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Posts posted by bobmc

  1. Yea Terry,

    CONGRATS, :D:D:D , Soooooo HAPPY FOR YA !! :D:D , Now, do something nice for yourself cause you deserve it.

    Great to be a survivor today!

    God bless and stay well

    Bobmc- NSCLC- stageIIB- left pneumonectomy- 5/2/01

    " absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

  2. Hey Jay,

    Just want to chime in and say thanks for the update, it's always GREAT to here from you. :D:D , Donna's right, your an inspiration to many young people and older ones too. Good to be alive today! :) and a Girl to boot! 8)

    God bless & be well, an please update us from time to time.

    Bobmc- NSCLC- stageIIB- left pneumonectomy- 5/2/01

    " absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

  3. Hello again Kate, glad you stopped by

    My best to you and your dad, :) just wanted to welcome you here and hope you find some comfort. Wonderful people here, much like ACS but more of us.

    God bless, stay well and your Dad will be in my prayers.

    Bobmc- NSCLC- stageIIB- left pneumonectomy- 5/2/01

    " absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

  4. Hello Cheryl;

    I think Ry put it best with the YIPPPEEE, comment, :lol::lol::lol: So very happy that your getting the surgery. Remember, it is your best chance for a cure. Scary, yes, :shock: but your young and strong, you'll do well. I see others have given you all the right suggestions. So I'll just wish you well. :)

    And, my family pic was taken 8 weeks after my left lung was removed, hiking in the rainforests of Costa Rica. again you'll do well!

    God bless, be well and you will be in my thoughts and prayers

    Bobmc- NSCLC- stageIIB- left pneumonectomy- 5/2/01

    " absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

  5. Hi Estelle,

    So good to hear from you and so very glad you had a good summer. :D:D:D.

    Sorry you hit another bump in the road but hope you continue to have good success with the chemo. Will be keeping you in my prayers.

    God bless and be well

    Bobmc- NSCLC- stageIIB- left pneumonectomy- 5/2/01

    " absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

  6. Hi Shirley, Welcome and so glad your doing well, :o:o:o

    You will find very caring and knowledgable people here but most importantly you will find SURVIVORS. Iv'e found thats its so nice not to have to do this alone. :)

    Again welcome, God bless and be well

    Bobmc- NSCLC- stageIIB- left pneumonectomy- 5/2/01

    " absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

  7. Hey Ray,

    Good to hear from ya, :) , I gotta say thats one hell of a good looken HEAD, man !!!! Sorry to hear you were'nt feeling well but with a pic like that I know your on the rebound. Can't help with any or your questions, as I'm still IIB and counting my blessing but I kinda watch your posts cause we were both stage IIB and both Jersey boys.

    Again good to hear from ya, and Yea you'll beat this!! :D:D

    God bless and be well

    Bobmc- NSCLC- stageIIB- left pneumonectomy- 5/2/01

    " absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

  8. Hey Dave;


    What a fine example you set, good to be alive & a 1- LUNGER today!!

    God bless and be well

    Bobmc- NSCLC- stageIIB- left pneumonectomy- 5/2/01

    " absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

  9. Aloha there Cheryl;

    Congrats on the OUTSTANDING news, :):):) So very happy for you and Dick. I also had squamous type, stage IIB, NSCLC. They took my left lung almost 2 & 1/2 years ago. Can't say it was a piece of cake :shock: but definitly survivable. All my best to you and Dick, let us know how the surgery goes.

    God bless and be well

    Bobmc- NSCLC-stageIIB- left pneumonectomy- 5/2/01

    " absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

  10. Hey Gina,

    OUTSTANDING :D:D:D , and that really is a BIG DEAL !! I'm 2 & 1/2 years now and still proud of the fact that I did it.

    Congrats and go eat some ice cream!! :lol::lol:

    God bless and stay well

    Bobmc- NSCLC stageIIB left pneumonectomy- 5/2/01

    " absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

  11. HAPPY B-DAY DON!!! :lol::lol::lol:

    May you and Lucie have many, many more and may you continue to prosper and inspire us with your caring attitude. :):) ; Enjoy your day!

    God bless

    Bobmc- NSCLC- stageIIB- left pneumonectomy- 5/2/01

    " absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

  12. Hello Father of five!

    And a big welcome to ya, :):) , so glad you found us. You have certainly been through the ringer with your disease. Don't think I would acknowledge the month of August either. Keep up that fighten spirit and yes you are an inspiration. thanks for the story.

    God bless and stay well

    Bobmc- NSCLC- stageIIB- left pneumonectomy- 5/2/01

    " absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

  13. Hello Kristy, Welcome and so very sorry your mom and family are going through this :cry::cry: , Lung cancer is such a devastating disease and we sometimes forget that it really does effect the whole family. :o For me, I can remember going through that shock phase in the beginning, like your talking about, then the I got get as much knowledge as I can phase and finally just kinda putting one foot in front of the other, doing what the doc said and leaving the results up to God phase. However, it is a rollercoaster ride and certainly not easy.

