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Posts posted by bobmc

  1. Hello Jess

    First, welcome and so very sorry your aunt has been diagnosed with this beast. I can see from your comments and from being a survivor yourself that your quite knowledgable. I absolutely agree with your comment about not trusting the doc.'s. As survivors I feel it's paramount that we be the advocate for our own health. For me, thats means learning about the disease, getting second opinions, obtaining treatment at the best cancer facilities, joining a support group and helping others. I can also see that your aunt is very lucky to have you with all your experience in her corner. :)

    Please, please tell them to screw the stats. My own opinion is that there obsolete. There have been so many new advances in treatment over the last few years and statistical studies are just plain lagging behind. New chemo regiments, targeted therapies like Iressa, advances in radiation methods and even more thorough follow up care are outpacing the stats.

    I can't really help with the radiation concern, but would encourage her to get a second opinion. I am so far one of the lucky ones. I was stageIIB, and had my left lung removed over 2 and 1/2 yr.'s ago. I had no chemo or radiation. But, I have been a member here for over a year now and have a whole lot of knowledable friends that will provide their input.

    so my best to you the family and especially your aunt, please tell her about us and that she's not alone!! there are SURVIVORS in every stage.

    God bless and be well

    Bobmc- NSCLC- stageIIB- left pneumonectomy- 5/2/01

    " absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

  2. Hi Lynne

    So very sorry you and Dean are going through this, Please know you will be in my thoughts and prayers, Hang in there, Dean's a strong one he'll do OK.

    God bless and be well

    Bobmc- NSCLC- stageIIB- left pneumonectomy- 5/2/01

    " absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

  3. Hi Fay,

    So very glad she is doing OK, :) and yes thanks for the update;

    playing a little catch up, was out in your neck of the woods last week, the wife loves shopping on State St. in Santa Barbara; such a pretty place, your very lucky to live there

    anyway, thx again

    God bless and be well

    Bobmc- NSCLC- stageIIB- left pneumonectomy- 5/2/01

    " absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

  4. Hi Laurie;

    So very happy for your mom and you!! :D:D:D

    I think MaryAnn's got a good point, " BREATHE " & easy does it!

    again Happy for ya

    God bless

    Bobmc- NSCLC- stageIIB- left pneumonectomy- 5/2/01

    " absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

  5. Hey David;

    Very well put and we like ya on that soapbox so as long as you can stand it keep on doing it!! :):)

    Was just thinking whats happened to this group in the last year!! Remember when there was just a few of us!! Now every time a log on there seems to ten more here and many saying "thank God your here". This is the only site I see thats growing like that and I belong to a few. Something real SPECIAL happening here!! :D yea, I know I'm partial!! but I keep getting that feeling that something amazing is about to happen. Just happy to be hear, guess I'm on the soap box too. Praying for a cure for us all!!

    God bless and be well Dave!!

    Bobmc- NSCLC- stageIIB- left pneumonectomy 5/2/01

    " absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

  6. The Duke marches on!! but slowly; :D:D

    Hey Ginny so happy for the two of ya!!! :) you two are one hell of team and gettin to be a real inspiration to many of us, just keep on keepin on!!

    God bless you and the Duke!!

    Bobmc- NSCLC- stageIIB- left pneumonectomy- 5/2/01

    "absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

  7. Hello all:

    I just recieved a note from some friends at American Cancer Society. They have been campaigning to get our politicians moving on the Clean Air Act. The bill is presently stuck in the senate and as a second action step they are asking that we ( concerned citizens) make a brief phone call to the following three state legislatures:

    1) Senate Budget Committee Chairman, Wayne Bryant; 856-757-0552

    2) Senate Co-president, Richard Codey; 973-731-6770

    3) Senate Co-president, John Bennet, 32-863-1644

    The calls can be real brief, letting them know that clean air is important to us and action is needed. It's also important to state your name and zip code. They need to know it means VOTES.

