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Posts posted by Fall54

  1. Dear Denise,

    I am praying hard that Dad makes it until you're Sister arrives and that his passing is painless and serene. I pray also that you are all comforted by the people you're Dad see's who have come to take him home.

    God Bless You All,


  2. Bill,

    Please dont stay away! We are a team here and you are part of it! Why would you stay away when this is when you may need the support the most and have the most questions?? Please listen to Ry, Becky and Eppie and dont stay away, I will be praying for better days ahead for you.

    God Bless,


  3. Dear Mandi,

    I am so sorry you lost you're Mom at such an early age. I know the heartache of grief and loss and I also know that time does heal. I think it is a wonderful idea to make that book about you're Mom and anyone that looks at it will get a clearer vision of who she was. I dont believe God puts us through this though. I do believe God was there to welcome you're Mom to Heaven when her time on Earth was finished. I have lost a lot of people at an early age (Dad 46, Brother 46, Husband 29) and I felt they were cheated out of a long life and I was cheated in losing them. I feel differently now and believe there was a reason and God had a plan for them. I can only imagine you did not feel you would lose you're Mom so quickly after DX and sometimes that is a blessing in disquise. God works in ways we do not understand and we have to trust him.

    Oct was such a short time ago I am sure you are in the depths of grief as I was only months after their deaths but time does heal us and we do go on and we do learn to accept our losses. I was 2 weeks from graduating high school when my Dad passed away with a heart attack. I was in such shock and so I am sure was my Mom who was left with 8 children to bring up alone. Someway, somehow she did it, I did it and my siblings did it and I am assured you will too. Give yourself that time to grieve and work through it. We are all here for you Sweetie!!

    God Bless you all,


  4. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

    Welcome Home Joanie!!!!!!!

    So glad to see you're post. Yopu're Hubby did an awesome job keeping us informed, give him a kiss from all of us!

    Please rest and get better!! Being home is such a gift!

    God Bless you Sweet Joanie,


  5. Dear Carleen,

    I am going to go with what Don said and that is Go For It! I know that is what I would do.

    I also agree with the others saying a pregnancy could be hard on you with all the stress you are going through right now however it may also help you to cope knowing you are carrying his baby and will have his child with you after Keith has gone on to Heaven should that be the case.

    A child conceived in love is the greatest gift God gives us.

    I also believe God will lead you to the right decision.

    God Bless you both,


  6. Dear Holly,

    What a wonderful letter for any Mother to recieve. if I was you're Mother That would have meant more to me than anything in the world. There is just nothing like a Mother's love. You showed you're Mom that and now you have a precious Daughter of your own. I am sure she is so proud of you, in what you have become and I am also sure she is estatic with her new Grand Daughter. I pray your mother has much more time to spend with you and you're new baby girl.

    God Bless you all,


  7. Dear Pat,

    I just saw this post. I check daily to see how everyone is doing and Brian especially. I dont know why I didnt see it.

    I am so very saddened for you having lost you're true soul mate.

    He is in the arms of God now and his struggle is over.

    I know you will be here when you can and I pray for comfort and strength for you.

    God Bless you Pat,


  8. Troy,

    I am so sorry you have lost your Mom. I am glad you had such a wonderful 2 weeks with her and she was able to enjoy her last birthday and Christmas with all of you. She is in Heaven now , happy, painfree and without cancer!

    God Bless you all,


  9. Dear Carleen,

    I am just heartbroken reading you're post. I agree with Karen when she encourages you to find a cousilor and perhaps get on some type of medication for depression. I did that when my Brother was so ill and it helped me so much. It also helped me to help him. I felt stronger and more able to deal with what was happening.

    I understnad you're love for you're husband as I feel the same way about mine and know I would be in the same situation as you are if it were he that was ill. I also know I would run not walk to a DR for depression medication to help me to deal with it.

    I believe as bunny does that God does not cause any of this and is there for us throughout it. I believe that if Keith is taken to Heaven before you are , God will be there to welcome him to everlasting life. When it is you're turn, Keith will be there to welcome you along with God to everlasting life together. I know these are only my beliefs but I wanted to share them with you.

    Life is hard and unfair and very hard to understand but there will be a time all those questions will be answered and you will understand the reasons for the trials you and all of us are going through. God does have a plan.

    I cant say I dont understand your fury at God but that is as you said only because you so badly want to blame someone or something. God understands this. He loves you and Keith very much.

    We love you and Keith very much also. I only wish we knew his plan and could be comforted by it. I live with my faith in him and trust him. I am sure you do too. It can be very hard to feel the trust at times when times are so troubled but we must.

    I also believe in miracles and I pray Keith will be one of his miracles.

    Carleen, please get the help you need so you can see more clearly and deal with this and enjoy the time you have one day at a time together. My love and prayers for you both always,

    God Bless,


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