    I have not been treated at Cancer Centers of America but as Deb says I have heard nothing but good news about them. I would sugest that your mom gets treated at a cancer center by cancer doc's and gets second opinions. It is real, real important to feel comfortable with your doc,s and treatment plans.

    Again welcome, glad you found us, you will find very caring and knowledgable people here, but most importantly you will find SURVIVORS, many and in all stages.

    God bless, be well and your mom and family will be in my prayers.

    Bobmc- NSCLC- stageIIB- left pneumonectomy- 5/2/01

    " absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

  14. CONGRATS Cindy, !!!! :):):)

    Yep, just doesn't get any better than that!! :lol::lol: ENJOY your weekend!

    God bless, stay well and may you continue to stay in remission

    Bobmc- NSCLC- stageIIB- left pneumonectomy- 5/2/01

    " absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

  15. Hi again Sally, I just sent you a reply to your PM. :) So very glad your hear and yes what a wonderful sister you are. We sometimes forget that cancer effects the entire family. What a terrible disease it is. :x

    Your brother is young and has a lot going for him. I'm also a stage IIB( as you know) and have been doing just fine for almost 2 & 1/2 years now, However my buddy Dave P who will probable follow with his own post has been surviving for some 26 years now. He was also diagnosed at a young age like your brother. He races mountain bikes now. Don't want to steal his thunder so I'll let him answer ya.

    God bless and you and your brother will be in my prayers.

    Bobmc- NSCLC- stageIIB- left pneumonectomy- 5/2/01

    " absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

  16. Hey Judy,

    Congrats on your check up, :D:D:D , Always a great day when ya get that kind a news. Good people at Sloan, I had a second opinion with them.

    God bless and stay well

    Bobmc- NSCLC-stageIIB- left pneumonectomy- 5/2/01

    " absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

  17. Good for you Peg!! :) So happy Bill is back in the fight again!! :x:x

    Your a real trooper and buy that nurse a drink, :):)

    God bless, be well and fight on

    Bobmc- NSCLC- stageIIB- left pneumonectomy - 5/2/01

    " absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

  18. HOLLY COW Fay !!!!! :shock::shock::shock::shock:

    Talk about a reprieve!! :D:D , So very happy for ya. Bet some tech got chewed big time for that one.

    talk about a blessing and I agree with the extra chemo, very wise

    God bless and be well

    Bobmc - NSCLC- stage IIB- left pneumonectomy 5/2/01

    " absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

  19. Thanks Christina;

    Thats an excellent article and long overdue, Now if we could only get Philip Morris to start paying for them!!! :evil::evil::evil:

    God bless and be well

    Bobmc - NSCLC- stageIIB- left pneumonectomy- 5/2/01

    " absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

  20. Hello Blue bayou!

    Also, really like your ID; :) Welcome and my best to ya. I'm a 28 month survivor NSCLC stage IIB. I had my left lung removed on May 2, 2001 and was 50 years young at the time. Also, have experienced a lot of back pain, in fact had a bone scan done back in May. All was fine but like many others made a big deal of it in my head. :shock::shock: I think it just goes with the dx. of lung cancer but does get better with time. :?:? Also wanted to say that the healing for the surgery takes time. Doc's have told me more than once that I have a whole lot of scar tissue and that things kind of shift a bit. So what I'm trying to say is that the pain you are experiencing could be just part of the healing process.

    Now, about those two docs who talked about a terminal phase and palletive care. FIRE THEM and get a new doc. You want some one thats gonna give ya hope and there's always hope! :x:x That's what this board is all about. I'm sorry but I get angry when I hear doctors talking like that. Cancer is SURVIVABLE.

    God bless and be well

    Bobmc- NSCLC- stageIIB- left pneumonectomy- 5/2/01

    " absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

  21. Hello Kevin,

    My best to you and your dad, sorry your dad is going through this. To your question, it is typical or not uncommon for tumors to block the bronchial airways of the lungs. You didn't specify the type but if its Squamous type NSCLC then it is rather common for this to happen. I was dx.ed with this type in April or 2001 the lower left lobe was blocked causing pneumonia to develope. As far as spreading, I agree with Norme, you just don't know. This is a very sneaky disease and requires many tests to determin that. Best bet is to urge him to get treatment at a cancer center by doctors who specialize in lung cancer and by all means seek second opinions.

    And Yes, you do have quite a bit to learn, but were all here to help, check some of the links also. You'll need to learn about stages and treatments. Oh, and most important of all you will find many SURVIVORS here!!

    God bless you and your dad

    Bobmc- stageIIB- left pneumonectomy- 5/2/01

    " absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

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