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Posts posted by Estelleanna

  1. HI Ronna

    Great! You are a year surviver :D

    Hope you have EXCELLENT test results!!!!!

    Glad to have met you!! But would of perferred meeting else where other than here! But am glad to have met you as I know we well encourage one another!!!!! Through out the days.



  2. LEN

    Welcome! Not the way I would of like to have met you! But glad I did meet you :D

    I Think it is terrible! when a person hears such bad news as you then have to fight with the Insurance co. too! Do you have HMO? Is that why they don't want you to go univ. of chicago" That is the place to go for good treatment of cancer!

    I know so on as I was dx I went to the unvi. of wis.

    Hang In there & keep fight the Ins co.



  3. HI

    when first DX I was on a losing streak! Put on a hight fat diet.

    Had no apertite!!!

    But soon as I had my first chemo treatment the pain in stomach area stoped apertite came back! I stopped the hig fat intake!!!!!

    Now my Question is HOW TO STOP GAING WEIGHT?!!!!!!!!!

    I try to watach what I am eating!! But want to eat most of the time!!!

    I have gained 32 lb in3 mos.

    My Dr. isn't concerned about the weight gain But I am LOL!

    ((((( hugs to all )))))


  4. Welcome to the board! You are among friends!!!! Good place to come for answers, encouragement, & just to vent!

    In Dec. of 2002 I had all your symptoms you had plus couldn't lay on my left side as it would choke off my air. Also had pains around my stomach.no appetite! They ruled out everything to do with the stomach & bowl area, before taking a simple xray!!!!

    Then Bingo! everything started happening!!! That was Jan 10th 2003. Jan 13th had biopsy & cat sscan. Jan 16th was told I had cancer and was sent to UW cancer clinic. I a few pet scan & 4 more biopsies.

    Was DX Jan 23rd 2003 with stage lV NSCLC with lymth nodes around waist area.

    I have had 5 treatments of chemos & 2 cat scans already!!!!!! The cancer is Shrinking!!!! :D:D

    So it seems to me that they Are Dragging their heels with you!!! Thell them u want to HAVE a Biopsy so you know one way or the other!! ANd Can either start celerbrating :D or fighting :evil:

    Hang in there Steph!!!

    As for the smoking understand where you comming from!!! I quit a week after I was DX. I used patches tp help me. wasn't as hard as I thought it would be! Course had alot of help from my family!!!!! I had smoked for 47 yrs. Had Tried MANY!!!!!!! time before to quit & never succeed :cry:

    So I was very surprise I was able quit this time! But this time I had all stress taken from me!!!! Before I lead a VERY active & stressful life!!!!

    I told my family that I think this was GODS way of telling me to slow down & SMELL the ROSES!!

    keep us posted to what is happening with you!!!!!!

    keep you in my prayers & thoughts!



  5. Ada

    sorry to hear your sad :( news! But know that you had had time for a little cry :cry: you will pull up your sleeve & start your fighting!!!!

    you will be in my praayers!



  6. Sister

    I have had 5 chemo treatments already and it is true each one gets a little harder! But I feel its well worth it!! as the cts show that my tumors are shrinking considerabley!!!! Thats what is all about! Beating the cancer! I suffer fatiqued for the 1st 6 days aftertreatment then get energy back in time to be shot down again! LOL I also get terrible leg pains!!! I find pain pills & my family giving me leg & feet rubs helps alot!

    If you can keep her spirts up & keep her fighting!! thats half of the battle!!!!



  7. Welcome! you are among friends here!! I don't know your answer to your question either.

    But her Onc (DR) should be able to tell you what to expect & what the best treatment to take.

    Please keep us informed

    HANG In There!!! Its Tough I know!



  8. Friends!

    Had a ct. yesterday. The :Drsults was GREAT!!!! :D:D

    2nd scan I have had since I started my taxol & carbo treatment. This scan is after 4 treaments!!! The right lung a speck! the lymth nodes between lungs the tumor went from 2.3cm to 1.3 cm to a small lump.

