said it was permanent . Even I can’t believe some of the dumb things I’ve done. My biggest fear lately is that I will be in a hurry to go somewhere, run out to the garage, jump in the car, put it in reverse and back out of the driveway – and then realize I forgot to open the garage door. If it sounds unlikely, trust me – it isn’t. It’s not a matter of “if”, just “when” – and no doubt some weekend afternoon when all the neighbors are out in their front yards watching!

    Our nice weather is definitely gone. I'm still trying to get used to the time change and the chill. Am glad at least we are not dealing with snow - but the fogs been bad the last few mornings.

    Now that Halloween is over, what is everyone doing for Thanksgiving. I think we are going to have two. Our oldest son has to be back at work on Friday morning, so he is coming down on the Monday before and we will have a nice dinner with him on Wednesday and they he’ll fly home on Thursday. As soon as we drop him at the airport we are planning to hit the freeway and drive south to our middle son’s home in California. I feel really guilty because we won’t be getting there until mid-afternoon and most of the work will be done. (That’s a lie. Truth is I always do all the work and am actually looking forward to having someone else do it for a change – but can’t say that to my son’s girlfriend of course).

    Better get back to work – still have more mistakes to fix.

    Happy hump day.

  20. We are having another nice day, although there was quite a bit of fog this morning. Starting tomorrow though the cooler temps are back and nothing in the forecast but rain, rain, rain. We've gotten all our leaves raked that have fallen thus far because the rain just makes a mess, but still a lot on the trees so hopefully it will dry out at least once more so we can take care of those. In a way it will be nice not to have the weather changing so much - at least I'll be able to figure out what to wear :)

    Our son is having a birthday party for Chuck and I. Both of our birthdays are in October, but the grandkids have been so sick with bad colds I haven't dared go near them. They are better now, so I'm looking forward to seeing them.

    Don't forget time changes this weekend - midnight Saturday night I think.

    Hope everyone had a safe Halloween. Any plans for the weekend?

  21. Welcome Marlene. It is a good thing to have the EGFR mutation. As you may know, many people with the mutation do very well with Tarceva. I don't personally know a lot about alternative therapies. I know some seem to be okay, and some the doctors prefer you avoid. A few patients I've known have done acupuncture and integrated some specific teas and herbs that are purported to offer some benefit, but I would not do anything without an okay from my oncologist since I'm sure you wouldn't want to take a chance of decreasing the effect of the Tarceva. Hopefully one of our more knowledgeable members will be along shortly to offer more ideas. I believe some of the larger cancer centers now offer some information and assistance with incorporating alternative therapies.

    Please keep us posted on how you are doing.

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