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Hopefully everyone should see the site like it used to be..


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Hopefully everyone now sees the site just like it used to be.. If you are still seeing the site in a blue format, you need to clear your cache to get it back to the original look.

Too many nays on the new design so we have returned to the same original one. Hope everyone is having a nice weekend.. We are just sitting here wondering what has happened to our Dallas Cowboys...


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Katie and Rick,

Thank you! I can only imagine how many hours and hours and hours of work were put into the new design of the website before it was put up.

I just want to say, your hard work and dedication to this website is incredible. People literally have full time occupations of just maintaining a website such as this one and get paid a lot of money; you both do this in addition to your regular life and job.

Do what works best for you with the format of the website. Especially since this is not a pay website, it is a privilege to use it and have it as a resource regardless of format.

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Rick and Katie,

Ditto what Angela said. I want to thank you for all of your hard work. If the new format is easier for some reason for you guys, then change it, but I am just now beginning to find my way around all of the great ways to work this site.

Thank you.


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:oops: I was to eager to be a smarty pants over the Bengals finaly winning a game. I want to also say thank you to Rick & Katie for all there time and hard work. I know how much time you both put in on top of working and raising a family. I really appreciate all that you both do.

I am still glad the Bengals won though. :wink:

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I never saw it the new way, so guess I didn't miss much, huh? Oh well.

I was wondering what you'd done to MY Cowboys -- I'm a native Texan, and can't recall a Sunday afternoon in my young life that we weren't plastered in front of the television set watching the Cowboys play someone! Back then, they NEVER won -- it was a while before they would reach their heyday, but we were surely loyal!

We have the Titans here now, formerly the Houston Oilers, but I don't pay a lot of attention to them, because we got Bud Adams in the deal when we got them! I've been mad at him ever since he fired Bum Phillips.

Oh well.


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