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Posts posted by dianew

  1. This morning’s paper announced that yesterday was the “beginning of the end” of this glorious weather we’ve been enjoying. Can’t really complain – it’s been soooo nice, especially after half the summer under the cloud of smoke from the fires. I guess if we didn’t have some rain, we wouldn’t be able to appreciate the sun nearly as much.

    Since everyone else seems to be on top of this stuff, I did check it out and was surprised to find out our sunrise is 7:42 and sunset at 6:16 – time changes Nov. 3.

    I have to work for a few hours today, but otherwise I will be finally putting away all my lightweight clothes and getting out all the sweaters and coats.

    Stop in and say hi if you have time. I hope Monday is a good day for everyone.

  2. Well the weathermen sometimes get it wrong . . . cold today, cloudy and a little rain. We were due. Instead of yard work moved into the den to work on that. It has become basically a storage room and desperately needs cleaning out. I just closed the door on it months ago and now there must be an inch of dust - so unfortunately I will be sneezing and wheezing all through church. I'm not sure when our time changes and I really do need to make a point of finding out before it takes me by surprise :)

    Donna, so nice to see you open the air. Eric, I am glad that Sally's move went so well and that it is finally done. Must be a bit of a relief. Loved the pictures of the kids.

    Off to church.

  3. Good morning Bruce. Our weather continues to be just wonderful, but I did notice that beginning Monday the termperature is supposed to drop from the mid-70s to a high of 59 on Tues. and in the low 60s for the rest of the forecast. No rain predicted yet, but I think this may be the last of the warmer temperatures. Just in case that proves true, we are driving out today to have lunch at a place on the Rogue River. I want to get out and enjoy this as long as possible. I don't know when our sunrise and sunset is to be honest. I guess I just haven't paid attention to the sunset, and generally I make it a point to not be up to see the sunrise. LOL

    Other than lunch, we have been fixing up a Power Wheels jeep for our grandson and are trying to get that finished. Well to be honest I'm supervising and Chuck is doing most of the work :). Someone gave it to them but it was pretty beat up and stopped running. Our grandson is not quite 4, and is only allowed to ride it with supervision in the backyard - but just loves the thing. His favorite color is blue, and he loves Mickey Mouse, so I thought it should be painted a bright blue with chrome and Mickey Mouse decals. I guess it must be a "guy thing" because they (Chuck and our son) decided it had to be painted black (boring) with some sort of decals that are supposed to be flames but have no color at all (also boring you can hardly notice them). Of course it hasn't slipped my mind that grandpa always wanted a black jeep -- hope he doesn't plan to drive it :lol:

    Better get ready for lunch. How is everyone's weekend going?

  4. I almost hate to mention how nice our weather is since I know it isn’t so nice in a lot of other places …. but it is just sooo nice right now. Of course I will be the first to complain when the rain and clouds arrive. :)

    Had been dreading today. I think next to scans I hate dentist appointments the most. We used to have the nicest dentist, and his daughter was his hygienist and she was really good as well. Unfortunately he got old and retired, selling his practice to this new dentist who, for lack of a better word, I’ll just call a jerk! But the daughter stayed on as the hygienist, and I really like her and have gone to her for years. So I’m okay with the change, as long as I don’t have to have any dental work done but I’m on pins and needles whenever I go in until I find out that I’m okay and only need a cleaning. Like the rest of me, my teeth are getting older and will no doubt start falling apart soon – so I think it won’t be long before I’ll have to find a whole new dentist. Change isn’t my favorite thing as I get older either!

    The only plans we have this coming weekend is to rake as many leaves as we can. I actually like raking them, but find putting them in bags frustrating as most of mine wind up back all over the yard – or all over me! Does anyone else have anything exciting planned?

