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Posts posted by bobmc

  1. Hey Fay, Becky,

    I also asked a question :?:?:? ; I asked him to discuss tumor markers and their role in diagnoses of recurrent disease as well as the effectiveness of chemo agents.;

    I got called to a meeting at work and missed the telecast, :x:x:x:x ; not happy but glad I can view the transcripts.

    God bless and be well

    Bobmc- NSCLC- stgeIIB- left pneumonectomy- 5/2/01

    " absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

  2. Hey Candee,

    Good to here from you!! :):):) ; I did'nt know that, thanks,!!

    I'm just a bit frustrated with the whole lack of concern in this state, I'm glad you have some in's. I'm working on it but difficult at times.

    thanks for the update, good possibility, I'll be at the Bernie Segal discussion in Newark, thanks for that also.

    God bless and stay well

    Bobmc- NSCLC- stageIIB- left pneumonectomy- 5/2/01

    " absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

  3. Hi Lynne;

    Hang in there, you, Dean and the family are in my prayers!!

    Have to agree with MaryAnn, she gives good advice, also, don't be afraid to ask for second opinions and specialists.

    Again my very best to you and Dean

    God bless, be wwell and hang in there!

    Bobmc- NSCLC- stageIIB- left pneumonectomy- 5/2/01

    " absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

  4. Hey Karma;

    Good for the state of Massachusetts, :):) ; Hate to tell ya this but even I got a response back from the Gov. of Mass. and I live in Jersey, :?:shock: ; However, I sent out a message to the Gov. of Jersey and got no reply yet!!!,

    try using this link, it may help and it's easy, you have to register which is no big deal but they keep ya up to date


    also just got a note from them saying that Newton, Mass just went smoke free, you can send them a thank you note via the same link if you want. You can also check the ACS site in your state, I'm doing a protest for the clean air act next week with them.

    god bless, be well and keepon keepen on!!

    Bobmc- NSCLC- stageIIB- left pneumonectomy- 5/2/01

    " absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

  5. Dear Susan;

    So very sorry for you loss, please accept my most sincere condolences. My thoughts and prayers go with you and the family.

    God bless, and know your mom is at peace today

    Bobmc- NSCLC- stageIIB- left pneumonectomy- 5/2/01

    " absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

  6. Ahhh, Dave!!!

    Got a tear in my eye and can't help saying this disease SUCKS!!; My very, very best to you and your family and know I'll be praying for ya real hard!! Hang in, and keep on fighten it!! :x:x

    God bless ya Dave & may they please find a cure for this monster!!

    Bobmc- NSCLC- stageIIB- left pneumonectomy- 5/2/01

    " absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

  7. Hi Estelle;

    So very, very glad to hear from you, :):):):) ; Very happy your feeling better these days. Yep, shoppen's gotta's be the trick, always makes my wife feel better!:shock:

    God bless and stay well

    Bobmc- NSCLC- stageIIB- left pneumonectomy- 5/2/01

    "absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

  8. Hey Carly;

    Congrats on your results, Yes what a relief !!! :):):):) Now go out and CELEBRATE!! :)

    God bless and stay well

    Bobmc- NSCLC-stageIIB- left pneumonectomy- 5/2/01

    " absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

  9. Donnie,

    My heart goes out to you!! I'm so very for your loss, please accept my deepest sympathies.

    God bless you and the family

    Bobmc- NSCLC- stageIIB- left pneumonectomy- 5/2/01

    " absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

  10. Hey Dave!!

    Be praying real hard for ya!!!! Hang in there!! :x:x:x

    God bless and be well

    Bobmc- NSCLC-stageIIB- left pneumonectomy- 5/2/01

    " absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

  11. Thanks for the update Donna,

    I'll be keeping Connie in my thoughts and prayers!!! She's been such an inspiration to so many!!! She needs a break!!

    God bless abd stay well

    Bobmc- NSCLC- stageIIB- left pneumonectomy- 5/2/01

    " absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

  12. David, Greg,

    My heart goes out to the both of ya, Lung Cancer just plain SUCKS!! :x:x:x:x

    You'll both be in my thoughts and prayers!!! , Just have to put one foot in front of the other and fight the sucke r!,

    God bless and hang in there!!

    Bobmc- NSCLC- stageIIB- left pneumonectomy- 5/2/01

    " absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

  13. Hello Lynne;

    Please know you, your daughter and Dean are in my thoughts and prayers!! So very sorry you are all having a rough time of it. It does sound like pneumonia, also had it right before they found the cancer.

