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Posts posted by Fall54

  1. Pat,

    Just another voice chimming in to suggest you call hospice right away! They will take care of his pain. You need to rest so you can be there for him and he needs the relief ASAP. Waiting until after the holidays just may mean he is in this sort of pain all through the holidays. Please, please call them right away.

    You are both in my prayers

    God Bless you,


  2. Dear Pat & Brian,

    I am so saddened to read this post. My heart breaks for you both. As other's have said God has plans for Brian and he will be okay. He will be without cancer, without pain and the burden it has put on both of you.

    He will be in the arms of the Father.

    I pray for his comfort in this transition and for strength for you as you watch him pass through this life into God's arms.

    You both have been blessed with a truly wonderful love and the memories of that love will always keep Brian here for you.

    I pray you have a blessed Christmas together and that Brian can enjoy his time with his family that loves him so dearly.

    God Bless You All,


  3. Dear Holly,

    I am so sorry this is all happening just as you are ready to have you're first baby. Not that any time is a good time but this is the worst.

    You were given some good advice though and do remember this is the only time you will have you're first baby and Mom would want you to be happy and experience all there is to becoming a new Mom. God will see you through this Holly. You are all in my prayers.

    God Bless,


  4. Dear Pat and Brian,

    Always thinking of you both and praying that all is well. I also pray that you are able to enjoy a wonderful Christmas together and that the New Year brings you much hope.

    God Bless You Both,


  5. Dear Brian,

    Thank you for updating us on Joanie. I have been thinking about her a lot! Glad to hear that things are heading positive. I do pray she will be home for Christmas and that you will have a gift for her like Casey said that shows her just how much you love her.... Like she doesnt know!! Please keep the updates coming !! She is in my prayers!

    God Bless you both,


  6. Leslie,

    Great to hear you have embraced this treatment and all is going well. You sound a whole lot different than thay woman that was so scared ( and right so) that posted when you first got word of what you had and what needed to be done.

    Your a very strong vibrant woman Leslie and I am so glad you are doing so well.

    God Bless you,


  7. Dear Beth,

    We most assuradly understand you're being away and trying to make some sense of you're recent loss. Time heals and you need that time. I was happy to see you post and look forward to you being back with us when you are able. Please take that time and take care of yourself and your boys. We arent going anywhere and will be here when you need us.

    God Bless you and yours,


  8. Melinda,

    I do hope my post did not offend you. I was just speaking from my heart and said how I felt. I did think it was written by someone else and not you and that you had shared it. Thank you for that and for giving us all something to think about.

    We love you here Melinda and I am praying that you continue to stay and to share what ever touches you're heart.

    God Bless you Sweetie,


  9. Dear Brian,

    I cant believe I am just seeing this post! I think the world of Joanie and she is in my prayers. Maybe it was a good thing I saw this now as things have improved so much. Please give her a kiss for me and remember God will take good care of her. My prayers for you also and my thanks for being such a great husband in keeping us all so informed.

    God bless you both,


  10. I am not sure I would say cancer is a gift. I would however say the lessons learned, the appreciation for the clarity it provokes are gifts. So much of what you have said is beautiful and I wish that all cancer patients were able to see or feel the way you have written it but sadly they are not. A depression can set in that doesnt allow any of those things you speak about to transpire.

    I dont have cancer that I am aware of but my Brother and Sister did and I know I never considered that a gift to me or the rest of the people that knew and loved them. It was prayers said day and night hopeful that cancer could be erased and health could return.

    Please dont get me wrong, I see what you are saying and see the gifts that can be derived from the dx of cancer but cancer in itself is not a gift in my opinion.

    God Bless you,


  11. Dear Cheryl,

    I am sure hospice will be able to help you emotionaly get through this and physically and mentally help you're dear Husband. They are wonderful people and dont be afraid to call them when ever you feel the need. They will be there for both of you. I am also praying that this will help to channel you're husbands anger and help to make the time he has left happy memories for the both of you seasoned with a whole lotta love!

    God Bless you both,


  12. Dear Cindi,

    Thank you for sharing all of that. I know it must have been very hard to just type it with the feelings you are having.

    Your darn right you have a good attitude and your darn right you are alive and able to love , smile, laugh and cry amoung so many other things!

    We all love you here and will always be here for you. You dont always have to be the one that cheers up everyone else. You are allowed to feel and say how you are hurting and grab some support from us! I am so sorry things are as difficult as they are for you. You are a wonderful person and you are in my prayers Sweetie!

    God Bless you always,


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