  5. I hadn't really posted much about it, but in August my 6-month scan showed a new spot. The radiologist was hopeful it was an infectious process, so they put me on an antibiotics with a rescan in 8 weeks. I know my oncologist was concerned, so of course I have been concerned as well. I mean this is my second lung cancer, 3B, and I will be at 5 years from this 2nd dx in two weeks, so it's been kind of like waiting for the other shoe to drop. I had my scan yesterday, and got the results this morning - the spot is GONE, so thankfully I can stop holding my breath and get ready for the holidays.

  6. So glad to hear from you Michelle. I know how much work it seems to be just to get our little yard in shape for winter - I can't imagine the work that must go into a farm. Don't think I'd care for cutting down trees, etc. - but I love homemade soup and sometimes I think my husband wonders if he'll ever eat anything else during the winter. But it's so easy to make, and then all you need is some nice bread or a salad and you're all set. We usually have plenty left over to freeze as well. Do you have a really special soup recipe you could share? I have a really good one for Chicken Tortilla soup, but none of my beef/vegetable soups turn out as well as I'd like.

    I have been trying to think of some really good old movies to order so we will have some better things to watch, but am drawing a blank. I did order Bridge on the River Kwai, and Top Gun -- and Chuck has every John Wayne movie ever made I think although they are necessarily my favorite -does anyone have any ideas? What are you favorite old movies?

    Hope Tuesday has gone well for everyone.

    Lilly, if we make it to Redding for Thanksgiving, would love to meet for a cup of tea/coffee. I'll be in touch as soon as I know.

  7. Good morning Bruce - well it's afternoon now I'm sure. We are having another gorgeous day here. Don't know how long they will last, but not long. Maybe the first of November if we're lucky, then the clouds, fog and rain will start to move in for the winter. We have a pretty mild winter compared to a lot of places, and winter itself really isn't that long, but the gray cloudy weather can last sometimes into June. When I grew up in DC, we would have a bad snow storm, but then the sun would come out! And when it rained, it really rained - I don't mind a good rain storm. We don't get rain storms here much - just drizzles - very depressing. It's the months of no sun that I really have a problem with and it seems to get worse as I get older.

    I'm not sure what the population here is anymore - probably about 60,000-70,000 or so maybe. So while i consider it small, it isn't tiny. The closest large cities are Portland and Sacramento - and they are 5 - 6 hours away by car. We do have an outdoor summer venue that brings in some well known groups - but tickets can be hard to get. The Everly Brothers were here in the 90s, and I was so bummed I couldn't get a ticket :( I did see the Beach Boys at the Fair (or as I call it - the Beach Boy). The only original member of the group was the lead singer Mike Love, all the rest were young guys who were just filling in. The music was still good though.

    Sounds like you've seen a lot of good groups - I think Brooks & Dunn would have been a really good concert - as would Martina McBride - but my opinion of Clint Black has certainly changed. I don't see how they could not have given everyone some sort of partial refund at least!

  8. Thanks for opening Bruce. I’m getting a really late start today. Stayed up until 2 a.m. talking to my cousins – had a great time but I’m not used to burning the candle so late and don’t think I’m going to get much done today. Our weather has just been outstanding – wish I could send you some of this sunshine. That’s really interesting about Newfoundland and St. John – guess I never thought about where the sun would rise first. I’ve been to Montreal, but that’s about as close as I’ve gotten. I did have a Newfoundland dog once – great dog! :)

    Mike, I was lucky enough to go to a Peter, Paul & Mary concert in D.C. – not totally sure of the date, but around ’64-65. I got married really young and started a family right away, so I never got to go to many concerts and have only been to 3 major concerts (not counting the state fair venues) in all these years. I did go to the first Beatle concert in D.C. I really wasn’t a big Beatle fan, but my girlfriends were and it was a huge deal. My mom – bless her heart – braved what was basically a blizzard to take us to the concert. We were in the second row, and I have never heard such screaming in all my life. I know I lost a little hearing to chemo – but I’m sure the girl sitting right behind me screaming “George! George!” at the top of her lungs contributed :lol: Years later we went to a Neal Diamond concert in San Diego. They were all good, but I have to say that for me the Peter, Paul & Mary concert was the best by far.