    The tumor in left lung went from 2.8cm to 2.4 to 1.8cm

    SO I AM VERY :D:D:D:lol::lol:

    My DR is really happy that I have responded to treatment like I have!

    He was surprised I did!!! He said in my general health I did 110% turn around from the first day he seen me!!! He gave me the treatment to give me quialty of live. He is astaicc!!!! that I have responded as I have!!!!

    I had my 5th treatment also yesteday! :D One more treatment : :lol:

    Then wait 3 wks & have another ct. Then see where we go from there!

    I told my family that they could settle down now that I was going to live another 10yrs

    Comming to this site was the first thing that I did right!!! With The friends that I have acquired!! I learnt so much from YOU all!!! Thank You VERY MUCH!! You can feel so much love going & comming to from this site for EVERYONE!!!

    The Day my hubby heard I had cancer He started calling family & with in 24 hrs a circile was formed around me! & I wasn't out of the circle of love since!!! The circle has gotten bigger& bigger with all my relatives & friends!!! I was put on so many pray list!!!!!! How could I not get Better????

  9. Sister Welcome!!

    You have come to the right place!!!

    I have NSCLC stage 4. In Jan was DX & given 3 mo to live. :(

    WELL! I had no intentions of dying!!! I had just retired! Here it is 4 mo later I am still here on this earth! :D Feeling better than I have in a couple of years! So You See I Am Already a survivor!! I had 4 treatments of Taxol & Carbo so far & the turmors have shrunk considerable!!!! I am off Oxygen !!!! :D Whitch I was on before. The symthoms that I had gone to the Dr. For are all gone!!!!!

    I Plan on living for at least another 10 yrs!!!!

    Caregivers,loving family,& friends is the best medicine!!!!!!!

    Tell your sister to set a goal & go for it!!!!!! positive attitude makes all the differance !!!

    (((((hugs )))


  10. Welcome! Sorry you have to be here but it is a good place to be! if need to be!

    Attitude is have the battle & willingness to fight!

    I was told of my DX NSCLC also to lymth nodes a week after I had signed up for retirerment! I went down hill fast! was on oxygen 7/24 But I said I didn't Retire to Dye of CANCER!!!!!!

    I had 4 treatments of taxol & carbo & have improve immensely!!! off of oxygen completely!!!!

    My Hubby is my care givver & he did a TERRIFIC!!! job!!! He wasn't about to let me give up!!!!

    I sometimes think it is harder for the caregivvers than the person with cancer! CAuse as my hubby said he felt so helpless!

    Hang in there!!!

    ((((( hugs))))


  11. I was in bad shape! on oxygen 24/7 stage 4 NSCLC by the time I was DX.

    The Dr suggested just putting me on a hospice program. Dr. told my husband I had about 3 mo. left. After much questioning the Dr. deceided to put me on taxol & carbo to give me quailty to my remaining amout of time on this earth.

    After the first treatment I notice a big Change in myself & how I felt. They did a cat scan after 2 treatments & the Drs couldn't BELEIVE the differance between the 1st cat scan & the one they just took! The cancer that was in right lung gone! :D the tunmor in lymth nodes between the lungs was 2.4cm

    reduced down to 1.3 cm. :D The tumor in my left lung went from 2.8 to 2.4cm :D The cancer in my lymth nodes around the wais area gone!!!!!! :lol::lol:

    I had lost a lot of weight. but have gained it all back! PLUSSSSS :(

    So don't let Drs discourage you!!!!! I am hoping that the Chemo treatments HELP your hubby like it did me!!!!!




  12. Hi Beth

    Welcome to our loving group! :D

    I am stage 4 also! before my chemo I also was loosing weight & couldn't eat!!! My family kept forcing things on me.

    Ater my 2nd chemo My appetitecame back in a flourish!!! :shock: I can NOT STOP EATING!!!! I have gained all my weight back pluss!!! I am trying to watch my weight now but not having very good luck! LOL

    Chemo didn't make me sick at all! Just tired & attackked my legs for 5 days after treatment.

    Hang in there we are all rooting for you!!!!

    (((((HUGS )))))


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