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Everything posted by Estelleanna

  1. Me too Don think You Great!! I can feel your gentleness flowing right through cyber space!!!!!! ((((HUGS))))) Estelle
  2. Julies I got a blood clot after my 3rd treatment of Chemo taxol & carbo. Took the drs 6 weeks to get my bood thin out I am now on 10 mgs a day of WARFARIN. Til then had to give myself shots of LOVENOX twice aday. No fun! My leg still swells up if on it too much! It is discouraging but we will get through it!!!! Hang in there ((((((HUGS))))))) Estelle
  3. Andrea WELCOME! Can't add much the others haven't already said. Just wasnted u to know that you are among friends that is just like family! Estelle
  4. HI Welcome to our family! But sorry your are apart of our family! I was DX 1/2003 4th stage lung cancer. I am being treated with Chemo Taxol & Carbo 6 treatments every 3 weeks I get a treatment. A week after my first treatment my symthoms sp? started going away. Coughing stopped & ect. After each treatment first fell rotten (lol) then feel great & getting better all the time! Each person is different & reactions are different. Keep asking your Dr.s question!! Hang in there & don't give up! It is very hard When you first learn about the cancer for both the patient & spouce or caregiverI know for my hubby it was very hard!!!! He felt so helpless!! We have been married 40 yrs. (((((((HUGS)))))))) for the both of you! Estelle
  5. Estelleanna

    Lucie Update

    Don & Lucie GREAT NEWS So happy for the 2 of you! Estelle
  6. although the cat scan was on March 26th & was told it was a good scan wasn't told the particulars cause Dr. In A hurry. So went for my 4th chemo yesterday and found out the particulars of the cat scan AFTER only 2 chemo treatments! left lung tumor 2.8 to 2.4 not much but at least not growning lymth node between the 2 lungs 2.3 to 1.2 right lung just a very small speck!!!! the lymth nodes around adomal area gone so was VERY PLEASED!!!! Having another cat scan on May 7th. really looking forward to it had been on oxygen 7/24 now just at night. Probably could get off althogether, but drs. want me to be on it for percausetion measures. Estell
  7. Renee Great News Drs. don't know every thing! I sometimes think that Drs forget that we are indualvituals (sp) and all react different! Sending (((((((((Hugs)))))))) Estelle
  8. Hi Twinkletoes Welcome aboard! Yes! This is A very nice site!!! Lots of loving caring people! This site helped me when I was DX in Jan. Hang in there don't give up! My prayers will be with you! Estelle
  9. Minnie sorry to hear about your Mom. Hang in there! Don't give up hope! My Prqyers & thoughts are with you! Estelle
  10. I have NSCLC stage IV am taking chemo treaments. Have had 2 treaments already. Don't have bad side affects except for leg muscle & bone aches for about 6 days after my treatment. My body is listening that I don't intend to die of lung cancer for a few more years! As the problems I have had before the treatment is either gone or largely improved!!! But now my body deceided to test my self esteem!!!! just to see how much I really want to live!!! My right leg just wouldn't give up the pain I was having even though it was 9 days after my treatment I finialy called the Dr yesterday about it & had to go right to the hospital for a dobbler xray of my leg. Found I had blood clots I have to take one Warfarin a day pluss 2 shots aday. I freaked out when I found out I had to give them to myself Well! I am finding out that God is showing me that I can DO!!! different things that I always said I could never do! I found out I can do 3 things that ( I couldn't never do) since the 2 months that I have lung cancer. Yes I am giving mt self shots!!! I am ready for a new day! and on my guard for any new surprises!!
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