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or else I am going to end up with some kind of dark meat looking pass, yech!

Ok, so drumstick and giblets have been taken. I am not proud, I will take a wing so someone else can have the breasts--like maybe, Bruce, lol! I mean maybe he is not going to Dollywood and will be missing the real thing!

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Geez, Elaine....you could be starting a pre-Thanksgiving riot, ya know, by bringing up the breast pass! :roll::D

Ry's gotta have passes shaped like a bowl full of cranberries...or how about the ol' punkin pie pass, or the one shaped like a gravy dish? We still got options here! :wink:

Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving, E....and you too, Peggy. In fact, Happy Thanksgiving to all and to those who are traveling....be safe!

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Why ask for a wing when you have have the entire dessert tray? What's your favorite dessert? I'll put aside the pumpkin pie and if you want to exchange it for something else you can.. I hope you have a wonderful holiday Elaine. You neglected to say where you were going but since its a holiday I'll let ya slide.


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I'm not that picky Ry. Give me whatever is left. Let the ladies have first choice. I will take the one shaped like a deviled egg if no one else wants it. Was just thinking....maybe we should use the supply and demand rule her. Maybe we could sell or auction the passes off.

On a more serious side now, let's all stop and count our blessings that we are here for another Thanksgiving holiday. Let's remember as we eat our meal tomorrow that some people don't have the meal. Invite a neighbor over or if that is not possible then take them a plate. I am sure we will all have leftovers. I know most will not be on board tomorrow or at least till late so......HAPPY THANKSGIVING.

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Bruce, and to think, I figured you for a breast man!

But instead you are a devil egg. 8) I should have known, lol.

Thank you for your good wishes, and back atcha! You are THE kindest of kind and thoughtful people.


Ry, I am headed "home" and on the way I am stopping at AmyPs to steal homemade pies off her windiwsill, LOL.

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Ok Bruce you are soooo lucky no one in the chicken cult has requested the deviled egg. :P

Thank you for the nice holiday wishes and reminding us to remember others. We always have a guy come to our house that I worked with years ago. He has cerebral palsy, is in a wheelchair, and always has such a great time here it makes me feel good the rest of the year. He used to be able to eat but now he's on a feeding tube so he just comes for the company.

We're getting a bad snow storm here (our first) so I am glad we are staying home. All the best to you.


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