    God bless, hang in there, and many are sending prayers your way!

    Bobmc- NSCLC-stage IIB- left pneumonectomy- 5/2/01

    " absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

  14. Hey all,

    Beautiful weekend in Northern Jersey, cut the grass, racked leaves, got a new storm door on, washed & waxed the car and just realized they took the cancer and lung out 2 and 1/2 years ago. Yes, half way to that big five year mark. :D:D:D

    OK, also, quite a bit sore but feeling real good, GOOD TO BE A SURVIVOR TODAY!!!!, and great to be a member here!!! :):):)

    Now, I know I gotta stay right sized but American Cancer Society had me update my story and they have it as one of their features this month for lung cancer awareness month. here's the link:

    http://www.acscsn.org/view/viewer?objec ... 1038964738

    God bless and be well

    Bobmc- NSCLC- stageIIB- left pneumonectomy- 5/2/01

    " absolutey insist on enjoying life today!"

  15. Hey David;

    Great news, Congrats to ya, and enjoy!!! :D:D:D:D

    God bless and stay well

    Bobmc- NSCLC- stageIIB- left pneumonectomy- 5/2/01

    "absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

  16. Hello Doug:

    Welcome to the group so happy you found us. And a big welcome to the 1-lungers club. :shock::shock::shock: Yea, not something I ever wanted to be a part of but so grateful now!! :)

    I'm the hiker that Judy refers to, the family pic was taken 8 weeks after surgery hiking thru the rainforests of Costa Rica. Sounds good yea, but nobody said it did'nt hurt, cause it did and at 2 & 1/2 years out it unfortunately still does. I do wanna tell ya that it well get better, it certainly does but as for "normal", I 've learned that's just a setting on the washing machine. :P

    OK, some advice, the belching like a beer drunk truck driver and the constant upset stomach are things I also experience. Better now, try over the counter meds, like prilosec, zantec, etc,. They help, you may want to speak to your doc about it also and see if you can get something stronger. I still use the zantac. Also, try cutting back on the pain meds. Might be tougher for you cause of the ribs, but I like tylenol PM at night before bed. I use 1 now but was taking 2. Helps with the tossing and turning. Also, use a heating pad from time to time.

    The breathing is gonna take some time, I was 50 and a smoker when they took the lung. It's better than it was, but stairs still drive me nuts, ya gotta just slow down and that takes some time. I also used a stationary bike for the first 6 months to build stamina. That helped. Also, don't know where you live but be real carefull with winter colds, the flu ( get a shot), and sinus problems. They can really knock the hell out of you. If you come down with anything, see the doc, they put you right on antibotics which is a must for us.

    OK, now I'm rambling, I see you sent me an e-mail, I'll reply on Mon. morning. I guess more than anything just know your not alone!!

    God bless, be well and again welcome

    Bobmc- NSCLC-stageIIB- left pneumonectomy- 5/2/01

    " absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

  17. Hey Judy;

    So glad you got to go out and so very glad to see you posting again, :):):) and great ya stopped in at chat.

    Interesting note ya got on there about the MRI 's ; I think I'm gonna to ask my doc about it, also still having the back problems, but bone scan done in May was good, but again still having the pain so rather be safe than sorry.

    My doc also does the CEA readings; we have a recent large thread on it under general. Think it's titled markers by norme. Check it out, cause I added some links to it which just confused us all that much more. :?:?:?

    Yea, I know makes no sense, Anyway, I sent in a question to Dr. Mark Kris who will be hosting the Q & A this Wed. on Lung Cancer. The details are in the Activism section. I asked if he would discuss tumor markers as part of his telecast cause 680 members of LCSC want to know. We shall see??

    So glad your doing better, and good luck getting screwed on Weds :shock::shock:

    God bless and know your in my prayers.

    Bobmc- NSCLC- stage IIB- NSCLC- left pneumonectomy- 5/2/01

    " absolutely inist on enjoying life today!"

  18. OK, did'nt realize this was such a hot issue :roll::roll:

    I forwarded a note from Estrea to my wife's brother. He's a local attorney and managing partner of the firm. She works for him and he's a great guy and good golfer. He's gonna have a look at it for us. We're already talking about next years golf outing to raise funds. I'll keep ya up to date, he's gonna start pulling the pieces together on Mon.

