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Posts posted by kitkathi

  1. Lynne,

    I'm sorry, I couldn't help but laugh!! Glad you're an "overachiever" with your hands:-) Good luck on your "fitness" journey. I am on one myself...been hitting the gym 5 days a week.....


  2. Hi All,

    I'll be off the boards for a few days 'cause I'm going to Vegas. I'm meeting my brother there for some rest and relaxation. Okay who am I kidding??....I'm sure I will absolutely get NO rest or relaxation whatsoever!! I'm escaping from my kid, husband and any responsibility (well I'll TRY to be somewhat responsible) :-)


  3. Yuk....the Chinese food in the U.S is way too greasy and makes me sick (homemade is another story). I love all Asian food EXCEPT for Chinese.

    TPBM spends at least 1 day a week wearing their PJ's all day.

  4. Okay........I think it would me more interesting to state the reason behind your answer (just 'cause I am interested in why people think one over the other is better or worse).....then post the new question.

    If your a man I think too short would be worse because society seems to not take short men seriously (according to social science research).

    If your a woman I think too tall would be worse because men tend to "be afraid or intimidated" by tall women.

    Question: bad breath or body oder??


  5. Last week was my husbands birthday. It was very sad for me since Pop's always sent him a birthday card. My dad was pretty amazing. He did all of the grocery shopping (even when he was sick...as long as he could get into the wheel chair, his best friend would wheel him around the grocery stores, mall, etc every Saturday...it was there normal routine), he bought and wrote out all of the birthday, anniversary, Easter, and Christmas cards and presents (mom just signed the cards). He did ALL (seriously) of the Christmas shopping.In fact, when he was in the hospital the last time, I told him he had to hang on or he is condeming all of the family to a boring Christmas because we know that mom would either send cash or gift cards. Dad bought such wonderful and thoughful gifts for everyone he knew.

    Every other year (when I went home for Christmas) Pop's would drag me up out of bed a O'dark hundred to go to the after-Christmas shopping sales. We would hit the early-bird stores first and then go have breakfast together...just the two of us.

    When he died we found a birthday gift that he had bought for his best friend. A few weeks after we went to his best friends house for a bbq before I left (it was also his birthday in a few days). I had wrapped the gift (in sponge bob paper of course...Pop's favorite)and brought it over. He couldn't even open it in front of us because he was already in tears just handing it to him.

    Anyway, don't mean to go on but it is just another reminder of how things are changing. I love my mom a lot but I was Pop's little girl and I miss him so much. He taught me so much and there was still so much to learn.....


  6. Yes Cindi,

    When I was walking alone I did talk to Pop's a lot. It was very emotional for me and it is probably very good that I was alone so people couldn't see me cry. Funny thing though, is that I used to be pretty harden to crying. I didn't cry for anything. Since Pop's illness, I have been very emotional. So I think that it is good for me to be able to "let it out". I have become very humbled and become a lot more compassionate by the whole cancer experience.


  7. Hi All,

    Today the Gail P. Ramos Lung Cancer Foundation put on it's 2nd Annual 5k/10k run/walk to raise money for lung cancer research. I met our (LCSC) own Natalie at this event last year and met up with her again this year. She has been doing an amazing job helping out this foundation with raising funds etc. So hurrah for Natalie!! We cried, hugged, and laughed. The weather was great as was the scenic route. I walked/donated in memory of those we have lost and those who are still fighting this beast.

    On a funny note (although not at the time)....

    The walkers started after the runners so we wouldn't be trampled. I walked with a very nice group of people. They turned around at the half way point for the 5k walk so I said goodbye and continued on. After a while I noticed many runners going past me heading back to start line. Then I literally didn't see anyone. No runners, no walkers. I thought this was a bit odd. So when I reached the 5k mark and turned around I still didn't see anyone; the water distributors were supposed to be there but it was just me. So I kept trucking along and at one point got a little off the beaten path (okay I was lost...at least a mile out of the way). So I got back on track and headed back. There are only a few people hanging around having refreshments at the finish line. Most everyone had already gone home. Apparently the 10k was really just for runners, so I was the lone walker :oops: Hmmm...I was slightly embarassed. They thought everyone was back a while ago because apparently someone said that "they" were the last person. So next time I will READ the pamplet a little more closely.


  8. I used to work for a bank in Nebraska. The bathroom is located in the basement of the bank. I went to the bathroom downstairs and then had to cross the lobby to get to where the tellers are. Well apparently the back of my skirt (almost a mini skirt) got tucked into my pantyhose and I didn't realize it. So my "behind" was pretty much completely exposed to the customers. It wasn't until I got behind the teller counter that someone told me. Whew I was *RED*. What made it worse was that during the Christmas party that year, the bank manager brings is up when he announced me as "employee of the year". He said something like, "Kathi will go to extreme measures to keep clients happy." Then he refered to the "incident". I don't think it can get worse than that (for me).


  9. Val,

    I know what you mean. Right now is a lot harder for me than July 3rd. I kept myself so busy that I didn't have time to think of it. Now, when I'm sitting quietly is when I think of pop's the most. Flashes of his face in the hospital is what I see. Seems like yesterday doesn't it?


  10. Cathy,

    I know what you mean when you say that things are out of whack and you are getting used to the "new normal". I feel the same way. I used to call my pop's every single day (at least once). I feel so lost without that phone call. I also worry about "cancer" more for my husband because he has a long history of lung cancer in his family (my FIL also has lung cancer NSCLC -- stable right now, my husbands grandpa died of LC, his uncle and so on).

    This Sunday I am going on a 10K run put on by The Ramos Lung Cancer Foundation. I will run in memory of those lost and those fighting. I will say a special prayer for your dad in heaven....


  11. I have the Powerball lottery ticket that my dad made me go buy the day before he died. He picked out the numbers. Even in his last hours he was holding out for the "jackpot". I think I'll play his numbers out here in California......


  12. My "real" name is Katherine. Living in Asia and Europe (over 10 years)gave way to several different versions of Katherine or Kathi because some cultures had problems pronouncing my name.

    The Koreans and Japanese always call/ed me Katie because they can't pronounce the "th" sound.

    The Italians and Spainards always call me Catarina.

    The Germans/Nederlanders always call me Katia.

    Two of my male friends call me Beth (Elizabeth is my middle name) because both of their ex-wives are named Katherine (really) and they can't stand the name :-)

    My mom always calls me by my sisters name Christina because she is the eldest. Eventually she gets to the right kids name!!

    So I really never wished to be called anything special because I always had a variety.


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