    I’m off to try to finish watching Million Dollar Baby. It’s just one of those movies I’ve started a bunch of times but something always comes up and I don’t finish it – since I’m too tired for anything else today maybe I can finally find out how it ends.

  9. Eric – so happy to hear Sally’s furniture has finally arrived! It is wonderful that she has so much support. I always find change so hard (hate it really), but I’ve also found that generally it leads to good things that would never have come about otherwise.

    Bruce – how cool to have a jukebox. When I think 500 miles I always think Peter, Paul & Mary (of course that was the 60s) – so I had to google the Proclaimers and of course I’d heard it and had to add it to my i-pod. Great music!

    My cousins are still here and we’ve been having a great time going through all of our grandmother’s recipes, which is kind of funny because none of us really cook any longer and so far we eaten out every meal – but maybe this will inspire us. We were supposed to see Taming of the Shrew, but because of some scheduling deal we saw Steetcar Named Desire instead. That was great. Today is King Lear, and I’m not so sure about that – but the costumes are always good. They will be driving home tomorrow. I don’t have many relatives, so it’s been a lot of fun spending time with them.

    Lilly – am glad your trip went so well. I know your weather must be like ours – isn’t it great!! I hope you are getting out and enjoying it. We may come to Redding over Thanksgiving – will you be around?

    Hope the weekend is going great for everyone.

  10. Congratulations on 7+ years and thanks for posting the update. It means a lot to all of the newcomers, as well as us old timers who are hoping to do as well.

  11. Good morning and Happy Friday! It's been really nice seeing so many people checking in this week and lots of good news.

    More good weather expected - around 75 this weekend. Of course when it got cold I packed away most of my clothes and brought out all the sweaters -- maybe I'll have to go shopping :)

    I wish I were one of these people who could have company coming and not worry about how clean the house looks or whether I have everyone's favorite drinks, food etc., and just relax and enjoy the company - but I'm not so am up early to get the last few things done. I am glad to be having company as I have a scan Monday morning and this will make the weekend go fast and keep my mind busy.

    Hope your Friday is a good one.

  12. I'm so sorry that your mom is going through this and I hope the radiation quickly takes care of the pain. She has been through a lot in the past 5 months, but it is good news that she has an EGFR mutation. As a rule, they don't usually expect people with squamous cell to have the EGFR mutation, and some doctors don't even encourage testing for squamous cell. I am very glad you have posted your mom's story as it shows that you just can't assume anything - there are always exceptions and if you are one of those exceptions it can mean a lot. I hadn't heard of Gilotrif, so the fact that there is another treatment option available is great news. I know they all have side effects, but not everyone suffers from all of those - some people just breeze through, and others just have a few issues. Hopefully your mom will have an easy time with it and a good response.

    Please let us know how you are both doing.

  13. Happy Thanksgiving Bruce - hope you enjoyed your turkey (did you have turkey?).

    Healthy able bodied men too lazy to work or support their family receiving Social Services. Spend all their days out hunting or fishing on their new quads, driving new trucks, etc.

    I know there are lots of folks on disability who need and deserve it, but this reminds me of several people I know and fits my husband's best friend to a "t". Bought himself a new quad, fell off and broke his leg (it was a bad break - but all healed now), somehow got disability on his first try (I know people who deserve it who had to fight for years and I still can't figure out how he got it on the first try). As you've mentioned - he spends all of his time time fishing and hunting. Painted his house last week. I know one or two who would love to be able to try working part time at something, just to feel useful, but apparently in this country it's kind of all or nothing and they feel they can't do anything without losing all of their benefit. Obviously the system is broken, but I'm sure the guys in Washington will be able to fix it right up :roll:

    Our weather is just getting better - low 70s today and sunny. I have a friend I've mentioned before that I met when driving her to treatment - she doesn't have LC, but her cancer is progressing and she's chosen not to do more treatment (she's almost 90 - but very healthy except for the cancer). She has a "food bucket list" - so every couple weeks I take her to lunch and we go to a new place and order something we've never had before. Since I'm one of those people who always order the same thing, it has been really fun. Haven't figured out where we're going to go today, but it's always interesting!