    God bless and be well

    Bobmc- NSCLC- stage IIB left pneumonectomy- 5/2/01

    " absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

  19. Ohhh Hell David !!!

    I'll be praying real hard for ya and keeping my fingers crossed. Hang on tight man. lots of people be pullen for ya!! besides, Miracles are a way of life for us!! Talk to on Tues nite.

    God bless and know you'll be in my thought and prayers

    Bobmc- NSCLC- stageIIB- left pneumonectomy- 5/2/01

    " absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

  20. For Norme, Peg, Eileen, Candy, Karen, Berisa, BLT, MaryAnne and all others.

    Because the thread on tumor markers, (see General) was so confusing, I forwarded a question from the LCSC Group to Dr. Mark Kris in hopes he will speak to it as part of his upcoming Q& A Chat session. :roll::roll:

    I let him know that there are 675 of us, more now I see :oops: that really want to know. I asked if he would please discuss the roll of tumor markers in both checking for recurrent disease as well as it's roll for the effectiveness of chemo.

    We shall hopefully see, and again you can participate in this on Wed. Nov. 5th . see the link.


    God bless and be well

    Bobmc- NSCLC- stageIIB- left pneumonectomy- 5/2/01

    " absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

  21. Yea Eileen, I know what you mean'

    Makes me real glad I'm here and an advocate for my own care. I think it's just so important!! :shock::shock:

    Anyway, because there's such an interest in this topic. I sent in a question from the LCSC group to the upcoming Mark Krist Q& A chat that will be aired next Wed afternoon. PLWC is hosting it. I asked if he would speak to it cause theres 675 members here that want to know???? Lets see, what happens!

    Hey Eileen, another Jersey girl, cool, we gotta get a face to face group going pretty soon. There's getting to be alot of us. I was thinking about giving the Cancer Institute of NJ a call. There in New Brunswick, right, I figure pretty much in the center of the state. What do ya think, are ya up for a group(((( HUG)))).

    God bless and be well

    Bobmc- NSCLC- stageIIB- left pneumonectomy- 5/2/01

    " absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

  22. Hi Dana;

    Good to hear from ya again, gotta say I never heard of a link between lung cancer and kidney stones.:roll::roll:

    May be more of a link with all that ice cream he's been eaten to fatten himself up :):) , just kidden of course. Ice creams gooood!!

    However, Eileen's got a good point. They do alot of checking and scanning with us and there bound to find things. They found cysts on my liver , just calcified deposits but with cancer everythings a scare.

    my best to your dad, keep us updated on the surgery

    God bless

    Bobmc- NSCLC- stage IIB- left pneumonectomy- 5/2/01

    " absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

  23. Hello Lynne

    Welcome, so very sorry to hear of Dean but glad you found us.

    First thing you may wanna do is sign in and join us cause you certainly have a need. No one has to go thru this alone so please feel free.

    Those early weeks of finding out, getting the first sets of tests and just plain dealing with the anguish and pain that goes with the diagnoses are the pits. Unfortunately, the answer's to your questions require more and more tests. So there ends up being alot of waiting and wondering. I know it sucks but it does get better so hang in there. One thing that you need to know more than anything else is that there are SURVIVORS in every stage of this disease fighting it. So there is hope! It is doable!

    David, gives excellent advice, get second opinions, it's expected with this disease, do not be afraid to confront your doctors, write your questions down on paper when you see the doc., have someone go with you to help if possible. Try to get care at a cancer center and always by specialists again if possible. Try to take it a day at a time, I know easier said than done, just try to stay away from the what if's cause you'll drive yourself nuts. Again, easier said than done.

    Hope this helps, again welcome and know your not alone

    Hang in there, you and Dean will be in my thoughts and prayers.

    God bless

    Bobmc- NSCLC- stageIIB- left pneumonectomy- 5/2/01

    " absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

  24. OUCH !!!!! :):):):):)

    Yep, Chats just not the same without ya Girl, :P:P So very HAPPY your NED, remember all else pales so CONGRATS to ya.

    Love the knife fighten biker chick stuff, I was rollen!! :lol::lol:

    Sorry about the gall stones but can't wait for the follow up's

    God is blessing ya Girl, see ya in chat Becky! :roll:

    Bobmc- NSCLC- stageIIB- left pneumonectomy- 5/2/01

    " absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

    PS - NED is No Evidence of Disease, for anyone else,

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