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Posts posted by Teacake

  1. I'm a couple of days late BUT:

    I met Carguy for breakfast in Chattanooga on my way to Atlanta! He's a real nice guy, folks. Really tall (6'5"), red head, deep baritone voice. We looked kinda funny as I'm real short (5'3". Was great finally meeting somebody from the board. He's doing well and waiting with abated breath for his results.

    Then drove on to Atlanta to play board games with "my guys". They surprised me with a birthday cake, I whupped up on 'em in the games, went to dinner.

    It was a great day all around.


  2. Good Morning,

    Rob just called. He's not been able to post because the hospital does NOT have WiFI as he was initially informed.

    They just removed his "tubes" and may be able to go home this afternoon as soon as the epideural wears off. He's not sure if he's going to his house or to a friend's. Path reports are not back yet but doctor was very optimistic (about 1% chance it IS cancer).

    He sounds good, strong.


  3. Good Morning,

    Rob just called. He's not been able to post because the hospital does NOT have WiFI as he was initially informed.

    They just removed his "tubes" and may be able to go home this afternoon as soon as the epideural wears off. He's not sure if he's going to his house or to a friend's. Path reports are not back yet but doctor was very optimistic (about 1% chance it IS cancer).

    He sounds good, strong.


  4. From the horse's mouth: (while I'm talking to him on the phone)

    "I BEAT IT!! 2 day hospital stay and I'm outta here. I'm the luckiest man in the world, absolutely blessed. Every odd was against me on this thing but everything came out roses. Case closed".

    Rob will be post some time tomorrow when he gets his laptop.


  5. Good Morning, Cyber Family;

    Please be thinking of Carguy (Rob) today as he was scheduled to go into surgery at 8:15 Eastern this morning. A friend of his will either call me or post here or his blog with his status.


  6. Dear Fay;

    Thank you so much for helping me and my family through this journey. I only wish I could do the same for your family. Please know that you are and always will be someone who I respect, honor and wish I had known better.

    Rest gently, Dear Friend.


  7. Absolutely no offense taken on this front. I had been wondering what that rumbling was I was hearing from a few miles down the road...

    Breathe deep, slow, steady breaths. Envision that beautiful coral reef off the coast of Mexico and know, just know, that you'll be diving on it again real soon. Perhaps with a new friend or two.

    Then go out and chow down on some incredible meal.

    You deserve all this and more.


  8. Spending the week with a friend is probably a good idea on several fronts. I live alone and thought I would be A-OK with a minor surgery a couple of years ago but found out that I was very glad my sister came and stayed several days. And my surgery was just laparoscopy. She pampered me when I needed and berated me when I needed that, too.

    Hmmmm, a man without a recliner....I didn't know Mother Nature had made such a creature as that.


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