    Have a great Monday everyone!

  14. Bruce - I looked it up and the first one I can find that is really titled "Air" was on Friday, 12/6/08 by Denise (Flyman35). I had joined just the month before but was just starting treatment and really wasn't even lurking at that point.

    It would be nice if everyone would just post once to let us know they are still out there and doing well. Someone started a thread at one point just for people to check in. Randy, if you're out there do you know which one I'm talking about?

    Was supposed to be nice today - but they lied and its been raining all day. Survey by drone - pretty cool idea. Does someone still come out and put in stakes??

  15. Michelle - I wish there was something magical I could say to make this all easier. I am keeping you in my thoughts and if I were closer would love to have a cold one with you and hear all about Don. Be kind to yourself - you are stronger than you know.

  16. Technically it's still Thursday here - but figured it's close enough and it is Friday somewhere.

    Eric – sure enjoyed the tales of Halloween in Scotland. It seems to me the Scots really know how to party! Had no idea it began there, and certainly does seem more civilized than our “trick or treat”. It would be so much fun to watch them all sing or recite poetry – but thank heavens I didn’t have to do that, it would have been awful and excrutiating for everyone :wink: and for sure wouldn’t hold a candle to 14 verses of Good Rock Candy Mountain! LOL Otherwise it seems like your Halloween was/is pretty much the same here. My friends and I always had the most fun coming up with our costumes – nothing store bought except maybe some fake blood. We lived in a suburb of a large city, but it was still so safe that we stayed out late running all over and filling up regular size grocery bags with BIG candy bars – not the little mini bars we have today. A few people made their treats – candy apples and caramel popcorn balls – but of course today you wouldn’t dare and no one would allow their child to eat it anyway. I still have a popcorn ball that is now 55 years old (came from my boyfriend’s house – of course he had no clue he was my boyfriend as at 10 he probably still hated girls – but I thought he was so I kept the popcorn ball). Still out in the garage along with all sorts of other really important items. Last time I came across it the ball was still in pretty good shape, wrapped in saran wrap – but now I’m thinking I should get rid of it before one of my grandkids finds it and thinks it might be good to eat. :shock: We never did play any tricks on anyone - too tired from lugging our big bags of candy. I enjoy seeing the kids – especially the small ones, but I don’t even mind the older ones as long as they are polite and have a costume of some kind. Would rather they come trick or treating than getting into some of the other mischief they might find to get into. We are going to carve pumpkins with our youngest grandkids next week and I’m probably looking forward to it more than they are. Then we’re going to a local pumpkin farm where they have a maze, and animals to pet, face painting and all that good stuff!!

    Bruce, we lived in the country for a few years. First year we were there I bought candy "just in case" , but not a soul came - way too dark and spooky out there! We had to eat the candy ourselves :D

    Anyone lurking out there, please stop in and say hi. What are your Halloween plans?

    Have a great weekend everyone.

  17. Good one Bruce. Have to say - as a mother-in-law - that I think I'd prefer my picture being on the door to my being in the cemetery, which is apparently where I'd be in Scotland according to the proverb. LOL

  18. Well this is the third try to post - keeps disappearing on me!! Hopefully third time will be the charm.

    Bruce I hope the trip to the post office went off without a hitch -- (hopefully the clerk was at lunch). So nice to know there is plenty of company out there and I'm not the only one doing these sorts of things. LOL

    Eric - according to wikipedia first foot means: In Scottish and Northern English folklore, the first-foot, also known in Manx Gaelic as quaaltagh or qualtagh, is the first person to cross the threshold of a home on New Year's Day and a bringer of good fortune for the coming year. The thing about the Corbies is a proverb. Apparently the Scots are really big on proverbs! Lots of fun reading them and trying to figure out what they mean -- sort of like a puzzle.