    The ACS phone campaign is taking place this week only and is also being supported by NJ Breaths.; On a personal note, I just returned from California, where they are very aggressive on anti-smoking. I have recently learned that the lung cancer rate in that state dropped by 19.5% and there overall cancer rate is 10% lower on average than all the other states. I'll be calling tomorrow!!

    thanks and appreciate the help'

    God bless and be well

    Bobmc- NSCLC- stage IIB- left pneumonectomy 5/2/01

    " absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

  8. Dear Kristy and Michelle;

    I am so very sorry to hear of your mom's passing. Please accept my most sincere condolences for your loss. I know there are no words that can make it better but know that your family will be in my prayers.

    God bless

    Bobmc- NSCLC- stage IIB- left pneumonectomy- 5/2/01

    " absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

  9. Hello Nancy;

    After reading your post, I went and got my outpatient testing form that my oncologist scheduled for me. These tests will be done within the next 3 weeks. A chest X- Ray (PA & Lateral), CT scans of the head, chest and abdomen, a bone scan, and bloodwork which includes a CEA tumor profile.

    Like you, I am also 2 & 1/2 years post op. I was staged at IIB, with 1 intrapleural node affected ( pretty similar to you). I continue to see my oncologist every 3 months but am now having the ct and bone scans done every 6 months, with bloodwork and chest x-rays every 3 months. I have been complaining about back pain to him, which could be prompting him to watch me a bit closer.

    I think you have a right to complain, and I would certainly speak to your oncologist about it. And, yes, your lack of insurance unfortunately may have something to do with it. I don't know much about the insurance, you may want to make some calls or research it. I'm sure there must be options, trials, grant moneys etc. .

    Lastly, I think Judy's comments about " doing all you can, because your life depends on it" are on the mark, She is certainly an example of what can happen when things are missed. And as far as Chemo after surgery, like you I did not have it but now regret it. I discussed it with my oncologist last June and was told that yes he would have recommended it based on the lastist stats, but unfortunately it's to late now.

    hope this helps and my best to ya!!

    God bless and be well

    Bobmc- NSCLC- stageIIB- left pneumonectomy- 5/2/01

    " absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

  10. Very well said Katie!!

    Enjoy your Thanksgiving Holiday!!; when we stop to think about it we can always find something to be grateful for!!

    God bless us all, so good to be a survivor and member here today! :)

    Bobmc- NSCLC- stageIIB- left pneumonectomy- 5/2/01

    " absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

  11. Hey Jude;

    It's just nice to hear from ya, take it slow and get better; :):)

    Enjoy your Thanksgiving!! :)

    God bless and be well

    Bobmc- NSCLC- stageIIB- left pneumonectomy- 5/2/01

    " absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

  12. Greg,

    Boy nice to hear from ya, so sorry your having a time of it, :(

    Sometimes we get those days where we just have to take it as it comes, thank God were still here and say a prayer!!

    I'll be saying one for you today!

    God bless and hang in there

    Bobmc- NSCLC- stageIIB- left pneumonectomy- 5/2/01

    " absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

  13. Hi Christy;

    So very sorry to hear of Darrels recurrence. Know you will both be in my prayers.

    God bless, be well and enjoy your Thanksgiving

    Bobmc- NSCLC- stageIIB -left pneumonectomy- 5/2/01

    " absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

  14. Hi Pier;

    YES, what wonderful news, happy for ya, you and the family have a happy thanksgiving!!

    God bless and stay well

    Bobmc- NSCLC- stageIIB- left pneumonectomy 5/2/01

    " absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

  15. Hi Cindy;

    Outstanding news, so very happy for ya!! :):)

    may God continue to bless you; enjoy your Thanksgiving !!

    God bless and stay well

    Bobmc- NSCLC- stageIIB- left pneumonectomy- 5/2/01

    " absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

  16. Ahhh Francine;

    So very sorry for ya, hang in there !!! :(

    Know your not alone and you will be in my thoughts and prayers;

    God bless

    Bobmc- NSCLC- stageIIB-left pneumonectomy- 5/2/01

    "absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

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