    Our weather this week is turning out better than I expected. Cool but fairly sunny. I hope it lasts until the leaves are all down (and they've just started here). Once it rains good, then trying to rake them all and bag them is just a big wet mess. It would be nice for the kids if this weather lasted through Halloween.

    Anyone have any fun plans for Halloween? Do they celebrate it in Canada and Scotland?

  19. Good morning! I agree with Eric - it is really nice to see the air open again. I hope a few people will join us. I know Lillian is traveling now, but hopefully she'll drop in when she can. I know Facebook takes up a lot of time for some.

    I looked up firstfoot.com, and it's fascinating - especially liked the Proverbs. Wow - the Scots have a proverb for everything - must be hundreds! As a mother-in-law, I wanted to know what "A mither-in-law is best in the kirkyaird" meant . . . turns out a "kirkyaird" is a cemetery!! :shock: I could get hooked on these. Some are easy enough to figure out - but others not so much. Eric - what in the world does "Corbies an clergy is kittle shot" mean?

    Bruce, I had forgotten that Thanksgiving is celebrated earlier there. I wish it were here as well. I would prefer to have more time between Thanksgiving and Xmas. This year Thanksgiving is even later than usual. Eric, I hope Sally's furniture finally arrives as promised. I know your party will be really amazing - celebrate! Our anniversary dates are pretty close I think. It will be 5 years for me on 11/4, so I will definitely be celebrating along with you in spirit.

    Since we are supposed to have sun this weekend, I want to try to get the yard cleaned up for winter. Once it starts to rain it makes everything so messy it's impossible. Next week my cousin is coming to the Shakespearean Festival we have here in Ashland. She is in charge, but I think the plays she's chosen are Taming of the Shrew and King Lear. I try, but truth be told I'm not the most ardent Shakespeare fan - I'm going to see Mama Mia and Hair after the first of the year and they are more my 'cup of tea', but hopefully they wiil be good and it will be fun to see her anyway.

    Happy hump day!

  20. Bruce, I have never heard the term mausey old day, so looked it up . . .

    "Definition according to the Dictionary of Newfoundland English:

    mauzy a also maus(e)y, mawzy [phonetics unavailable]. Cp EDD mosey adj1 3 'damp and warm, muggy, close; foggy.' Of the weather, damp, foggy, misty or close, sometimes with very light rain or condensation on objects and a cool, gentle wind off the sea; cp CAPLIN (SCULL) WEATHER."

    Think we're going to have a mausey old day here as well - but without the "gentle wind off the sea" :(

    Not sure where everyone is - I keep hoping.

  21. I think our high is going to be in the 60s – but so far the sun is out and so the weather is just about perfect. I love sweater weather. Our leaves don’t change as dramatically as they do on the east coast, but I agree with you Bruce, it’s hard to beat a walk in the woods in the fall.

    My favorite lighthouse in Oregon is the Tillamook Lighthouse. It’s on a rock out in the ocean not far from where the Columbia River runs into the Pacific. It is only accessible by boat and that must have been pretty daunting back in the 1800s! Here’s a link to a picture of it.

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:USCG_ ... thouse.jpg

    When we were living in Portland in the early 80s they decided to turn it into a mausoleum. As I remember for about $200 your ashes could be interred at the lighthouse. I thought that was so cool and planned to sign up – but guess I was too young to feel any urgent need and procrastinated too long – later someone decided maybe this wasn’t such a great idea and put a stop to it. I believe a few people actually were interred there. It would certainly be a challenge to visit a loved one, so probably is for the best :)

    How is everyone else doing? Michelle, how are things on the farm where you are?

    Hope everyone is having a good Monday.

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